Записки Печорской экспедиции. Авария

Намылились мы, значит, на Печору — Новый год встречать. 28 декабря днем выехали, добрались успешно до Ярославля, а на трассе Ярославль-Кострома мои друзья на LR Defender 110 не удержали машину на гололеде и ушли через встречку с насыпи на скорости 50 км/ч, изобразив полный оборот через крышу. Машина, видимо, на списание. Шины новые, шипованные Nokian.

Тут началось самое интересное.

1. Так как они не пострадали и "скорая" не понадобилась (слава ремням безопасности), я поехал на пост ДПС в Туношне, где равнодушный инспектор заявил, что это не их участок дороги, они туда не выезжают, и позвонят куда надо. Пока я разворачивался, обратил внимание, что он не пошел на пост, а тормознул машину для проверки доков. Ждать милости от природы бессмысленно — надо звонить 112 самому. С этого момента и начали отсчет ожидания сотрудников ГИБДД.

2. Стали звонить в службу помощи на дорогах Land Rover — машина практически новая. Дозвониться туда практически НЕРЕАЛЬНО, если дозваниваешься — сотрудники, мягко скажем, некомпетентны, просят перезвонить и т.п. За ночь мы им звонили раз двадцать, они и врали, и тупили, и что только не болтали. Все разговоры писались на диктофон — можно сделать офигенную нарезку на тему "Нам пофиг на Вас, наш глубукоуважаемый клиент Land Rover". К счастью, владелец пострадавшего а/м сам юрист и специализируется на страховании, и если бы не этот факт, договориться с ними было бы почти нереально. После этого форменного издевательства, написанный на карточке текст выглядит, как циничный анекдот:

3. Так как мы звонили 112, сработал принцип слива информации смежникам, как на 03 и в моргах. Нам начали звонить эвакуаторщики, крановщики и т.п. Быть может, это и неплохо, но сервис должен выглядеть как-то иначе, а не как паразитизм на чужем горе.

4. Машину надо было ставить на колеса, она неудачно упала меж насыпью и забором деревенского участка, и в смежной Службе Спасению службе помощи с телефоном +74852305555 нам сказали, что помогут с краном за 1400 руб/час с минимальным заказом 2 часа. Через пару часов ожидания ГИБДД, я позвонил по указанному телефону и уточнил за какое время надо им позвонить, чтобы они прислали кран. Они уверенно обозначили 1-1,5 часа. Все было понятно, эвакуатор из Москвы выехал, мы принялись ждать.

5. Ждали ГИБДД 7 часов (!) при температуре за бортом в -12 С. Если бы мы не ехали двумя машинами, это ожидание стало бы пыткой. ДТП произошло в деревне, но ни одна живая душа — даже подходившая "поглазеть" — помощи не предложила. Никто и не останавливался, разве что притормаживали из любопытства. Дикость... Неужели всем на всех так пофиг? Я часто в нашей стране сталкиваюсь с таким  отношением, и это удручает. Человек человеку волк.

(На фото ниже видно время звонка в 112 и время на GPS, когда приехало ГИБДД)

6. ДТП произошло в 18:10. В 18:22 вызвали ДПС, в 01:21 ночи они приехали. Одновременно с эвакуатором, который шел из Москвы. Для ощущения масштабов: от Ярославля до д. Воровино не больше 10 км. От Москвы до д. Воровино не меньше 250 км + московские пробки.

7. Как только приехали сотрудники ДПС, я позвонил насчет крана... и та же самая девушка мне заявила, что автокран ночью не работает! Такое ощущение, что они мне сами звонили днем. Я добился, чтобы мне дали старшего, сонный мужик сказал то же самое, но пошел-таки что-то куда-то узнавать, когда я  намекнул, что к указанному выше тарифу готов добавить ассигнаций. Однако минут через 30 он перезвонил и сказал, что кран будет только утром, все мы всех их не так поняли. На услуги нашего эвакуатора начинает капать "счетчик" ожидания, у ГАИ информации по кранам нет. Нам желают счастливо оставаться.

8. Эвакуторщик сперва произвел нормальное впечатление. Но все изменили обстоятельства с автокраном. Я ему предложил поставить машину на колеса с помощью его лебедки. Он долго сыпал скепсисом, но переспорить меня, живущего с лебедкой ежедневно и годами, не смог. В итоге, его последний козырь за то, "чтобы ничего не делать, а время капало" был прост: 5000 рублей за доп. услугу, якобы по прайсу. После приперательств мы позвонили его диспетчеру в службу помощи на дорогах Land Rover, тот озвучил сумму в 2000 руб и эвакуаторщик остался с нереализованной жадой наживы один на один. Я сам с помощью своих тросов/шаклов/удлинителей зацепил машину за правильную точку и Defender через 5 минут стоял на колесах, а через 15 мы уже ехали за эвакуатором в Москву.

1. Фирменная служба помощи на дорогах Land Rover несостоятельна, и не работает, если вы не ждете ГАИ часов 7, как мы. Необходим безлимитный всероссийский тариф на телефоне или достаточная сумма на счете — на "общение" ушло не меньше часа.
2. Ездить по России зимой одной машиной, без теплой одежды, зимних спальников и страховки КАСКО — русская рулетка. Вам никто не поможет.
3. Всем ПОФИГУ на ваши проблемы, им надо кормить семью и детей.
4. Подобных историй — масса, каждую зиму сталкиваюсь с подобным лично, к тому же в мае этого года сам был пострадавшим.
5. Товарищи, сами себе не поможете — никто не поможет. Надо учиться управлять машиной на льду, и не важно — есть полный привод и зимняя резина или нет! Если не уверены — лучше забить на стиль и понты и купить машину с электронной системой стабилизации. Кажется, доказательств выше крыши.
6. И… ОСТОРОЖНЕЕ, друзья! С наступающим Новым Годом!

Записки Печорской экспедиции
Москва – Воровино. Авария
Москва – Великий Устюг – Вогваздино
Вогваздино – Ухта
Ухта – Ижма
Ижма – Сизябск – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Замежная – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
Харьяга – Ижма – Москва

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[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]juicy beats[/url] There is always a bag for every event and for your mood swings. Later on, Katie is seen with a rare burgundy Garden Party handbag, paired beautifully with a black pencil skirt and red heels. This brand of designer bags is considered one of the most exclusive bags inside the globe as a result of its skillfully mastered craftsmanship.
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]free beats download[/url] Pleated-at-the-neck shirts in apricot and sunflower yellow (motif-free) were demure yet devastating, there was a beautiful Windsor-collar gecko jacquard suit, and a three-year old poodle named Max made his London fashion week debut wearing a matching jacquard 'dog peacoat'.. You identify the brand and pattern; you will find the replica designer handbag of the same design matching very close to the original. FIND MORE STORIES IN: Santa Monica | Ben Stiller | Bill Murray | Owen Wilson | Louis Vuitton | Venice Film Festival | Adrien Brody | Wes Anderson | Fox Searchlight | Jason Schwartzman | New York Film Festival | Royal Tenenbaums | Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou | Roman Coppola | VIDEO Watch | Hotel Chevalier
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] lv quick 25 damier The vast majority of my friends have one, that i'm continually compelled to become listed on the environment. these are good for play and work, we wear them together with costume garments regarding perform, along with clothes as well as jeans around the saturday and sunday. The Kelly bag stumbled on existence inside early portion of 1930s and was soon able to have an optimistic impact on the market..
[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=2]soundclick beats[/url] Yes, that is Kate Moss, Primpers, who made a special one-night-only appearance at fashion week for her BFF Marc Jacobs, the designer behind the latest LV collection. The one-of-a-kind design takes the Isabel Marant sneaker wedge to another level with what the company called the "Eden treatment." The press release says "A hybrid of land and sea skins are used to create this handcrafted creation. Celine Bags My mate received myself a lot of these to get Christmas day and i also could hardly have already been more secure! pleasant Celine Bags that would be trendy and flexible.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]92.5 the beat[/url] A fresh Celine bag would cost you a fortune, alright, nevertheless the inhibitive cost factor don need to wash down your dreams to don these style statements. As quickly as Celine luggage is place into the market, it gained women's interest. In the world today, 1000s of forward-thinking pest control agencies can supply you with termite detection by means of infrared cameras..
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] PARIS -- With a runway in the round surrounded by closed doors, Naomi Watts, Jessica Chastain, Elizabeth Olsen, Lily Collins and the rest of the fashion crowd waited to see what surprise Marc Jacobs had in store for the fall 2013 Louis Vuitton show held Wednesday, the final day of Paris Fashion Week. It's one thing to spend almost a thousand dollars on something that is high in quality, resistant to wear and tear, and that can withstand daily use, but another to spend a large amount on something that wears too quickly and eventually falls apart.. And at this house of McDonald, people are talking with them and saying, 'Hey, listen, how are you doing? Are you holding on? Talk to me.' A helping hand.

[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=10]beats solo hd[/url] She says this new collection is "inspired by unique dyed fabrics and prints forming one-off designs" all of which will be on sale the night of the showcase. All over Hermes home, Birkin case is completely this wistful thing for young girls. We know the book sales have given barns and noble a boost in their quarterly sale, we know the movie rights went for $5 million. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=8]beats by dre deutschland[/url] Because of the individual craftsmanship, other details of the bags may not all match. Individual Louis Vuitton stores have different seasons for disposing off some of these authentic products and it is advisable to check with your local Vuitton outlet. People who definitely have feet that often roll out as they quite simply walked underpronate. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] Some films I have worked on have even won Oscars. Some people want bubble gum with a good minty flavor; others want to whack bubbles while having fresh breath of air. Toutefois, en quoi consiste exactement ce processus ? Et qu'est-ce qui constitue un avantage net ? La Loi sur Investissement Canada, qui oblige le gouvernement examiner les investissements importants effectus au Canada par des non-Canadiens, fournit quelques facteurs qui doivent tre pris en compte, tels que: l'effet de l'investissement sur le niveau et la nature de l'activit conomique au Canada, et l'effet de l'investissement sur la concurrence dans un ou plusieurs secteurs industriels au Canada. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=4]beats by dre wireless[/url] Often times though, acquiring fitflop inside Queensland will be filled along with varying price tags. En fait, ils semblent beaucoup plus nombreuses et belles lors de l'utilisation des sacs co?teuses qu'elles rpondent tre trs gentil achats dernire tendance. Their sunglasses are of the highest quality of material. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]92.5 the beat[/url] Hermes commits for you to having your established along with excellent together with the merging the highest artistry, long-lasting characteristics together with the concision, classy and also gentle layout. Louis Vuitton is merely a course of its own, bringing in ideas the traditional design moreover to the right blend of conventional and modernity to cater the altering and increasing demands belonging toward style industry. Nuestra excelente gama incluye clubes de todo el mundo: Premier League, Liga de F La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A y los equipos internacionales - incluyendo camisas de la Copa del Mundo. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] On the inside Alma Millimeter is 2 repair pouches as well as a convenient cellular phone compartment. Appear in your nearby Yellow pages for production businesses: you may be capable of find goods Hermes Birkin that you could resell at a revenue. When he came back again to the cave, he killed one particular huge tortoise, and manufactured a Tres with the turtle shell.

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[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]juicy beats[/url] There is always a bag for every event and for your mood swings. Later on, Katie is seen with a rare burgundy Garden Party handbag, paired beautifully with a black pencil skirt and red heels. This brand of designer bags is considered one of the most exclusive bags inside the globe as a result of its skillfully mastered craftsmanship.
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]free beats download[/url] Pleated-at-the-neck shirts in apricot and sunflower yellow (motif-free) were demure yet devastating, there was a beautiful Windsor-collar gecko jacquard suit, and a three-year old poodle named Max made his London fashion week debut wearing a matching jacquard 'dog peacoat'.. You identify the brand and pattern; you will find the replica designer handbag of the same design matching very close to the original. FIND MORE STORIES IN: Santa Monica | Ben Stiller | Bill Murray | Owen Wilson | Louis Vuitton | Venice Film Festival | Adrien Brody | Wes Anderson | Fox Searchlight | Jason Schwartzman | New York Film Festival | Royal Tenenbaums | Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou | Roman Coppola | VIDEO Watch | Hotel Chevalier
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] lv quick 25 damier The vast majority of my friends have one, that i'm continually compelled to become listed on the environment. these are good for play and work, we wear them together with costume garments regarding perform, along with clothes as well as jeans around the saturday and sunday. The Kelly bag stumbled on existence inside early portion of 1930s and was soon able to have an optimistic impact on the market..
[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=2]soundclick beats[/url] Yes, that is Kate Moss, Primpers, who made a special one-night-only appearance at fashion week for her BFF Marc Jacobs, the designer behind the latest LV collection. The one-of-a-kind design takes the Isabel Marant sneaker wedge to another level with what the company called the "Eden treatment." The press release says "A hybrid of land and sea skins are used to create this handcrafted creation. Celine Bags My mate received myself a lot of these to get Christmas day and i also could hardly have already been more secure! pleasant Celine Bags that would be trendy and flexible.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]92.5 the beat[/url] A fresh Celine bag would cost you a fortune, alright, nevertheless the inhibitive cost factor don need to wash down your dreams to don these style statements. As quickly as Celine luggage is place into the market, it gained women's interest. In the world today, 1000s of forward-thinking pest control agencies can supply you with termite detection by means of infrared cameras..
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] PARIS -- With a runway in the round surrounded by closed doors, Naomi Watts, Jessica Chastain, Elizabeth Olsen, Lily Collins and the rest of the fashion crowd waited to see what surprise Marc Jacobs had in store for the fall 2013 Louis Vuitton show held Wednesday, the final day of Paris Fashion Week. It's one thing to spend almost a thousand dollars on something that is high in quality, resistant to wear and tear, and that can withstand daily use, but another to spend a large amount on something that wears too quickly and eventually falls apart.. And at this house of McDonald, people are talking with them and saying, 'Hey, listen, how are you doing? Are you holding on? Talk to me.' A helping hand.

[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=10]beats solo hd[/url] She says this new collection is "inspired by unique dyed fabrics and prints forming one-off designs" all of which will be on sale the night of the showcase. All over Hermes home, Birkin case is completely this wistful thing for young girls. We know the book sales have given barns and noble a boost in their quarterly sale, we know the movie rights went for $5 million. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=8]beats by dre deutschland[/url] Because of the individual craftsmanship, other details of the bags may not all match. Individual Louis Vuitton stores have different seasons for disposing off some of these authentic products and it is advisable to check with your local Vuitton outlet. People who definitely have feet that often roll out as they quite simply walked underpronate. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] Some films I have worked on have even won Oscars. Some people want bubble gum with a good minty flavor; others want to whack bubbles while having fresh breath of air. Toutefois, en quoi consiste exactement ce processus ? Et qu'est-ce qui constitue un avantage net ? La Loi sur Investissement Canada, qui oblige le gouvernement examiner les investissements importants effectus au Canada par des non-Canadiens, fournit quelques facteurs qui doivent tre pris en compte, tels que: l'effet de l'investissement sur le niveau et la nature de l'activit conomique au Canada, et l'effet de l'investissement sur la concurrence dans un ou plusieurs secteurs industriels au Canada. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=4]beats by dre wireless[/url] Often times though, acquiring fitflop inside Queensland will be filled along with varying price tags. En fait, ils semblent beaucoup plus nombreuses et belles lors de l'utilisation des sacs co?teuses qu'elles rpondent tre trs gentil achats dernire tendance. Their sunglasses are of the highest quality of material. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]92.5 the beat[/url] Hermes commits for you to having your established along with excellent together with the merging the highest artistry, long-lasting characteristics together with the concision, classy and also gentle layout. Louis Vuitton is merely a course of its own, bringing in ideas the traditional design moreover to the right blend of conventional and modernity to cater the altering and increasing demands belonging toward style industry. Nuestra excelente gama incluye clubes de todo el mundo: Premier League, Liga de F La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A y los equipos internacionales - incluyendo camisas de la Copa del Mundo. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] On the inside Alma Millimeter is 2 repair pouches as well as a convenient cellular phone compartment. Appear in your nearby Yellow pages for production businesses: you may be capable of find goods Hermes Birkin that you could resell at a revenue. When he came back again to the cave, he killed one particular huge tortoise, and manufactured a Tres with the turtle shell.

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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] Correct now Regarding some sort of large itching to get a colourful (or maybe color-less) handbag. In 1871, the canvas was applied to decorate the surface of traveling case, that was believed to be a brilliant design and could keep away from the gadgets from being stolen, but was easily plagiarized. As lovely and fantastic as Lv, it realizes that style can not can be found far away from culture.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]91.5 the beat[/url] The hardware should also be free of scratches. Fashion houses all over have opened up to cater to this fashion need that the women of today need. Schedule changes also assist in improving mental working.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]beats laptop[/url] This links can also be taking bloggers to older blog posts in order to remind about a past event or to digress on that particular topic. Seen Americans is petty cheap, is also sought after cheap replicas. This is in essence since females are known as caregivers of the entire world and enjoy to organize anything.
[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]kopfh?rer beats[/url] 'I feel really comfortable. L ow fees blended Louis Vuitton Outlet Store with well-performing support help to make this online pharmacy unequaled along with different online pharmacies.. And modern art - which is why Vuitton's collaborations (the latest is with Yayoi Kusama) are so crucial..
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]monster beats mixr[/url] San Marino. customized bags are now affected. The louis vuitton monogram multicolore is incorporating the youngsters definition for the luxury merchandise.
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=3]dre beats[/url] Guatemala. Replica Hermes handbags obsessed about a little higher prices own great qualities.. For instance, most fakes have glue holding the handles together.

[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] An average bag is created in 48 hours. Louis Vuitton makes aspect baggage for both men and some women - not many designers do that. Most people believe that acupuncture has a positive effect on their well being and helps relieve stress during a treatment cycle. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]dr dre beats[/url] Eine unglaubliche neue Desert Boot von Minotaurus Sub-Marke Air Adidas Js Wings GLASS Ursprung.. There are styles which will be appropriate for any lifestyle. One of Dion's most endearing traits was one that seemed to be purely involuntary. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] A protracted narrow spouted watering can is usually the very best type of watering can to utilize to mineral water hanging baskets.. In addition to the pleasing appearance, the Odeon GM is multi-functional. I do not know if that is so known as inheritance of classic however it is definitely a surest method to create aesthetic fatigue. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]juicy beats[/url] Each Cheap Hermes Bags is hand-sewn, buffed, painted, and polished, taking several days to finish. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Gucci black dress Pepe denim jacket in black Gucci leather biker jacket Kepi basque (3 in black, and silver ) Kepi basque in brown Full length black leather skirt with rough bottom Joseph leather skirt Dolce Gabbana black polo neck Dolce Gabbana suede skirt with animal print Dolce Gabbana animal print basque Maria Grachvogel hot pants (2 pairs) Chloe loveheart sunglasses Kevin John top in white Kevin John trousers Knee-length skirt Handkerchief tops (3 in suede, black and lilac) Baby pink little top [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=7]big city beats frankfurt[/url] Most of the great masterpieces of the fashion house is so visible in the form of handbags that are designed by Hermes. The third generation of this family home (she still is today since President Jean Louis Dumas is a descendant of the fifth generation Hermes handbags Dumas-Hermes) creates a bag strap designed to carry the stool: it is the ancestor of Kelly. Look at the bloated salaries of the thieves and robbers today. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] With a great indisputable standing of extreme ease and comfort and progressive technology, these Fresh Balance isabel marant sneakers is not going to disappoint.. As a trendy piece, jeans speedy will not be away from trend, bolsos louis vuitton its importance has now overtaken the actual this means,Louis Vuitton Galliera it is-attaining in our everyday life, and we simply cannot bust it from the us. Almost any puncture the place that the specific person damaged his / her training started to be straight away full of american platinum eagle ; in your light fixture installation which he regarded owned the wonderful property in relation to transforming treasures during rare metal, hardwood on the way to sterling silver, and also without life birds for portions.

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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] Correct now Regarding some sort of large itching to get a colourful (or maybe color-less) handbag. In 1871, the canvas was applied to decorate the surface of traveling case, that was believed to be a brilliant design and could keep away from the gadgets from being stolen, but was easily plagiarized. As lovely and fantastic as Lv, it realizes that style can not can be found far away from culture.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]91.5 the beat[/url] The hardware should also be free of scratches. Fashion houses all over have opened up to cater to this fashion need that the women of today need. Schedule changes also assist in improving mental working.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]beats laptop[/url] This links can also be taking bloggers to older blog posts in order to remind about a past event or to digress on that particular topic. Seen Americans is petty cheap, is also sought after cheap replicas. This is in essence since females are known as caregivers of the entire world and enjoy to organize anything.
[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]kopfh?rer beats[/url] 'I feel really comfortable. L ow fees blended Louis Vuitton Outlet Store with well-performing support help to make this online pharmacy unequaled along with different online pharmacies.. And modern art - which is why Vuitton's collaborations (the latest is with Yayoi Kusama) are so crucial..
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]monster beats mixr[/url] San Marino. customized bags are now affected. The louis vuitton monogram multicolore is incorporating the youngsters definition for the luxury merchandise.
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=3]dre beats[/url] Guatemala. Replica Hermes handbags obsessed about a little higher prices own great qualities.. For instance, most fakes have glue holding the handles together.

[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] An average bag is created in 48 hours. Louis Vuitton makes aspect baggage for both men and some women - not many designers do that. Most people believe that acupuncture has a positive effect on their well being and helps relieve stress during a treatment cycle. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]dr dre beats[/url] Eine unglaubliche neue Desert Boot von Minotaurus Sub-Marke Air Adidas Js Wings GLASS Ursprung.. There are styles which will be appropriate for any lifestyle. One of Dion's most endearing traits was one that seemed to be purely involuntary. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]beats by dre solo hd[/url] A protracted narrow spouted watering can is usually the very best type of watering can to utilize to mineral water hanging baskets.. In addition to the pleasing appearance, the Odeon GM is multi-functional. I do not know if that is so known as inheritance of classic however it is definitely a surest method to create aesthetic fatigue. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=4]juicy beats[/url] Each Cheap Hermes Bags is hand-sewn, buffed, painted, and polished, taking several days to finish. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Gucci black dress Pepe denim jacket in black Gucci leather biker jacket Kepi basque (3 in black, and silver ) Kepi basque in brown Full length black leather skirt with rough bottom Joseph leather skirt Dolce Gabbana black polo neck Dolce Gabbana suede skirt with animal print Dolce Gabbana animal print basque Maria Grachvogel hot pants (2 pairs) Chloe loveheart sunglasses Kevin John top in white Kevin John trousers Knee-length skirt Handkerchief tops (3 in suede, black and lilac) Baby pink little top [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=7]big city beats frankfurt[/url] Most of the great masterpieces of the fashion house is so visible in the form of handbags that are designed by Hermes. The third generation of this family home (she still is today since President Jean Louis Dumas is a descendant of the fifth generation Hermes handbags Dumas-Hermes) creates a bag strap designed to carry the stool: it is the ancestor of Kelly. Look at the bloated salaries of the thieves and robbers today. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] With a great indisputable standing of extreme ease and comfort and progressive technology, these Fresh Balance isabel marant sneakers is not going to disappoint.. As a trendy piece, jeans speedy will not be away from trend, bolsos louis vuitton its importance has now overtaken the actual this means,Louis Vuitton Galliera it is-attaining in our everyday life, and we simply cannot bust it from the us. Almost any puncture the place that the specific person damaged his / her training started to be straight away full of american platinum eagle ; in your light fixture installation which he regarded owned the wonderful property in relation to transforming treasures during rare metal, hardwood on the way to sterling silver, and also without life birds for portions.

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