Записки Печорской экспедиции. Ухта – Ижма
Ухта. Ранний выезд традиционно не удался, отчалили от гостиницы лишь в начале десятого утра. Мороз держится стабильно на уровне около -20º. Впереди последний перегон до заветного «медвежьего угла», сегодня мы должны достигнуть села Ижма.
Выезжаем по дороге на Вуктыл, она ровна и хороша, но радуемся недолго. Не доезжая Верхнего Одеса уходим на грунтовую лесную дорогу и плетемся на скорости 15-30 км/ч по удивительно изуродованному «направлению». И ведь мы едем здесь зимой, а что здесь творится летом… Приходилось видеть фотографии с этого злосчастного участка — жесть! Сейчас же народ умудряется прорываться даже на легковушках, правда, некоторые из них, очевидно, не совсем адекватны. Так, нам попался на пути потрепанный жизнью и хозяином «Жигуленок» с оторванной шаровой опорой.
Мало того, что веселая семейка, говорящая меж собой на языке коми, рискнула куда-то рвануть зимой на столь ушатанной машине, так они еще и запчастей с собой взяли с гулькин хвост. Рычаг подвески с шаровой у них с собой, к счастью, все-таки был.
Не было лишь нормального инструмента, теплой одежды, того, что можно постелить на землю во время ремонта, и… бензина! А чудо-отвертка с ручкой из березового полена как вам, нравится? С таким "снаряжением" пускаться в путешествие по 120-километровому "зимнику" в 22 градуса мороза — очередная русская рулетка.
Из-за отсутствия запаса топлива мотор был заглушен. Греться им попросту негде. И если укутанные тетки были бодряком, то один из парней, одетый в джинсы и легкую куртку, трясся как припадочный, но наотрез отказывался сесть погреться к нам в машину — типа он мужик железный и ему не холодно! И вообще, они отказывались почти от всего, пришлось их почти насильно заправить и напоить горячим чаем. В итоге, совместными усилиями их почтенный ВАЗ обрел парную копытность и способность к передвижению. Удивляет, насколько местное население зачастую халатно относится к собственной безопасности. Нам бесчисленное количество раз приходилось в разных уголках планеты спасать аборигенов в их родной стихии от холода, жары, воды и засухи… Видимо, ощущение знания местности расслабляет до отрыва от реальности.
При разъезде со встречной машиной Сергея на Ford Ranger затянуло в придорожный сугроб — пришлось разматывать лебедку.
И этот конфуз обернулся большой удачей. Сперва около нас остановился дядечка, направляющийся в село Ласта, близ Ижмы; оказывается, у него там база отдыха. А следом за ним около нас тормознул Mitsubishi L200, оттуда радостно вышел высокий, статный, бородатый мужчина, который, поняв, что мы путешественники, принялся со всеми знакомиться и рассказывать множество любопытных историй и фактов из истории края. Оказалось, он музыкант, едет в Усть-Цильму, где у его коллектива 8 января концерт… Как, оказывается, полезно застревать! Договорились встретиться с ним через день-два в Усть-Цильме.
В Ижму въехали довольно рано, часов в шесть вечера, и уж было приготовились откупоривать консервы — ведь во время моего последнего посещения этого села несколько лет назад общепитом здесь и не пахло. Однако оказалось, что открылась еще одна гостиница, где есть свое кафе! Ни секунды не раздумывая, пустили корни в гостевом доме «Пелидз» (что в переводе означает Рябина) и протестировали предлагаемый сервис. Не могу сказать, что супер, но самое главное — отношение. С этим вопросом на Ижме все в порядке: народ удивительно светлый, открытый, общительный, готовый помочь советом, знакомствами, да чем угодно. Если ты гость — достаточно обрисовать проблему тому же администратору в гостинице, и, будьте уверены, без всяких отговорок будут найдены ответы на все поставленные вопросы, найдены искомые люди и принесено то, не знаю что. Заповедный край! А солнца так и нет…
Записки Печорской экспедиции
Москва – Воровино. Авария
Москва – Великий Устюг – Вогваздино
Вогваздино – Ухта
Ухта – Ижма
Ижма – Сизябск – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Замежная – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
Харьяга – Ижма – Москва
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China loves pork too much best water filter pure water systemsmanufacturers The Environment Agency still had four severe flood warnings available last night along the Don valley, which has a further 21 standard warnings, 13 inside north-east including Yorkshire, and eight in East Anglia. Two inshore lifeboats were moved for the Don sector from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Forecasters said how the disintegration of the had initially looked as being a solid rainfall front had spared the waterlogged centres with the flooding crisis coming from a second inundation. ,Water tables
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And he said: It is often a pity that the government, having first promised a marine bill in 2004, has dithered for so long before getting to this stage while our marine habitats have deteriorated. ,water purification whole house water filtration system
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California drought emergency persists through spring storm clean water reverse osmosis water system What is the importance of water inside nexus debate? ,Ethical living: is it worth reusing our hotel towels?
And he said: It is often a pity that the government, having first promised a marine bill in 2004, has dithered for so long before getting to this stage while our marine habitats have deteriorated. ,water purification whole house water filtration system
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Its myriad gorges, sheer cliffs and towering spires remained a largely hidden secret. Prehistoric peoples farmed part in the canyon and Navajo Indian communities built camps close to the river, but few modern Americans ventured there besides explorers before canyon disappeared within man-made wonder, the vast Lake Powell, while using construction of Glen Canyon dam half century ago. ,whole house water filtration system ??a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter
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WaterAid reaction to UK government coalition Mid term review whole house water filter water filter company It's a house through the past, working for that future, said Dr Nigel Mellors, associate dean of science, engineering and technology at Salford and one of the team managing a project aimed to last two decades or more. ,Water: an investment to tap in to
Its myriad gorges, sheer cliffs and towering spires remained a largely hidden secret. Prehistoric peoples farmed part in the canyon and Navajo Indian communities built camps close to the river, but few modern Americans ventured there besides explorers before canyon disappeared within man-made wonder, the vast Lake Powell, while using construction of Glen Canyon dam half century ago. ,whole house water filtration system ??a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter
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Wake up to the danger of slug pesticides best water softner refrigerator water filters The UN estimates that a lot more than $20bn 12 months is needed for greater than a decade to offer a the least clean water and sanitation for the poorest. And which is just inside the developing world. Thousands of cities worldwide have did not keep up making use of their growth and old water systems are cracking up. Up to 70% of most water and sanitation projects - small and large - fail within a few years, sometimes because there's no money to keep them. Global bodies hope that the private sector will invest heavily, but this can be politically contentious because water is seen being a public resource. Water privatisation has a mixed record, which is beset with political and financial scandals. The public sector believes which it has the expertise, nevertheless it lacks the amount of money. Governments of poor countries say they cannot attract global funds, yet they continue to finance huge armies, and rich countries which may easily spend on water reform are loth to get without benefiting their very own companies. Priorities are going to have to alter. ,USAid agency seeks assurances over Somalia famine relief effort
Not only people can efficiently protect themselves by continuing to keep their children indoors and wearing facemasks however they demand change and also the government is addressing this by creating plans to deal with the problem, he added. ,shower filter best water softner manufacturers
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Wake up to the danger of slug pesticides best water softner refrigerator water filters The UN estimates that a lot more than $20bn 12 months is needed for greater than a decade to offer a the least clean water and sanitation for the poorest. And which is just inside the developing world. Thousands of cities worldwide have did not keep up making use of their growth and old water systems are cracking up. Up to 70% of most water and sanitation projects - small and large - fail within a few years, sometimes because there's no money to keep them. Global bodies hope that the private sector will invest heavily, but this can be politically contentious because water is seen being a public resource. Water privatisation has a mixed record, which is beset with political and financial scandals. The public sector believes which it has the expertise, nevertheless it lacks the amount of money. Governments of poor countries say they cannot attract global funds, yet they continue to finance huge armies, and rich countries which may easily spend on water reform are loth to get without benefiting their very own companies. Priorities are going to have to alter. ,USAid agency seeks assurances over Somalia famine relief effort
Not only people can efficiently protect themselves by continuing to keep their children indoors and wearing facemasks however they demand change and also the government is addressing this by creating plans to deal with the problem, he added. ,shower filter best water softner manufacturers
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Chenglei wipes his brow while working his family’s farmland about the edge of the opencast coalmine near Qian’an. China’s recent economic downturn is responsible for nearby factories to de-activate. But open pit mining has already damaged the local environment. ,water softener water filtration companies
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Atkins Ciwem environmental photographer of the year 2014 winners ??in pictures home water systems reverse osmosis water system More than 330 million people in sub-Saharan Africa still live without access to clean normal water. In 2006, Achim Steiner, executive director in the United Nations Environment Programme, underlined the viability of rainwater harvesting and storage ??instead of relying on boreholes for groundwater ??like a buffer against droughts. The United Nations Commission for Africa?? Water Vision for 2025 (pdf), launched during 2009, created a road map for that equitable and sustainable use and control over water. ,Eco-farming brings hope to Brazil's dry north-east
Chenglei wipes his brow while working his family’s farmland about the edge of the opencast coalmine near Qian’an. China’s recent economic downturn is responsible for nearby factories to de-activate. But open pit mining has already damaged the local environment. ,water softener water filtration companies
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Things are going to look wrong a lot more often, so expect mini-disasters. Cars, trains, roads, and buildings, flood barriers, drains, underground systems, reservoirs, power stations, ports and all sorts of are designed for existing temperatures, sea levels and rainfall, and might be overwhelmed in future. Railway lines will buckle easier, nuclear power stations are certain to get flooded more easily, building cooling systems will likely be inadequate, flat roofs will leak countless concrete structures will be like ovens. Designers will must rethink the way things are made. ,water softener system home water systems
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Things are going to look wrong a lot more often, so expect mini-disasters. Cars, trains, roads, and buildings, flood barriers, drains, underground systems, reservoirs, power stations, ports and all sorts of are designed for existing temperatures, sea levels and rainfall, and might be overwhelmed in future. Railway lines will buckle easier, nuclear power stations are certain to get flooded more easily, building cooling systems will likely be inadequate, flat roofs will leak countless concrete structures will be like ovens. Designers will must rethink the way things are made. ,water softener system home water systems
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Oasis in the desert whole house water filter shower filter There are already early signs of the already, notably in 2003, during a European drought and also heat wave whose intensity climate scientists say was on account of global warming. At its height, flows about the Loire, France’s longest river and the place to find many nuclear power plants, were reduced to some trickle. French electricity generators needed to shut or power down 17 reactors for want of cooling water. ,Dreaming of good health: Rose's story
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Meanwhile, Paul Miner, senior planning officer with the Campaign to Protect Rural England, said: ,water purification ro water purifier
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Water shortages and drought are the next scourge, warns US group water filter company water filtration system 'In the arid landscape of Andalucia lies Europe?? first commercially operated solar thermal plant. Six hundred giant mirrors direct the sun?? rays on water pipes, creating steam that drives turbines to create electricity. The eventual aim is to fulfill the vitality needs of Seville. Renewable energy is starting to create a significant impact and could help us to lessen our dependence on classic fuels' ,Fightback starts against invasive species that threaten British plants and animals
Meanwhile, Paul Miner, senior planning officer with the Campaign to Protect Rural England, said: ,water purification ro water purifier
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Sulphur compounds from the mill have damaged lakeside forests, Vazhenkov said. ,refrigerator water filters Water Treatment system
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China and India 'water grab' dams put ecology of Himalayas in danger best water filter system shower filter Mauro claims ownership of large swaths of Barra da Tijuca, but he could be cited in a large number of local lawsuits. In 2008, the ministry of labour discovered 70 workers moving into slave-like conditions on one of his estates. ,In the spotlight: reflections on our 2014 Annual Supporters Meeting
Sulphur compounds from the mill have damaged lakeside forests, Vazhenkov said. ,refrigerator water filters Water Treatment system
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Anger at Putin decision to allow Lake Baikal paper mill to reopen water softner water purifier Nile-Lake Victoria north Africa ,Privatisation is water under the bridge
Critics have promised demonstrations and so are staging an alternate forum at Istanbul's Bilgi University to promote public sector solutions. ,home water filtration water purification systems
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Cox pilots AWG back to utilities water softener system reverse osmosis water filter Those communities use 39% more water per capita than the state of hawaii average ??and local authorities have little recourse in the event it comes to cracking recorded on overuse. ,Arctic ice coverage area shrinking faster than expected
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Wake up to the danger of slug pesticides reverse osmosis water filter system home water filtration A work in progress in northern Quebec, east of James Bay. The project - known because Eastmain-1-A/Sarcelle/Rupert Project - is designed to boost hydro-electric power to the Canadian province. This image is often a wide-area view of the project, and yes it shows the Eastmain reservoir, which lies about 800km (500 miles) north of Montreal. A layer of ice lingers about the reservoir's surface, with aspects of open water appearing in darker shades of blue. Cracks about the ice span the reservoir, especially in the south ,Hydropower schemes surge in decade, Environment Agency figures show
An NRDC spokesperson told National Business Daily: Although Apple has said hello will check out the suppliers mentioned in the report, it hasn't responded directly towards the calls made with the NRDC, nor has it provided proposals or timetables for solving the problems. But that, in comparison with the company's earlier silence, is really a good start, the spokesperson said. ,water filtration companies water treatment systems
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Wake up to the danger of slug pesticides reverse osmosis water filter system home water filtration A work in progress in northern Quebec, east of James Bay. The project - known because Eastmain-1-A/Sarcelle/Rupert Project - is designed to boost hydro-electric power to the Canadian province. This image is often a wide-area view of the project, and yes it shows the Eastmain reservoir, which lies about 800km (500 miles) north of Montreal. A layer of ice lingers about the reservoir's surface, with aspects of open water appearing in darker shades of blue. Cracks about the ice span the reservoir, especially in the south ,Hydropower schemes surge in decade, Environment Agency figures show
An NRDC spokesperson told National Business Daily: Although Apple has said hello will check out the suppliers mentioned in the report, it hasn't responded directly towards the calls made with the NRDC, nor has it provided proposals or timetables for solving the problems. But that, in comparison with the company's earlier silence, is really a good start, the spokesperson said. ,water filtration companies water treatment systems
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Rising energy prices will challenge western way of life ???oD report water softener system reverse osmosis water filter A Nepali porter walks over a suspension bridge over a deep valley near Labja Dorhan on his way to the Himalayan capital of scotland - Namche Bazar. Mountaineers are generating their approach to Everest a year after an avalanche killed 16 guides and triggered an unprecedented shutdown in the world?? highest peak. Some are returning after being forced to abandon their attempt around the summit in 2014 through the chaos and recriminations that followed the deadliest disaster ever to hit Everest ,Why is Britain so short of water?
Ground zero for that recent flurry of online outrage is Weifang, a town of 8 million in coastal Shandong province that's known primarily for its annual kite-flying festival. Last week, Weifang's web users accused local paper mills and chemical plants of directly pumping industrial waste in to the city's water supply 1,000 meters underground, causing cancer rates inside the area to skyrocket. ,house water filter wastewater treatment equipment
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Rising energy prices will challenge western way of life ???oD report water softener system reverse osmosis water filter A Nepali porter walks over a suspension bridge over a deep valley near Labja Dorhan on his way to the Himalayan capital of scotland - Namche Bazar. Mountaineers are generating their approach to Everest a year after an avalanche killed 16 guides and triggered an unprecedented shutdown in the world?? highest peak. Some are returning after being forced to abandon their attempt around the summit in 2014 through the chaos and recriminations that followed the deadliest disaster ever to hit Everest ,Why is Britain so short of water?
Ground zero for that recent flurry of online outrage is Weifang, a town of 8 million in coastal Shandong province that's known primarily for its annual kite-flying festival. Last week, Weifang's web users accused local paper mills and chemical plants of directly pumping industrial waste in to the city's water supply 1,000 meters underground, causing cancer rates inside the area to skyrocket. ,house water filter wastewater treatment equipment
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Dig for victory whole house water filter whole house water treatment Presently, Cong says the entire area under formal irrigation in Uganda is 14,418 hectares (35,612 acres) out of nearly 560,000 hectares with irrigation potential. The plan is to boost the utilisation of category A land from 5% to 10% by 2015, to 25% by 2020 and also to 70% by 2035. ,You ask, they answer: SABMiller, beer brewer
National and local governments, together with the private sector, all possess a role to adopt bold action. In some cases, the non-public sector appears to get taking the lead and is also working after dark fence line to handle core drivers of water woes. ,water softener water treatment
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Dig for victory whole house water filter whole house water treatment Presently, Cong says the entire area under formal irrigation in Uganda is 14,418 hectares (35,612 acres) out of nearly 560,000 hectares with irrigation potential. The plan is to boost the utilisation of category A land from 5% to 10% by 2015, to 25% by 2020 and also to 70% by 2035. ,You ask, they answer: SABMiller, beer brewer
National and local governments, together with the private sector, all possess a role to adopt bold action. In some cases, the non-public sector appears to get taking the lead and is also working after dark fence line to handle core drivers of water woes. ,water softener water treatment
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Of course, pollution damage isn't restricted to standing waters. One of the biggest shocks of my career originated in looking at streams inside the late 1990s, implementing a European project studying the impacts of soil tilling techniques on stream water quality. To find clean-water control streams, we searched headwaters across southern England. We found just five permanent 100m stream lengths that have been not impacted. ,??a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter water treatment systems
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Fracking and water: what we can learn from the US experience ro water purifier whole house water treatment When the lawn goes brown, don't panic - just leave it's. It'll come back with all the rain in the autumn. If that brown patch of earth really bothers you, you'll be able to always get rid in the lawn altogether. ,Climate change in Somaliland: 'My children get very hungry' ??in pictures
Of course, pollution damage isn't restricted to standing waters. One of the biggest shocks of my career originated in looking at streams inside the late 1990s, implementing a European project studying the impacts of soil tilling techniques on stream water quality. To find clean-water control streams, we searched headwaters across southern England. We found just five permanent 100m stream lengths that have been not impacted. ,??a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter water treatment systems
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It?? a challenge that needs our very close attention plus an urgent path forward, Steve Bohlen, head of the state department of conservation?? oil and gas division, told reporters Monday. ,water softner reverse osmosis system
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It?? a challenge that needs our very close attention plus an urgent path forward, Steve Bohlen, head of the state department of conservation?? oil and gas division, told reporters Monday. ,water softner reverse osmosis system
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Thames Water ??a private equity plaything that takes us for fools water treatment systems reverse osmosis water filter system The glaciologist admits that you can find large uncertainties. However, according to him, what's for sure is the fact that glaciers will shrink massively. Even in the unlikely best-case climate scenario, glaciers will forfeit more than 70 percent of the size before end from the century. And within the worst case? There wouldn't be any glaciers any more at all. ,Theatre-inspired poems raise thousands for WaterAid
If water is a real precious resource, why's rainwater harvesting not really a standard requirement in new buildings, especially in parts of higher probability of drought ? ,water purification home water filtration
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Decade of drought: a global tour of seven recent water crises water treatment systems drinking water treatment? Almost all beaches (99.5%) in England fulfill the basic standards for clean bathing water, with just two spots failing to achieve the mandatory grade this coming year: Lyme Regis Church Cliff Beach, Dorset, and Staithes, North Yorkshire. ,How to fix a leaky tap and save water
A group of storms lining up on the Pacific Ocean was welcome news in parched California, despite their potential for causing flash floods and mudslides. But authorities cautioned that even the wettest of winters can’t replenish depleted reservoirs and aquifers unless everyone keeps pitching in. ,best water softner water systems
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Five things we've learned about the state of the UK's environment clean water filtered water Of course, it's impossible to find out for certain whether TMR has peaked once and for all ??but Goodall's research paper presents a lot of interesting samples of consumption and waste falling in various different categories. Let's briefly look with the data for a lot of of these. ,Fertile ground for exploitation
Fluoridation is only going to take place if the water authority may be asked to complete so by a strategic health authority, after consultation at local level indicates sufficient support because of it. ,filtered water commercial water Purifiers
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Five things we've learned about the state of the UK's environment clean water filtered water Of course, it's impossible to find out for certain whether TMR has peaked once and for all ??but Goodall's research paper presents a lot of interesting samples of consumption and waste falling in various different categories. Let's briefly look with the data for a lot of of these. ,Fertile ground for exploitation
Fluoridation is only going to take place if the water authority may be asked to complete so by a strategic health authority, after consultation at local level indicates sufficient support because of it. ,filtered water commercial water Purifiers
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Adeel suggests a few pioneering companies may make lead, instead of the government intervening. This in turn would spur industry-wide initiatives. ,water filtration system water treatment systems
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Farmers versus big business: the politics of irrigation in Tanzania whole house water treatment Water Treatment system In Section 6 the licence granted according of graphical and photographic works listed in us was updated to include print use. ,Where water is more precious than gold: Iran's southern valleys ??in pictures
The biggest rise can come next April, when bills increase by eight.5% an average of. ,whole house water treatment home water systems
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NEPS and APT: An Interview with Bill Lowe label printing cardboard boxes I recently spoke with Peter Wilkens, Agfa’s Vice President from the Prepress Solutions Segment, that is accountable for marketing and sales for Agfa’s commercial, corporate, and newspaper segments. ,. Prior to signing up for this role in 2007, Peter was director of Agfa’s newspaper segment for North America. He joined Agfa in 2005 after a long time with ECRM, where he held senior management positions with global responsibility for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. In this conversation, we spoke to Wilkens to acquire his perspective on Agfa, the market and what organic beef expect to discover from Agfa at drupa 2008. ,Changing the Printer?? Mindset
Print technology of most kinds; presses, production software, Print MIS software, and web-to-print technologies have something in accordance ??they're change regularly. This one factor probably causes probably the most pain in the purchasing process. As a buyer you desire to feel confident together with your purchasing decision, the thing you??e buying is at a constant state of change. ,gift wrapping packaging printing
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NEPS and APT: An Interview with Bill Lowe label printing cardboard boxes I recently spoke with Peter Wilkens, Agfa’s Vice President from the Prepress Solutions Segment, that is accountable for marketing and sales for Agfa’s commercial, corporate, and newspaper segments. ,. Prior to signing up for this role in 2007, Peter was director of Agfa’s newspaper segment for North America. He joined Agfa in 2005 after a long time with ECRM, where he held senior management positions with global responsibility for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. In this conversation, we spoke to Wilkens to acquire his perspective on Agfa, the market and what organic beef expect to discover from Agfa at drupa 2008. ,Changing the Printer?? Mindset
Print technology of most kinds; presses, production software, Print MIS software, and web-to-print technologies have something in accordance ??they're change regularly. This one factor probably causes probably the most pain in the purchasing process. As a buyer you desire to feel confident together with your purchasing decision, the thing you??e buying is at a constant state of change. ,gift wrapping packaging printing
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Successful Integration of Market, Sales and Business Strategy custom office supplies colored labels --- Special Feature You Can Repurpose Information--Why Not Salespeople? By Mike Wesner March 1, 2004 -- A common question I hear from print providers is, “Can you repurpose a normal printing salesperson to trade digital?” The short answer is in many cases you are unable to. But for people currently studying this challenge, let's look a bit deeper into why it really is challenging to reinvent your existing sales team to promote digital. Look for pain in companies and try to get repeat business. I like people new for the industry. Does this imply young in age? Not necessarily--nevertheless it entails someone who thinks differently from most traditional printing salespeople. I would seek out people in numerous industries with disparate backgrounds that understand what it really takes to cultivate revenue by having the capacity to solve business problems buyers .—I'll say it—be a tad more consultative into their sales technique. I know all of this sounds trite, but digital printing sales, especially variable data printing then one-to-one solutions, are hard and also the results take some time. Even though the outcomes is usually tremendous once they finally come, conventional sales agents are accustomed to your shorter sales cycle and larger first project results and I find they commonly do not have the patience important to invest time growing be sure you annuity. My lens at checking out the dilemma is based largely on my small experiences. I came towards the printing industry that has a non-printing background. I was trained to get aggressive, lean forward constantly, as well as solve problems. The way I learned to unravel this concern were to surround myself with good people and develop trust inside our solutions team. I always leaned to them pretty hard, however the solutions were always developed through the team. I've seen some real breakthroughs whenever a talented team of individuals whorrrre smarter than me is assembled. Look for Pain My early success inside the digital printing industry could be isolated to two defining moments. My initial breakthrough was when I was helping re-engineer a smaller company. At the conclusion on the day, I made another mobile phone call to your decision maker for a Fortune 100 company. The results proved phenomenal the other of my first digital annuities was developed. My creed after that has been to check for pain in companies and try to build repeat business. We found ways to produce print management programs that always focused using a technology solution that had been peripheral for the actual print process--not what most conventional print sales agents, even whenever they are fortunate to take delivery of any training, are utilized to doing. Ask Questions Find good people for getting on the bus and after that you are able to easier decide the direction that a bus needs to get driven. My second breakthrough was when I learned the strength of asking them questions. In one case, I asked two quick questions inside a meeting that has a large service company--“will you need every one of the printing this month, and do ever anticipate changing the documents?” The answers produced an alternative that distinguished me in the conventional competition inside local market. So what then if you ever seek out if you need to make a dynamic digital salesforce? I would view in strange places for folks who will be talented first. As outlined in Jim Collins' classic work , Good to Great , first find good people for getting with your bus after which you'll be able to more readily decide the direction that a bus needs to get driven. If you have got time, you may teach people how to become digital business consultants. Sometimes this method gets to be more difficult with normal folks which may have a thorough background in conventional printing. The expertise in as a printer keeps many from being aggressively creative in solving business problems. I have observed some superstars from the conventional world who embrace digital and employ it effectively to eliminate trouble for their clients. This form of individual could be the quintessential sales representative and is also unusual. Usually, and not always, there's something in the background which makes her different--makes her think more just like a n entrepreneur over a salesperson. Look for Problem Solvers The first trait, talent, you are able to find generally in most successful salespeople, whether these are digital or conventional. But the willingness being an issue detective and solve a smaller immediate problem to get a client is really a skill I tend not to often see with conventional sales professionals. “Give me the large order now, baby,” could be the mantra! The willingness to get problems detective and solve a tiny immediate problem for any client is really a skill I don't often see with conventional sales professionals. The digital creed is “supply the medium-size order now and in addition produce the ‘gift that keeps on giving!'” And management has got to accept some on the blame for not fostering a breeding ground that enables the important repeat work at home opportunities for being harvested. I like new people and in some cases naive individuals who have no idea of much better--all of which will do things conventional salespeople would laugh on the looked at doing. I always like to maintain a several “newbies” around the team, because doing so is exciting which kind of interesting stuff they stumble into simply because do not know much better. Two Recommendations If you desire to boost your digital sales having an existing conventional salesforce I recommend a handful of things. Hire a thought leader without having a printing background. Some from the early success of digital printing operations is born squarely on the fact which they employ a different thought processes than that from the conventional printer. The understanding of hiring an advertising and marketing body's acquiring a lots of consideration by printers however the brutal truth is always that most marketing individuals have yet to recognize the potency of one-to-one marketing and learning the significance of offer relevance on this style of solution. And you should ask yourself how could you be prepared to attract marketing talent into your organization unless it is possible to distinguish becoming unique and different within the marketplace and find these talented individuals excited regarding the vision of the company. You may even desire to get started with planning on whether you would like to develop the word printing inside your name. But which is another discussion altogether. Hire for the appropriate level. If you're planning to bring in the digital thought leader, then put her in a very leadership position where she'll effectively champion change rather then keeping her within a corner where the girl with occasionally invited out to carry out just like a “dog that may be introduced at cocktail parties because the guy can reverse flips.” Otherwise you might be wasting an exceptional talent and frustrating anyone who's probably wanting to boil the ocean with digital techniques. Perhaps the standard team might be ended in charge the digital mountain as long as they are led using a sales leader who values the value of digital solutions and contains the appropriate a higher level influence about the direction from the company. Finally, digital printing success will not be necessarily about hiring people on the millennial generation. It's more details on hiring people that are first talented and as well new for the industry--who don't endure “rock” thinking. Sometimes new means simply reinventing yourself and learning how to make value by solving your customer's business problems. ,Vendor Site Visits
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Successful Integration of Market, Sales and Business Strategy custom office supplies colored labels --- Special Feature You Can Repurpose Information--Why Not Salespeople? By Mike Wesner March 1, 2004 -- A common question I hear from print providers is, “Can you repurpose a normal printing salesperson to trade digital?” The short answer is in many cases you are unable to. But for people currently studying this challenge, let's look a bit deeper into why it really is challenging to reinvent your existing sales team to promote digital. Look for pain in companies and try to get repeat business. I like people new for the industry. Does this imply young in age? Not necessarily--nevertheless it entails someone who thinks differently from most traditional printing salespeople. I would seek out people in numerous industries with disparate backgrounds that understand what it really takes to cultivate revenue by having the capacity to solve business problems buyers .—I'll say it—be a tad more consultative into their sales technique. I know all of this sounds trite, but digital printing sales, especially variable data printing then one-to-one solutions, are hard and also the results take some time. Even though the outcomes is usually tremendous once they finally come, conventional sales agents are accustomed to your shorter sales cycle and larger first project results and I find they commonly do not have the patience important to invest time growing be sure you annuity. My lens at checking out the dilemma is based largely on my small experiences. I came towards the printing industry that has a non-printing background. I was trained to get aggressive, lean forward constantly, as well as solve problems. The way I learned to unravel this concern were to surround myself with good people and develop trust inside our solutions team. I always leaned to them pretty hard, however the solutions were always developed through the team. I've seen some real breakthroughs whenever a talented team of individuals whorrrre smarter than me is assembled. Look for Pain My early success inside the digital printing industry could be isolated to two defining moments. My initial breakthrough was when I was helping re-engineer a smaller company. At the conclusion on the day, I made another mobile phone call to your decision maker for a Fortune 100 company. The results proved phenomenal the other of my first digital annuities was developed. My creed after that has been to check for pain in companies and try to build repeat business. We found ways to produce print management programs that always focused using a technology solution that had been peripheral for the actual print process--not what most conventional print sales agents, even whenever they are fortunate to take delivery of any training, are utilized to doing. Ask Questions Find good people for getting on the bus and after that you are able to easier decide the direction that a bus needs to get driven. My second breakthrough was when I learned the strength of asking them questions. In one case, I asked two quick questions inside a meeting that has a large service company--“will you need every one of the printing this month, and do ever anticipate changing the documents?” The answers produced an alternative that distinguished me in the conventional competition inside local market. So what then if you ever seek out if you need to make a dynamic digital salesforce? I would view in strange places for folks who will be talented first. As outlined in Jim Collins' classic work , Good to Great , first find good people for getting with your bus after which you'll be able to more readily decide the direction that a bus needs to get driven. If you have got time, you may teach people how to become digital business consultants. Sometimes this method gets to be more difficult with normal folks which may have a thorough background in conventional printing. The expertise in as a printer keeps many from being aggressively creative in solving business problems. I have observed some superstars from the conventional world who embrace digital and employ it effectively to eliminate trouble for their clients. This form of individual could be the quintessential sales representative and is also unusual. Usually, and not always, there's something in the background which makes her different--makes her think more just like a n entrepreneur over a salesperson. Look for Problem Solvers The first trait, talent, you are able to find generally in most successful salespeople, whether these are digital or conventional. But the willingness being an issue detective and solve a smaller immediate problem to get a client is really a skill I tend not to often see with conventional sales professionals. “Give me the large order now, baby,” could be the mantra! The willingness to get problems detective and solve a tiny immediate problem for any client is really a skill I don't often see with conventional sales professionals. The digital creed is “supply the medium-size order now and in addition produce the ‘gift that keeps on giving!'” And management has got to accept some on the blame for not fostering a breeding ground that enables the important repeat work at home opportunities for being harvested. I like new people and in some cases naive individuals who have no idea of much better--all of which will do things conventional salespeople would laugh on the looked at doing. I always like to maintain a several “newbies” around the team, because doing so is exciting which kind of interesting stuff they stumble into simply because do not know much better. Two Recommendations If you desire to boost your digital sales having an existing conventional salesforce I recommend a handful of things. Hire a thought leader without having a printing background. Some from the early success of digital printing operations is born squarely on the fact which they employ a different thought processes than that from the conventional printer. The understanding of hiring an advertising and marketing body's acquiring a lots of consideration by printers however the brutal truth is always that most marketing individuals have yet to recognize the potency of one-to-one marketing and learning the significance of offer relevance on this style of solution. And you should ask yourself how could you be prepared to attract marketing talent into your organization unless it is possible to distinguish becoming unique and different within the marketplace and find these talented individuals excited regarding the vision of the company. You may even desire to get started with planning on whether you would like to develop the word printing inside your name. But which is another discussion altogether. Hire for the appropriate level. If you're planning to bring in the digital thought leader, then put her in a very leadership position where she'll effectively champion change rather then keeping her within a corner where the girl with occasionally invited out to carry out just like a “dog that may be introduced at cocktail parties because the guy can reverse flips.” Otherwise you might be wasting an exceptional talent and frustrating anyone who's probably wanting to boil the ocean with digital techniques. Perhaps the standard team might be ended in charge the digital mountain as long as they are led using a sales leader who values the value of digital solutions and contains the appropriate a higher level influence about the direction from the company. Finally, digital printing success will not be necessarily about hiring people on the millennial generation. It's more details on hiring people that are first talented and as well new for the industry--who don't endure “rock” thinking. Sometimes new means simply reinventing yourself and learning how to make value by solving your customer's business problems. ,Vendor Site Visits
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