Записки Печорской экспедиции. Новый Год Ешкин Кот
Несмотря на описанное ранее ДТП, мы все равно отправились на север. Экипаж перевернутого Land Rover Defender переместился вместе со своим шмурдяком в мой Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, полученный на тест в представительстве Chrysler накануне праздников. Теперь нас в нем едет трое, с нами — полный комплект палаток, спальников, пенок, нарядов, тросов, инструментов, лопат и мангалов. Второй экипаж, выехавший из Тулы на Ford Ranger, должен догнать нас ближе к Ухте.
Наша основная цель — достигнуть таких очагов северной цивилизации как Ижма, Усть-Цильма и Печора. Если повезет, доберемся и до города Печора, а если сумасшедшая удача обрушится на наши головы, то и до Воркуты уж подать рукой... Но не станем загадывать, а поведаем о том, как проходит наш Вояж.
Успешно миновали злополучное село Воровино, где в кювете 7 часов лежал наш Defender, пересекли Кострому, по кюветам постоянно встречались следы улетов, разок дергали из сугроба пытавшийся повторить наш подвиг Mitsubishi L200 с ростовскими номерами. О серьезности гололеда можно судить и по фотографии с фурой — она почти цела, но вытащить ее пока не кончится гололед никто не в силах — любой тягач попросту шлифует шинами лед.
Не так давно на сайте Малые Острова я нашел упоминание, что появилась теоретическая возможность летом и в сухую погоду проехать на легковой машине из Солигалича в Тотьму. О такой возможности давно мечтали многие путешественники, ведь эта смычка между Костромской и Вологодской областями совершенно логична и, мало того, указана на картах. Я даже предпринимал попытку в 2004 году прорваться там на Lexus GX470. Естественно, у меня, как и у всех остальных, ничегошеньки не вышло. А пару лет назад один знакомый преодолел это расстояние на... ГАЗ 66, и рассказывал об этом приключении весьма красочно, используя тяжеловесные эпитеты. А тут такая новость, чуть ли не на "Жигулях" народ ездит!
И действительно, хотя и пришлось чуток поплутать по заснеженным полям и вырубкам на участке между Юрино до Игошево, но мы сделали это! К тому же, нам пришлось еще и пересекать реку Сухону по льду от села Красное к селу Черепаниха. Естественно, ни о какой ледовой переправе речи не было, местные ездят, как Бог на душу положит, в полуобморочном состоянии, и они нас заверили, что Новый Год мы встретим не на дне... Пришлось поверить. Ни о каких фото речи нет, было уже темно, и мы хотели успеть к полуночи прибыть хоть куда-то, где есть телек с Медведевым.
В Сольвычегодск мы уже очевидно опаздывали, и решили окунуться в новогоднюю вакханалию в Великом Устюге. В новогоднюю ночь рассчитывать на гостиницу в непосредственной близости от резиденции Деда Мороза — скорее авантюра, но нам и тут повезло. Как-будто специально для нас осталось два номера в Гостином Дворе. И это, безусловно, прекрасно… А праздник-то где??? Где народные гуляния, тройки с бубенцами и медведи с цыганами на улицах??? Спрашиваем у всех подряд, мол, граждане, где праздник-то? А в Устюге говорят: все сидят по кабакам, там и праздник, только все рестораны закрыты на спецобслуживание. Приехали к Дедушке Морозу, нечего сказать! Встретили 2010 в номере, под короткую речь отфотошопленного президента и робкий хлопок залетной петарды. В час ночи уже в три гортани храпели на всю ивановскую. А на утро, когда мы отыскали-таки вотчину Деда Мороза, оказалось, что вчера у нас был шанс попасть на шоу-программу стоимостью 800 целковых, но кто же об этом знал, если даже администраторы в гостиницах оказались несведущи в вопросах культмассовых мероприятий?
Прогуляться же днем по Вотчине можно лишь заплатив за множество навязанных услуг ни много ни мало 510 рублей с человека, а просто пройти "посмотреть" — никак нельзя, только в комплексе с экскурсией, катаниями и песнопениями. В общем, второй раз в Устюге — и второй раз мимо кассы, потратить 1530 рублей за троих мы не решились. Вспоминается финский Рованиеми, где все как у людей, и ощущение праздника потрясающее. А у нас — РАЗВОДКА. Раз водка, два водка...
Зато в остальном — Устюг очень прикольный городок. Но так как ощущения Нового Года тут кот наплакал, а церкви и домишки можно поснимать и летом, когда пальцы не отмерзают, фотосессия была отложена до лучших времен во всех смыслах этой фразы. А вот магазин «Перекресток» каким-то чудом в кадр попал:
В Котласе привлек внимание… БТР, припаркованный среди «Мочквичей» и «Жигулей» во дворе жилого дома. До того он органично вписан в ландшафт, что не сразу и приметишь…
Переправившись через Вычегду по понтонной переправе в Коряжме, в одном из сел я не смог проследовать мимо занесенного пургой телефона-автомата. Такой щедрый подарок рассыпало наше правительство всем селам, где прописан хотя бы один человек… Тропы к средству связи с внешним миром, естественно, нет, что косвенно подчеркивает, насколько это необходимый аппарат во времена, когда мобильная связь уже вошла в каждый дом.
К ночи мы прибыли в Вогваздино.
Записки Печорской экспедиции
Москва – Воровино. Авария
Москва – Великий Устюг – Вогваздино
Вогваздино – Ухта
Ухта – Ижма
Ижма – Сизябск – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Замежная – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
Харьяга – Ижма – Москва
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[url=http://www.cyprusarbitration.com.cy/celinebag/index.asp?id=62]www.celine.com[/url] Transkei. Creative director Emma Hill said she was inspired both by Sendak's beloved book and by Spike Jonze's movie adaptation - and the playful tone was set with a few roars on the soundtrack as the show began. The models donned flappy hats, cigarette pants, elbow gloves and fur collared coats.
[url=http://www.journeysbydesign.co.uk/celinebag/index.asp?id=37]celine clothing[/url] M canvas, natural cowhide trim, polyamide lining. Hermes provides a line of style handbags that cater towards the style aware substantial course ladies of these days. Now altogether in which someone might cheat his/her pals with delivering just about all reckon that a person gives paid for actual intercourse.
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[url=http://www.88erskine.ca/celinebag/index.asp?id=5]celine buckens[/url] While her rendition of the classic lacked the sense of tragedy that propelled Freddie Mercury's version, those telling lyrics; "Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking, but my smile, still stays on" seemed to resonate with Dion. An advanced imitation may be examined in any time period and weather. But you must realize that, in order to preserve the significance of your designer bag you must be able to demonstrate its provenance.
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[url=http://www.cyprusarbitration.com.cy/celinebag/index.asp?id=77]celine in vegas[/url] louis vuitton bagsThe guy a emperor found was Lv, a reliable baggage trainer who bundled travel luggage with regard to top type family members. "The monogram canvas is as obsessional as Yayoi's dots," Louis Vuitton CEO Yves Carcelle told Women's Wear Daily when news of this aspect of the collaboration first broke. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. [url=http://www.journeysbydesign.co.uk/celinebag/index.asp?id=18]celine luggage bags[/url] purses and handbags Do you need a handbag? I think so! I had a very hard time going the entire weekend without having a handbag or a wallet. Les Miserables is also a work of social commentary; the book revolves around concepts such as injustice to the working class and the injustice of the death penalty.. Never let typically the jeans scam an individual. [url=http://www.nitrauwenvangoor.nl/celinebag/index.asp?id=39]celine handbags[/url] I just want to know who took them so I can get them back. An ancient myth, state your views with the Greek connection. Aside from potential difficulties due to her age (Dion turned 40 in March 2008), this is still a possibility. [url=http://www.88erskine.ca/celinebag/index.asp?id=3]celine bags[/url] If you do not have time to shop for the different Miu Miu products at the Miu Miu stores and boutiques, you can actually go online and choose whatever Miu Miu products you want, such as bags, handbags, jewelry, accessories, and even sandals or Miu Miu footwear. "Jacques and Cousteau," like Jacque Cousteau, he joked. Monogram placement should be symmetrical from side to side and top to bottom. [url=http://www.donaldapartments.ca/images/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=54]celine wedges[/url] Underneath the lock, or on the lower, the word "Hermes" ought to be etched into the locking mechanism. In the house, in my normal life, we are always playing. So, if one of our projects are postponed in India by three or four months that doesn't change the overall picture. [url=http://www.stlaurentonthepark.ca/wheels/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=20]celine mini luggage[/url] The ideal approach of sunglass is going to safeguard the wearer from being exposed to ultra violate rays. Hermes is not only swift off the mark, but also versatile. 'Ticket Consolidators' usually can be discovered with the tour portion of the newspaper..
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[url=http://www.resacoop.org/lancel/index.asp?Lancel=56]sac lancel occasion[/url] One good inexperienced body placement for people minutes whenever part occurs to study additionally as regards to revealing to coach exclusively without any help available for family trip a electric motor daily ritual is usually that have a look at with regard to a tricycle. Louis Vuitton handlbags are current the international norms in baggage, the suitcases and bags from which all others are judged. It's interesting how not once did she comment on the fact that the fish stocks are depleted due to our overfishing, not seals.
[url=http://www.transalpine.fr/lancel/index.asp?Lancel=19]site lancel[/url] I just knew I'd never have the talent nor the energy to be cool.. The second combat chapter "quick victory, the importance of discussing the speed battle. It happens to be made use of in both the big and small machine parcels steps.
[url=http://www.cyprusarbitration.com.cy/celinebag/index.asp?id=62]www.celine.com[/url] Transkei. Creative director Emma Hill said she was inspired both by Sendak's beloved book and by Spike Jonze's movie adaptation - and the playful tone was set with a few roars on the soundtrack as the show began. The models donned flappy hats, cigarette pants, elbow gloves and fur collared coats.
[url=http://www.journeysbydesign.co.uk/celinebag/index.asp?id=37]celine clothing[/url] M canvas, natural cowhide trim, polyamide lining. Hermes provides a line of style handbags that cater towards the style aware substantial course ladies of these days. Now altogether in which someone might cheat his/her pals with delivering just about all reckon that a person gives paid for actual intercourse.
[url=http://www.nitrauwenvangoor.nl/celinebag/index.asp?id=30]celine sunglasses 2011[/url] Best replica designer style purses aren't going to be made from replica designer supplies, and you are guaranteed to get a product that is made from the best fabrics.. Frequently your information will be sold to other people, and then you will get lots of emails that you do not want. "Cline: Through the Eyes of the World - Go beyond the Music is the best document I have ever seen of any vocal artist on the road.
[url=http://www.88erskine.ca/celinebag/index.asp?id=5]celine buckens[/url] While her rendition of the classic lacked the sense of tragedy that propelled Freddie Mercury's version, those telling lyrics; "Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking, but my smile, still stays on" seemed to resonate with Dion. An advanced imitation may be examined in any time period and weather. But you must realize that, in order to preserve the significance of your designer bag you must be able to demonstrate its provenance.
[url=http://www.donaldapartments.ca/images/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=9]celine bags[/url] Everything you put on t begin doing is college tuition ruling , do a new button bad for your health about affirmed kingdom with the aid of it has a financial state maybe neighborhood , mainly since payback . The kind of wood utilized in antique view winders and its finishing add a great deal towards the antiques marketplace cost. Louis Vuitton has distanced themselves from the product, stating Vuitton is in no way associated with this company.
[url=http://www.cyprusarbitration.com.cy/celinebag/index.asp?id=77]celine in vegas[/url] louis vuitton bagsThe guy a emperor found was Lv, a reliable baggage trainer who bundled travel luggage with regard to top type family members. "The monogram canvas is as obsessional as Yayoi's dots," Louis Vuitton CEO Yves Carcelle told Women's Wear Daily when news of this aspect of the collaboration first broke. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. [url=http://www.journeysbydesign.co.uk/celinebag/index.asp?id=18]celine luggage bags[/url] purses and handbags Do you need a handbag? I think so! I had a very hard time going the entire weekend without having a handbag or a wallet. Les Miserables is also a work of social commentary; the book revolves around concepts such as injustice to the working class and the injustice of the death penalty.. Never let typically the jeans scam an individual. [url=http://www.nitrauwenvangoor.nl/celinebag/index.asp?id=39]celine handbags[/url] I just want to know who took them so I can get them back. An ancient myth, state your views with the Greek connection. Aside from potential difficulties due to her age (Dion turned 40 in March 2008), this is still a possibility. [url=http://www.88erskine.ca/celinebag/index.asp?id=3]celine bags[/url] If you do not have time to shop for the different Miu Miu products at the Miu Miu stores and boutiques, you can actually go online and choose whatever Miu Miu products you want, such as bags, handbags, jewelry, accessories, and even sandals or Miu Miu footwear. "Jacques and Cousteau," like Jacque Cousteau, he joked. Monogram placement should be symmetrical from side to side and top to bottom. [url=http://www.donaldapartments.ca/images/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=54]celine wedges[/url] Underneath the lock, or on the lower, the word "Hermes" ought to be etched into the locking mechanism. In the house, in my normal life, we are always playing. So, if one of our projects are postponed in India by three or four months that doesn't change the overall picture. [url=http://www.stlaurentonthepark.ca/wheels/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=20]celine mini luggage[/url] The ideal approach of sunglass is going to safeguard the wearer from being exposed to ultra violate rays. Hermes is not only swift off the mark, but also versatile. 'Ticket Consolidators' usually can be discovered with the tour portion of the newspaper..
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[url=http://www.stlaurentonthepark.ca/wheels/CelineBag/index.asp?Celine=41]celine handbags neiman marcus[/url] Hermes is just not famous for it actually LOGO MONOGRAM; it can be famous for it is top quality natural leather and ideal design. Buy Isabel Marant Shoes launched in 2012 spring and summer this one caused by the introduction of foreign buying spree Fashionable been basically sold out in many foreign shopping site, the price of about $ 760 in the big footwear Is not too high, in addition to the type design of the most compelling price advantage coveted this athletic footwear fashion. Sao Tome Principe.
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[url=http://www.transalpine.fr/lancel/index.asp?Lancel=84]miss lancel[/url] For those of you who don't know Kelly, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after being mugged, robbed and shot and though the events leading up to her diagnosis were unfortunate, Kelly saw the attack as a blessing in disguise that helped her to find her cancer early on and take action. Grnimaa. Haiti.
[url=http://www.cyprusarbitration.com.cy/celinebag/index.asp?id=97]celine bag 2012[/url] Transkei. A lot of Hermes bags are produced from skins of pets such as crocodiles and alligators, also it adds greatly for the amount of time needed to produce a bag.. "I think you are making me understand the meaning of singing, of the voice, of communication," she gushes to an adoring crowd in Africa..
[url=http://www.journeysbydesign.co.uk/celinebag/index.asp?id=64]celine cousteau[/url] Juliet was sure that when she returned from Spain to England, the memory of Ramiro de Velasco y Cuevora would haunt her always; but she could not bring herself to wish that they had never met." Judith had always had trouble with her stepsister, so when Lorette got engaged to a young farmer Judith felt a great relief. Today, Louis Vuitton has an exclusive network of stores worldwide... Anything defeats Vuitton regarding substantial.
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[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp]beats by dre[/url] There are many sizes, designs, colors and types of Celine handbags on the online stores.. Celine Dion is one of the singing superstars who have given various record breaking songs to her fans. These sort of Hermes totes are beneficial for frequent situations..
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=8]the beat generation[/url] Hundtricket - The Movie (2002) - IMDb A shy but very romantic young man tries to meet a girl by walking a borrowed dog. I feel Babara lacks connection with the song, she kinda reminds me of Celine Dion but without the extraordinary power. Aprs tout, les jours de l'achat d'une robe pour une occasion ont disparu..
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=2]soundclick beats[/url] Birkin bags are especially hard to come by, which is why even those people who want to purchase a new one are put onto wait lists. And now here is the most important recommendation from a voice teacher: any child who is good at singing and has great potential should see a phoniatrist - the special voice doctor - every six months. She's there for the city's film festival, where her ballerina thriller, Black Swan, is earning her some Oscar buzz. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]the beat goes on[/url] You need not steal a bank hermes bag loan company to acquire the Hermes Birkin now. Il est g excellent la recommandation professionnelle impartiale et professionnelle des personnes qui ont obtenu de la vente de sacs main mode pour les femmes de tous Dans le monde de la mode la mode, beaucoup de dames aiment trouver des sacs main d r concernant en ligne. There is help near the corner and that help is in the form of Hermes Replica handbags. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=8]the beat generation[/url] Their wallets and handbags, keys, lipsticks, and Gianmarco LorenZi Pumps Selling need a place that might permit women to easily take them in which they proceeded to go. In one instance, one rare model of a Hermes Birkin bag has been sold at an auction for about $65,000.. Consider the overall style and design and besides that consider how it makes you feel. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=6]big city beats[/url] L'accessorio pi serio per caso una serata con domenica vostra mercato finanziario e borse da existera. I call it the Klimt coat - it reminds me of his paintings," Von Habsburg said, noting that Vuitton's store is part of a new luxury shopping hub set in Vienna's historical center. Typically the aim at the back such type of cost is to try to make it through challenge with the help of even more major participants of the marketplace since Maruti, Tata and also Hyundai. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp]kostenlose beats[/url] There are many hotels in and around Vegas - from less expensive mattress and breakfasts towards the most extravagant hotels like the infamous Ballagio, using its incredible water fountain display outside, Por desgracia, chicago economa opleve rompi lol obligado a la media delaware las mujeres para disminuir los lv viaggiare per uomo monogram tela tiempos no louis vuitton natural leather obligatorio el uso, de manera peridica este alto precio incluye ropa y accesorios. The only way to be with her is to live here." Mr Lillis said he wrote that based on what he was going through and the idea for the script was sparked by the situation he found himself in.. It is that sense that Dion is trying to be something she is not that often sees her criticised for being a little fake. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] They are 100% the same as the authentic kinds. Dumas surprised with that. Do yourself a favor and purchase the real issue.
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=6]96.1 the beat[/url] Do not go by the sticker that says it is UV coating and hence offers you UV protection. They've they've had some trouble in their lives and our music -- been helping damned good she worked to go through. The selling price of these bags relies upon on the dimensions of the scales.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp]beats by dre[/url] There are many sizes, designs, colors and types of Celine handbags on the online stores.. Celine Dion is one of the singing superstars who have given various record breaking songs to her fans. These sort of Hermes totes are beneficial for frequent situations..
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=8]the beat generation[/url] Hundtricket - The Movie (2002) - IMDb A shy but very romantic young man tries to meet a girl by walking a borrowed dog. I feel Babara lacks connection with the song, she kinda reminds me of Celine Dion but without the extraordinary power. Aprs tout, les jours de l'achat d'une robe pour une occasion ont disparu..
[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]kopfh?rer beats[/url] The backup Hermes ladies handbag are generally not constructed resistant to the cheap dresses slightly like at the very minimum case with deceitful Hermes handbags. Price of an accessory is determined on . This kind of luggage are usually had..
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp]kostenlose beats[/url] Si bien sus lbumes han recibido crticas mixtas, es muy conocida por poseer una voz hbil y poderosa.14 15 Dion es la artista canadiense con ms ventas en el mundo y su lbum D'eux es el ms vendido en idioma francs de todos los tiempos.16 17 18 En 2004, tras superar los 175 millones de lbumes vendidos en el mundo, fue galardonada con el premio Chopard Diamond en la ceremonia de los World Music Awards por ser la artista ms exitosa de la historia.19. The two-week-long match-racing elimination regatta was sailed in 82-foot America's Cup Class yachts with a crew of 17.. Shopping online allows you to choose from fabulous styles and colors together with making comparison amongst several bags..
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=2]soundclick beats[/url] Birkin bags are especially hard to come by, which is why even those people who want to purchase a new one are put onto wait lists. And now here is the most important recommendation from a voice teacher: any child who is good at singing and has great potential should see a phoniatrist - the special voice doctor - every six months. She's there for the city's film festival, where her ballerina thriller, Black Swan, is earning her some Oscar buzz. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]the beat goes on[/url] You need not steal a bank hermes bag loan company to acquire the Hermes Birkin now. Il est g excellent la recommandation professionnelle impartiale et professionnelle des personnes qui ont obtenu de la vente de sacs main mode pour les femmes de tous Dans le monde de la mode la mode, beaucoup de dames aiment trouver des sacs main d r concernant en ligne. There is help near the corner and that help is in the form of Hermes Replica handbags. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=8]the beat generation[/url] Their wallets and handbags, keys, lipsticks, and Gianmarco LorenZi Pumps Selling need a place that might permit women to easily take them in which they proceeded to go. In one instance, one rare model of a Hermes Birkin bag has been sold at an auction for about $65,000.. Consider the overall style and design and besides that consider how it makes you feel. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=6]big city beats[/url] L'accessorio pi serio per caso una serata con domenica vostra mercato finanziario e borse da existera. I call it the Klimt coat - it reminds me of his paintings," Von Habsburg said, noting that Vuitton's store is part of a new luxury shopping hub set in Vienna's historical center. Typically the aim at the back such type of cost is to try to make it through challenge with the help of even more major participants of the marketplace since Maruti, Tata and also Hyundai. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp]kostenlose beats[/url] There are many hotels in and around Vegas - from less expensive mattress and breakfasts towards the most extravagant hotels like the infamous Ballagio, using its incredible water fountain display outside, Por desgracia, chicago economa opleve rompi lol obligado a la media delaware las mujeres para disminuir los lv viaggiare per uomo monogram tela tiempos no louis vuitton natural leather obligatorio el uso, de manera peridica este alto precio incluye ropa y accesorios. The only way to be with her is to live here." Mr Lillis said he wrote that based on what he was going through and the idea for the script was sparked by the situation he found himself in.. It is that sense that Dion is trying to be something she is not that often sees her criticised for being a little fake. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] They are 100% the same as the authentic kinds. Dumas surprised with that. Do yourself a favor and purchase the real issue.
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