Записки Печорской экспедиции. Ухта – Ижма

Ухта. Ранний выезд традиционно не удался, отчалили от гостиницы лишь в начале десятого утра. Мороз держится стабильно на уровне около -20º. Впереди последний перегон до заветного «медвежьего угла», сегодня мы должны достигнуть села Ижма.

Выезжаем по дороге на Вуктыл, она ровна и хороша, но радуемся недолго. Не доезжая Верхнего Одеса уходим на грунтовую лесную дорогу и плетемся на скорости 15-30 км/ч по удивительно изуродованному «направлению». И ведь мы едем здесь зимой, а что здесь творится летом… Приходилось видеть фотографии с этого злосчастного участка — жесть! Сейчас же народ умудряется прорываться даже на легковушках, правда, некоторые из них, очевидно, не совсем адекватны. Так, нам попался на пути потрепанный жизнью и хозяином «Жигуленок» с оторванной шаровой опорой.

Мало того, что веселая семейка, говорящая меж собой на языке коми, рискнула куда-то рвануть зимой на столь ушатанной машине, так они еще и запчастей с собой взяли с гулькин хвост. Рычаг подвески с шаровой у них с собой, к счастью, все-таки был.

Не было лишь нормального инструмента, теплой одежды, того, что можно постелить на землю во время ремонта, и… бензина! А чудо-отвертка с ручкой из березового полена как вам, нравится? С таким "снаряжением" пускаться в путешествие по 120-километровому "зимнику" в 22 градуса мороза — очередная русская рулетка.

Из-за отсутствия запаса топлива мотор был заглушен. Греться им попросту негде. И если укутанные тетки были бодряком, то один из парней, одетый в джинсы и легкую куртку, трясся как припадочный, но наотрез отказывался сесть погреться к нам в машину — типа он мужик железный и ему не холодно! И вообще, они отказывались почти от всего, пришлось их почти насильно заправить и напоить горячим чаем. В итоге, совместными усилиями их почтенный ВАЗ обрел парную копытность и способность к передвижению. Удивляет, насколько местное население зачастую халатно относится к собственной безопасности. Нам бесчисленное количество раз приходилось в разных уголках планеты спасать аборигенов в их родной стихии от холода, жары, воды и засухи… Видимо, ощущение знания местности расслабляет до отрыва от реальности.

При разъезде со встречной машиной Сергея на Ford Ranger затянуло в придорожный сугроб — пришлось разматывать лебедку.

И этот конфуз обернулся большой удачей. Сперва около нас остановился дядечка, направляющийся в село Ласта, близ Ижмы; оказывается, у него там база отдыха. А следом за ним около нас тормознул Mitsubishi L200, оттуда радостно вышел высокий, статный, бородатый мужчина, который, поняв, что мы путешественники, принялся со всеми знакомиться и рассказывать множество любопытных историй и фактов из истории края. Оказалось, он музыкант, едет в Усть-Цильму, где у его коллектива 8 января концерт… Как, оказывается, полезно застревать! Договорились встретиться с ним через день-два в Усть-Цильме.

В Ижму въехали довольно рано, часов в шесть вечера, и уж было приготовились откупоривать консервы — ведь во время моего последнего посещения этого села несколько лет назад общепитом здесь и не пахло. Однако оказалось, что открылась еще одна гостиница, где есть свое кафе! Ни секунды не раздумывая, пустили корни в гостевом доме «Пелидз» (что в переводе означает Рябина) и протестировали предлагаемый сервис. Не могу сказать, что супер, но самое главное — отношение. С этим вопросом на Ижме все в порядке: народ удивительно светлый, открытый, общительный, готовый помочь советом, знакомствами, да чем угодно. Если ты гость — достаточно обрисовать проблему тому же администратору в гостинице, и, будьте уверены, без всяких отговорок будут найдены ответы на все поставленные вопросы, найдены искомые люди и принесено то, не знаю что. Заповедный край! А солнца так и нет…

Записки Печорской экспедиции
Москва – Воровино. Авария
Москва – Великий Устюг – Вогваздино
Вогваздино – Ухта
Ухта – Ижма
Ижма – Сизябск – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Замежная – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
Харьяга – Ижма – Москва

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JA: The other thing we're also seeing might be more creative uses of uStore, including some substantial scale campaigns that combine lots of special programming and integration work. We see cases when people makes use of the XMPie solutions out with the box to produce the design, templates, plan, logic and rules, and connections for the data for cross-media campaigns. But we're also also seeing more complicated deployments using APIs, ICPs and building custom integration in addition to uStore for connecting multiple enterprise systems within a truly integrated application. We are simply just with the very start of the tremendous expanded possiblity to enable the deployment of integrated enterprise solutions, also it is quite, extreme fun. ,custom shipping boxes sticky labels
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As most of us know firsthand, being competent to effectively sell our services is starting to become an increasing number of important. As with virtually any industry nowadays, there hasn't ever been more competition—especially from our personal potential customers. In many cases, we have now to trade not merely ourselves as graphic designers, but the notion of professional graphic design normally. Anyone can throw a JPEG in to a Word document, change a number of fonts, make text red, and it is known as graphic design. But will it be really? And, let’s admit it, isn’t using Comic Sans a cry for help? ,custom packaging gift wrapping supplies
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Estimating is really a core function for Print MIS software, yet many printers are not able to implement this part of the system to your trusted level, hence there is a great deal of retreating time for Excel. Estimating is really a critical function that really needs being part of the integrated and measureable print management information system. ,green christmas wrapping paper packaging boxes
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Estimating is really a core function for Print MIS software, yet many printers are not able to implement this part of the system to your trusted level, hence there is a great deal of retreating time for Excel. Estimating is really a critical function that really needs being part of the integrated and measureable print management information system. ,green christmas wrapping paper packaging boxes
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They can also attempt to gather the maximum amount of production data while they can, because of the extent with the plant’s record-keeping. In situations where numbers take time and effort to return by, says Göcke, it might be possible to build a reliable picture by combining benchmark data from trade associations with whatever details the purchaser offers. ,box packaging printer labels
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They can also attempt to gather the maximum amount of production data while they can, because of the extent with the plant’s record-keeping. In situations where numbers take time and effort to return by, says Göcke, it might be possible to build a reliable picture by combining benchmark data from trade associations with whatever details the purchaser offers. ,box packaging printer labels
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It's All About Leadership: Where Are the Good Leaders in Our Industry? Part 2 wrapping paper printing label printer By Barbara Pellow October 11, 2006 -- Market positioning is very important inside arena of business communications. To succeed within our over-communicated society, a business must develop a position inside the prospect's mind--differentiating its products within the mind in the prospect. Positioning is usually a powerful tool that allows an organization to shape its image. Image would be the outward representation of the items an institution aims to get plus the leadership characteristics it brings towards the market. That's why it really is so essential for graphic communications companies to remodel their passion right into a market position. Recent actions within the section of Standard Register provide a great example of the philosophy in the office. On September 27, 2006, Dennis Rediker, Standard Register President and CEO with the exceptional management team invited friends of industry analysts to Dayton go over how the business is repositioning this company through effective marketing, an expanded product and services portfolio and alliances to supply its market reach. Repositioning Standard Register Dayton, Ohio-based Standard Register carries a strong heritage from the forms industry put together with strong customer relationships. From a company perspective, they have presence in over half on the Fortune 500, 20 from the top 25 loan companies and 100 from the top 150 healthcare integrated delivery networks (IDNs). It is well equipped to fulfill the requirements clients with 26 secure digital, 6 rotary and a couple of label facilities and also 22 warehouses. Standard Register produces over 1 billion digital pages each and every year and it is Web-to-print solution, SMARTworks, is deployed at 1,600 customers, with 100,000 active end-users. Repositioning is really a strategic decision that builds and expands on core competencies. With its breadth of capabilities, the management team felt is was necessary to redefine how a firm positioned itself inside the marketplace. Repositioning can be a strategic decision that builds and expands on core competencies. It can be a long-term redirection of any business versus a short-term promotion or price-cutting created to stimulate quick cash. Successful Brand Repositioning McKinsey & Company wrote a study titled Successful Brand Repositioning; Aspirational versus Achievable Strategies. It discussed the 3 essential ingredients for brand repositioning. They included: * Relevance within the customer's frame of reference. It is crucial that any repositioning strategy resonate with the consumer. * Secure the buyer's permission for that positioning. Permission amounts to some reasonable and logical extension inside the customer's eyes. Leverage the existing brand's benefits to transport customers from the present brand perception on the intended one. * Deliver for the brand's new promise. This means developing the mandatory product/service programs to be sure consistent performance up against the repositioning with customers. Positioning Based on Trust According to Standard Register Chief Marketing Officer, Brad Cates, One with the predominant messages from customers was they wanted a small business outsourcing partner they might trust to guide managing document-based information. That led us to vision statement – to get earth's most trusted document services company. Consistent with all the vision statement, Standard Register developed a whole new subject – Managing the documents you may't live without. For years, Standard Register may be managing mission critical forms that drive paper-based business process in hospitals, banking companies, insurance carriers and major manufacturers. The company is transitioning to blended paper and digital product and service offerings to control documents throughout the enterprise productively and profitably. Its strategy is surely an integrated, holistic approach, looking along the enterprise at those places where documents are made such as the desktop, internal copy-print and data centers and externally sourced document production. Standard Register analyzes and benchmarks printing practices, driving document production for the well organized alternative. It develops customer-centric goals as well as an enterprise-wide document strategy to accomplish them. It has generated measurement tools to observe progress against achievement of targets. As an end result, clients have achieved 15-half personal savings in conjunction with significant performance improvements throughout the enterprise. The service components include: * Document assessments, process re-engineering and implementation services * Document lifecycle services, design to archiving * Strategic sourcing, vendor negotiations and management services * Print supply chain optimization and management services * PrintConcierge services for on-site subject theme expertise * Print center outsourcing services for reprographics and data centers * Technology analysis, integration and implementation services Standard Register's Enterprise Document Services and Print Strategy fits within the customers can use frame of reference. It is extending its brand for an expanded class of document-related services. Securing Permission Standard Register ensured it had the purchaser's permission to say the bottom due to the redefined brand by retaining Doug McLaine from Customer Centered Consulting to conduct research having its subscriber base. The objective were to determine current and future needs and also the role that Standard Register could play in meeting those needs. Customers told Standard Register they wanted help with: * Reducing cost * Transitioning to extremely effective digital processes to reinforce efficiency and productivity * Effectively managing risks, meeting regulatory compliance and industry requirements * Driving business growth through far better communications * Supporting global operations Standard Register saw the capability to leverage vehicles equity it had established with comprehensive forms management solutions to the allied enterprise document management and print services market. Based on the business's existing customer relationships, this is really a plausible and acceptable brand extension. Delivering for the New Brand Promise Over days gone by almost a year, Standard Register may be dedicated to not simply building its brand promise base on trust, but living nearly it. A team of consultants is positioned in the client's location to map a business strategy. According to Cates, Customers have a carefully defined strategy, a atlas and timetable for streamlining processes and addressing the problems who have hampered productivity and added cost. What's more, currently the two resources and also the technology to discover that what's promised is delivered. Our clients have realized savings of 15%-50% during their enterprises. Customers obtain a carefully defined strategy, a atlas and timetable for streamlining processes and addressing the down sides which have hampered productivity and added cost. Standard Register has backed this brand promise with proof sources from key accounts including Coca Cola, Parkland Health and Hospital System and Fifth Third Bank. Linda Tuck Chapman, Sr. VP & Chief Sourcing Officer, Fifth Third Bank, talked towards the analysts concerning the impact that their bond with Standard Register has brought for my child organization. Fifth Third Bank has over 1,100 locations, primarily inside the Midwest and Florida. Standard Register originally provided mission-critical documents like MICR forms and cash orders. According to Chapman, Today, Standard Register is deploying a business document management strategy for everyone printing and print-related procurement. We have outsourced control over all print vendors to Standard Register which has a three-year contract. We did a warehouse transfer of 70 truckloads of branch supplies and printed materials with out a hitch in five days. The PrintConcierge provides outstanding on-site services to control document related processes and make sure good end-user service. And each a few months, we track performance against our business objectives. Standard Register can be a partner which includes helped us move our business forward. Standard Register further demonstrated the forex market re-positioning while using announcement associated with an alliance with HP on October 3, 2006. According to Joanna Wampler, v . p ., HP Imaging and Printing Services Americas, Our people are seeking a built-in strategy to managing documents on their organizations. They should have in mind the total tariff of ownership for those in their document supply chains, to ensure more potent decisions may be made on investments which could drive growth with regards to companies. Customers are searching for an incorporated strategy to managing documents in their organizations. Standard Register extends the breadth of print management services that HP already offers, added Wampler. The blend of HP's Managed Print Services and Standard Register's enterprise software and document services comes with a powerful and proven answer to your customers' needs. In Conclusion Repositioning Standard Register because the world's most trusted document services company is created to further improve the perceived value to the consumer and thereby increase the corporation's brand equity. The company has followed the guidance offered by McKinsey & Company for successful brand repositioning. It has centered on an achievable positioning to assist ensure meaningful share of the market results while enhancing brand image. Positioning like a provider of enterprise document management and print services is just not a shot to overreach inside the market. While effort is going to be required on Standard Register's part to realize these goals, it really should be capable of build the bridge of relevant benefits to transport customers from the present perception towards the intended brand positioning. And finally, Standard Register will ought to continually give attention to making certain it truly is effectively managing the documents that customers can't live without. ,When Robert G. Burton Calls: Is He Getting More Out of Moore
By WhatTheyThink Staff Published: June 30, 2003 ,stationery supplier booklet printing
printing-in-china.com Marketing has become a technical role. The CMO is likely to outspend the CIO in technology by 2017. Venture capitalists are rushing in to put money into marketing technology. One of the main sessions would have been a discussion with venture capitalist about this space. The information mill growing and you'll find large players; Adobe, Oracle, and Salesforce who're actively acquiring technologies to round out their offerings. The number of technology solutions in this space can be a bit mind-boggling even for somebody like me who actually loves to follow along with this sort of stuff. ,red gift wrap clear labels

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It's All About Leadership: Where Are the Good Leaders in Our Industry? Part 2 wrapping paper printing label printer By Barbara Pellow October 11, 2006 -- Market positioning is very important inside arena of business communications. To succeed within our over-communicated society, a business must develop a position inside the prospect's mind--differentiating its products within the mind in the prospect. Positioning is usually a powerful tool that allows an organization to shape its image. Image would be the outward representation of the items an institution aims to get plus the leadership characteristics it brings towards the market. That's why it really is so essential for graphic communications companies to remodel their passion right into a market position. Recent actions within the section of Standard Register provide a great example of the philosophy in the office. On September 27, 2006, Dennis Rediker, Standard Register President and CEO with the exceptional management team invited friends of industry analysts to Dayton go over how the business is repositioning this company through effective marketing, an expanded product and services portfolio and alliances to supply its market reach. Repositioning Standard Register Dayton, Ohio-based Standard Register carries a strong heritage from the forms industry put together with strong customer relationships. From a company perspective, they have presence in over half on the Fortune 500, 20 from the top 25 loan companies and 100 from the top 150 healthcare integrated delivery networks (IDNs). It is well equipped to fulfill the requirements clients with 26 secure digital, 6 rotary and a couple of label facilities and also 22 warehouses. Standard Register produces over 1 billion digital pages each and every year and it is Web-to-print solution, SMARTworks, is deployed at 1,600 customers, with 100,000 active end-users. Repositioning is really a strategic decision that builds and expands on core competencies. With its breadth of capabilities, the management team felt is was necessary to redefine how a firm positioned itself inside the marketplace. Repositioning can be a strategic decision that builds and expands on core competencies. It can be a long-term redirection of any business versus a short-term promotion or price-cutting created to stimulate quick cash. Successful Brand Repositioning McKinsey & Company wrote a study titled Successful Brand Repositioning; Aspirational versus Achievable Strategies. It discussed the 3 essential ingredients for brand repositioning. They included: * Relevance within the customer's frame of reference. It is crucial that any repositioning strategy resonate with the consumer. * Secure the buyer's permission for that positioning. Permission amounts to some reasonable and logical extension inside the customer's eyes. Leverage the existing brand's benefits to transport customers from the present brand perception on the intended one. * Deliver for the brand's new promise. This means developing the mandatory product/service programs to be sure consistent performance up against the repositioning with customers. Positioning Based on Trust According to Standard Register Chief Marketing Officer, Brad Cates, One with the predominant messages from customers was they wanted a small business outsourcing partner they might trust to guide managing document-based information. That led us to vision statement – to get earth's most trusted document services company. Consistent with all the vision statement, Standard Register developed a whole new subject – Managing the documents you may't live without. For years, Standard Register may be managing mission critical forms that drive paper-based business process in hospitals, banking companies, insurance carriers and major manufacturers. The company is transitioning to blended paper and digital product and service offerings to control documents throughout the enterprise productively and profitably. Its strategy is surely an integrated, holistic approach, looking along the enterprise at those places where documents are made such as the desktop, internal copy-print and data centers and externally sourced document production. Standard Register analyzes and benchmarks printing practices, driving document production for the well organized alternative. It develops customer-centric goals as well as an enterprise-wide document strategy to accomplish them. It has generated measurement tools to observe progress against achievement of targets. As an end result, clients have achieved 15-half personal savings in conjunction with significant performance improvements throughout the enterprise. The service components include: * Document assessments, process re-engineering and implementation services * Document lifecycle services, design to archiving * Strategic sourcing, vendor negotiations and management services * Print supply chain optimization and management services * PrintConcierge services for on-site subject theme expertise * Print center outsourcing services for reprographics and data centers * Technology analysis, integration and implementation services Standard Register's Enterprise Document Services and Print Strategy fits within the customers can use frame of reference. It is extending its brand for an expanded class of document-related services. Securing Permission Standard Register ensured it had the purchaser's permission to say the bottom due to the redefined brand by retaining Doug McLaine from Customer Centered Consulting to conduct research having its subscriber base. The objective were to determine current and future needs and also the role that Standard Register could play in meeting those needs. Customers told Standard Register they wanted help with: * Reducing cost * Transitioning to extremely effective digital processes to reinforce efficiency and productivity * Effectively managing risks, meeting regulatory compliance and industry requirements * Driving business growth through far better communications * Supporting global operations Standard Register saw the capability to leverage vehicles equity it had established with comprehensive forms management solutions to the allied enterprise document management and print services market. Based on the business's existing customer relationships, this is really a plausible and acceptable brand extension. Delivering for the New Brand Promise Over days gone by almost a year, Standard Register may be dedicated to not simply building its brand promise base on trust, but living nearly it. A team of consultants is positioned in the client's location to map a business strategy. According to Cates, Customers have a carefully defined strategy, a atlas and timetable for streamlining processes and addressing the problems who have hampered productivity and added cost. What's more, currently the two resources and also the technology to discover that what's promised is delivered. Our clients have realized savings of 15%-50% during their enterprises. Customers obtain a carefully defined strategy, a atlas and timetable for streamlining processes and addressing the down sides which have hampered productivity and added cost. Standard Register has backed this brand promise with proof sources from key accounts including Coca Cola, Parkland Health and Hospital System and Fifth Third Bank. Linda Tuck Chapman, Sr. VP & Chief Sourcing Officer, Fifth Third Bank, talked towards the analysts concerning the impact that their bond with Standard Register has brought for my child organization. Fifth Third Bank has over 1,100 locations, primarily inside the Midwest and Florida. Standard Register originally provided mission-critical documents like MICR forms and cash orders. According to Chapman, Today, Standard Register is deploying a business document management strategy for everyone printing and print-related procurement. We have outsourced control over all print vendors to Standard Register which has a three-year contract. We did a warehouse transfer of 70 truckloads of branch supplies and printed materials with out a hitch in five days. The PrintConcierge provides outstanding on-site services to control document related processes and make sure good end-user service. And each a few months, we track performance against our business objectives. Standard Register can be a partner which includes helped us move our business forward. Standard Register further demonstrated the forex market re-positioning while using announcement associated with an alliance with HP on October 3, 2006. According to Joanna Wampler, v . p ., HP Imaging and Printing Services Americas, Our people are seeking a built-in strategy to managing documents on their organizations. They should have in mind the total tariff of ownership for those in their document supply chains, to ensure more potent decisions may be made on investments which could drive growth with regards to companies. Customers are searching for an incorporated strategy to managing documents in their organizations. Standard Register extends the breadth of print management services that HP already offers, added Wampler. The blend of HP's Managed Print Services and Standard Register's enterprise software and document services comes with a powerful and proven answer to your customers' needs. In Conclusion Repositioning Standard Register because the world's most trusted document services company is created to further improve the perceived value to the consumer and thereby increase the corporation's brand equity. The company has followed the guidance offered by McKinsey & Company for successful brand repositioning. It has centered on an achievable positioning to assist ensure meaningful share of the market results while enhancing brand image. Positioning like a provider of enterprise document management and print services is just not a shot to overreach inside the market. While effort is going to be required on Standard Register's part to realize these goals, it really should be capable of build the bridge of relevant benefits to transport customers from the present perception towards the intended brand positioning. And finally, Standard Register will ought to continually give attention to making certain it truly is effectively managing the documents that customers can't live without. ,When Robert G. Burton Calls: Is He Getting More Out of Moore
By WhatTheyThink Staff Published: June 30, 2003 ,stationery supplier booklet printing
printing-in-china.com Marketing has become a technical role. The CMO is likely to outspend the CIO in technology by 2017. Venture capitalists are rushing in to put money into marketing technology. One of the main sessions would have been a discussion with venture capitalist about this space. The information mill growing and you'll find large players; Adobe, Oracle, and Salesforce who're actively acquiring technologies to round out their offerings. The number of technology solutions in this space can be a bit mind-boggling even for somebody like me who actually loves to follow along with this sort of stuff. ,red gift wrap clear labels

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Turnabout: ADVO Countersues Valassis To Force A Merger label printer color printing service John O' ,Best of Dr Joe: Comparing Technologies from the Past; More PR Euphemisms
As the news release states, the Versant 2100 can be obtained with either the modern Xerox FreeFlow FE or perhaps a Fiery from EFI, both with all the Adobe PDF engine (APPE3) and supporting all on the major variable data formats including PDF/VT. Both DFE solutions also natively support the revolutionary Xerox Stock Library Manager to create it easier to handle media profiles and help facilitate automated production. ,office accessories custom gifts
printing-in-china.com The same technology will likely be used inside the digital press with which Kodak proposes to affect the digital vs. offset “tipping point”: the Prosper Press Platform, a four-color press slated for commercial availability within the first quarter of pick up. It will debut using a 24 1/2 wide printhead array (expandable, in line with Kodak) and will probably be created for book, newspaper, direct mail, and transpromo applications. ,custom stickers boxes and packaging

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Free Special: custom business cards color printing service Dr. Joe has quite the chance to cause a disagreement about most anything economic, especially capacity utilization. Perhaps the condition of employment inside our market is showing a surprise shift in the big printing enclaves to new elements of growth. This unusual finding deserves some more scrutiny. Magazines receive a boost on the auto industry, which would be a clunker until recently. The sideways movement from the economy is clear again, but Dr. Joe was flying on top of WiFi and provides it the thumbs up. ,Publishers??Promotions Are Now Pointing Toward ????As More Divert Their Sales Efforts from Print to Web
What is management thinking now? Why would we want to change the way in which we’re doing things, everything is working great. Our current tools are fine. I am confident in my job, I am working hard and this is their explanation desire to mess that most up. ,carton box manufacturer business supplies
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Production Inkjet Heads to Scotland cheap stationery banner printing By Frank Romano Published: December 11, 2009 ,Capital Expenditures like a Percentage of Shipments by Printing Industry Segment
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Production Inkjet Heads to Scotland cheap stationery banner printing By Frank Romano Published: December 11, 2009 ,Capital Expenditures like a Percentage of Shipments by Printing Industry Segment
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