Записки Печорской экспедиции. Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
В любой экспедиции должно быть что-то первооткрывательское.
На сегодняшний день известен основной зимник с "материка" на Нарьян-Мар, идущий через Усинск. Если начать изучать дорожную сеть этого региона, встречается упоминание, что пару раз некие неопознанные личности прорывались в Нарьян-Мар напрямую из Усть-Цильмы, прямо вдоль Печоры. Однако никаких достоверных источников на сей счет нет. Местные также лишь разводят руками и озвучивают домыслы.
Даже встреченный нами дорожный знак — и тот не может определиться — есть ли дорога на Нарьян-Мар и сколько до него ехать. Вот мы и решили двинуться на север с целью выяснения истины.
По пути нам попался живописный мотоцикл, воткнутый в сугроб. Судя по закопченности цилиндров, заводят его паяльной лампой
После этого знака дорога стала заметно хуже, зимник очень неровный, что сразу сказалось на скорости передвижения.
В нашем же направлении стремились косяки рыбацких лодок.
Мы же все надеялись увидеть стада оленей, вынюхивали следы и смотрели во все глаза...
В Окунево расположен забойный пункт, и стада здесь бывают часто. Но нам не повезло, мы застали лишь многочисленные нарты и удивленного нашим появлением кочегара.
Дальше на север пересекали Печору, даже какое-то время ехали по острову через деревню Крестовка. На одной из ледовых переправ пообщались с трактористом, чистившим зимник. Он сетовал на ненадежность техники, и сказал, что дальше на север не пойдет, так как на одной из переправ дорожники не обозначили ограничения веса транспортного средства, а топить трактор ему не сильно хочется.
Чем сильнее забираешься на север, тем меньше встречаешь солнца. Рассвет сразу переходит в закат, а небесное светило чуть заметно над елками.
Иногда казалось, что мы уже забрались в места совсем не жилые, но подобные знаки посреди корявого зимника возвращали с неба на землю.
Так, мало по малу, мы и пересекли Полярный Круг. Обратите внимание, на GPS буковки не хватает, студентам до фонаря — что это за круг такой, полярный.
Пересечение заветного рубежа отметили символическим застольем.
Зимник уперся в крайнее печорское село Леждуг. GPS померил расстояние по прямой до Нарьян-Мара, до него осталось 77 км. По словам местных, не чистится всего 40 км дороги, и народ ездит в город на "Буранах". Мы проверили — буранный след наши машины практически не держат, смогли углубиться от дороги метров на 200. При этом, когда иные регионы засыпало снегом, здесь, в заполярье, глубина покрова не больше 30 см, и Wrangler свободно идет по целине!
Было громадное искушение рискнуть и пойти на Нарьян-Мар. Я в Леждуге опросил население на предмет наличия эвакуаторов — ГТС или тракторов, но ответ был отрицательный: вся колесная и гусеничная техника законсервирована до весны, и оживлять они ее ни за какие коврижки не собираются. А значит, если мы где-то встрянем, помощи ждать неоткуда. На том и развернулись.
Записки Печорской экспедиции
Москва – Воровино. Авария
Москва – Великий Устюг – Вогваздино
Вогваздино – Ухта
Ухта – Ижма
Ижма – Сизябск – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Замежная – Усть-Цильма
Усть-Цильма – Леждуг – Харьяга
Харьяга – Ижма – Москва
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]free hip hop beats[/url] Numerous golf courses nearby. Tous les boutons sont des cabochons de pierres qui brillent. This is this much in the way not the same thing for those times when working out with your attendance to do with an all in one coach.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=5]94.5 the beat[/url] Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. The quality is compromised a little as compared to the original Hermes bag, however. As well, in 1983, Dion received a Gold Record in France, the very first Canadian to do so.
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[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]wireless beats[/url] It looks as though Hermes has been making this little pocket guide for onophiles since approximately 2006 that's the first Internet reference I can find, anyway, and on our own PurseForum at that, and it's meant to help wine connoisseurs choose the best red wine vintages while they're out and about, dining at restaurants with expensive wine lists or whatever it is that people who really love wine do. Hermes Bags Online Building reproductions too uses a lots of perseverance. Cholesterol may be the a main contributing factor all around the causing heart attacks.
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[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]free beats download[/url] The distributor is the Sony Pictures subsidiary, Hot Ticket. She is a Canadian recording artist. Other collections like Taiga, Utah, Chicago, Nomade, and Epi are more subtle.
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] There is nothing charming about a woman who cannot walk in her shoes." The popular designer then offered up his definition of perfection: "Do you know who I think looks wonderful? In Bath, there is a woman who always passes by my house. Pick your delight, whatever the genre, and when Celine proved that Vegas was an efficient, highly profitable and personally fulfilling place to hang around, that word got out.. That is why these branded sunglasses has functions this kind of like scratch/impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses, lightweight frames, and offer 100% UV protection..
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=3]beat 94.5[/url] Additionally, the package displays the 8-carat pear-shaped diamonds, may also be used alone.. Loafers are another popular choice, with the Monte Carlo Loafer being a top brand. The strappy sandals are secured just above the ankle and another thin strap rests on the toes.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=3]irregular heart beat[/url] I JUST KNOW THAT WHATEVER PEOPLE OR PRESS THAT TALKS SHIT ABOUT THEIR ONLY STAR HAS GOT TO BE A REAL BUNCH OF PRIMITIVE APES. Fly fishing tackle, or gear, essentially includes artificial flies, a fly rod, a fly reel and fly line. These Louis Vuitton Handbags sale handbags are of high quality, such as the original look almost the same. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]monster beats[/url] Rather than it be a video I want to create a sequence of edited images, featuring background music, which will not directly show the collection and be more of a teaser alongside the announcement of the exclusive collection. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. A fraternal twin Eddy and Nelson and their famous mom are featured in a 20-page pictorial spread in the magazine. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=6]beats headset[/url] Spoilers Abaixo: C estou, mais uma vez, preparada para lanar mo dos meus j tradicionais elogios temporada de Grey's Anatomy. Gucci black dress Pepe denim jacket in black Gucci leather biker jacket Kepi basque (3 in black, and silver ) Kepi basque in brown Full length black leather skirt with rough bottom Joseph leather skirt Dolce Gabbana black polo neck Dolce Gabbana suede skirt with animal print Dolce Gabbana animal print basque Maria Grachvogel hot pants (2 pairs) Chloe loveheart sunglasses Kevin John top in white Kevin John trousers Knee-length skirt Handkerchief tops (3 in suede, black and lilac) Baby pink little top There are many people out there who really yearn to become musically talented, but not everyone . [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] Pick a Shade - Mentioned previously, they come in various colors and. Adolescent females put on those attire in addition to is out during the warm months sun light lousy not really believe consequently awesome. Not only do bags have to be functional in ways that high heels or cocktail dresses don but in order to catch wide consumer interest, a line needs solid, coveted basics that are refreshed every season in new colors, leathers and structures think the Celine Luggage Tote. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=9]monster beats by dre[/url] Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. There is a wealth of information online which covers the INS and OUTS of using their service to save big on just about anything,NFL Rams lead off 2nd round of draft Posted by New York Giants Jerseys , including coach purses.. Every one of the old money , Higher East Side females are having a fit right now. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]dr dre beats[/url] Monogram pattern: A quick first step is to check the monogram pattern of the Louis Vuitton handbag (granted it has such a pattern). Proprio qualche giorno fa abbiamo dato uno sguardo alla nuova collezione primavera estate 2012 e anche in quel caso a dominare la scena sono stati colori vivaci e stampe colorate. This recovery is different in different types of shoes.
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[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=4]wireless beats[/url] It looks as though Hermes has been making this little pocket guide for onophiles since approximately 2006 that's the first Internet reference I can find, anyway, and on our own PurseForum at that, and it's meant to help wine connoisseurs choose the best red wine vintages while they're out and about, dining at restaurants with expensive wine lists or whatever it is that people who really love wine do. Hermes Bags Online Building reproductions too uses a lots of perseverance. Cholesterol may be the a main contributing factor all around the causing heart attacks.
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[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=9]free beats download[/url] The distributor is the Sony Pictures subsidiary, Hot Ticket. She is a Canadian recording artist. Other collections like Taiga, Utah, Chicago, Nomade, and Epi are more subtle.
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[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]solo beats[/url] There is nothing charming about a woman who cannot walk in her shoes." The popular designer then offered up his definition of perfection: "Do you know who I think looks wonderful? In Bath, there is a woman who always passes by my house. Pick your delight, whatever the genre, and when Celine proved that Vegas was an efficient, highly profitable and personally fulfilling place to hang around, that word got out.. That is why these branded sunglasses has functions this kind of like scratch/impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses, lightweight frames, and offer 100% UV protection..
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=3]beat 94.5[/url] Additionally, the package displays the 8-carat pear-shaped diamonds, may also be used alone.. Loafers are another popular choice, with the Monte Carlo Loafer being a top brand. The strappy sandals are secured just above the ankle and another thin strap rests on the toes.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=3]irregular heart beat[/url] I JUST KNOW THAT WHATEVER PEOPLE OR PRESS THAT TALKS SHIT ABOUT THEIR ONLY STAR HAS GOT TO BE A REAL BUNCH OF PRIMITIVE APES. Fly fishing tackle, or gear, essentially includes artificial flies, a fly rod, a fly reel and fly line. These Louis Vuitton Handbags sale handbags are of high quality, such as the original look almost the same. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]monster beats[/url] Rather than it be a video I want to create a sequence of edited images, featuring background music, which will not directly show the collection and be more of a teaser alongside the announcement of the exclusive collection. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. A fraternal twin Eddy and Nelson and their famous mom are featured in a 20-page pictorial spread in the magazine. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=6]beats headset[/url] Spoilers Abaixo: C estou, mais uma vez, preparada para lanar mo dos meus j tradicionais elogios temporada de Grey's Anatomy. Gucci black dress Pepe denim jacket in black Gucci leather biker jacket Kepi basque (3 in black, and silver ) Kepi basque in brown Full length black leather skirt with rough bottom Joseph leather skirt Dolce Gabbana black polo neck Dolce Gabbana suede skirt with animal print Dolce Gabbana animal print basque Maria Grachvogel hot pants (2 pairs) Chloe loveheart sunglasses Kevin John top in white Kevin John trousers Knee-length skirt Handkerchief tops (3 in suede, black and lilac) Baby pink little top There are many people out there who really yearn to become musically talented, but not everyone . [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=8]beats antique[/url] Pick a Shade - Mentioned previously, they come in various colors and. Adolescent females put on those attire in addition to is out during the warm months sun light lousy not really believe consequently awesome. Not only do bags have to be functional in ways that high heels or cocktail dresses don but in order to catch wide consumer interest, a line needs solid, coveted basics that are refreshed every season in new colors, leathers and structures think the Celine Luggage Tote. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=9]monster beats by dre[/url] Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.. There is a wealth of information online which covers the INS and OUTS of using their service to save big on just about anything,NFL Rams lead off 2nd round of draft Posted by New York Giants Jerseys , including coach purses.. Every one of the old money , Higher East Side females are having a fit right now. [url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]dr dre beats[/url] Monogram pattern: A quick first step is to check the monogram pattern of the Louis Vuitton handbag (granted it has such a pattern). Proprio qualche giorno fa abbiamo dato uno sguardo alla nuova collezione primavera estate 2012 e anche in quel caso a dominare la scena sono stati colori vivaci e stampe colorate. This recovery is different in different types of shoes.
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[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=10]beats by dr dre[/url] Otherwise you are running the risk that you might be getting scammed. The vast majority of belts are made from leather with some womens styles made of metals. Nous avons dj effectuer le doublage voix off Anglais au sein de l'universit Lille 3 avec des tudiants anglophones.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]beats laptop[/url] All the classic when it comes to shopping bags made it again your strength to be able to think by working with for much suppliers. You know. Hermes can be a type household over People from france all is renowned for it capable to attire, pursuits decorations, smells and more.
[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]monster beats[/url] In the television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Buffy starts to have an inkling that her college roommate is actually a demon when the girl pins a poster of the singer on her wall. Actually, We were a great deal more acquainted with goods and even industrial facilities rather than my very own associate. Ms.
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]beats download[/url] Unique leather based will be the appropriate of people purses. Was Only a Dream created with Therese Tanguay, the mother, and Jacques, the elder brother. An additional benefit is actually you'll don you have to invest lots as well as lots of cash to purchase just one designer handbag..
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=9]beats solo[/url] Just take your time and do your research and you find a great pair. Despite a nationwide crackdown on the sale of phony merchandise, many lovers of luxury fashions think twice about discounted or pre-owned items for fear of being duped into purchasing a well-designed counterfeit. There are also several uncommon locates within bazaars or product sales.
[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=10]wireless beats[/url] She handed me a receipt and asked me to come back in a few hours. Mulberries are now in season in Wisconsin. Many counterfeiters as soon as manufacturing the phony handbags will use common steel.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]the beat goes on[/url] Louis Vuitton Outlet , On March 30th to April 19, the Louis vuitton "fantasy" zoo will show a distinctive fashion art feast for you. He's the tougher of the two."Celine continued, "They are fraternal twins, but they look very alike. However, God wrote it in such a way that it could not be understood until the world was almost at its end. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]drum beat[/url] People can spend money as the original, but wearing Hermes replica wallet for example, a part of fashion will not be deleted. I hope you really enjoy these cases and let me know which one is your favorite or if i missed a really cool Louis Vuitton iPhone Case somewhere in the guestbook. The good results concerning going to be the chain was credited to discover more than one important aspects. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp]beats by dre[/url] Risk factors related to the subject matter of this press release include the possibility that the ATG product deployment will not be successful, on time or significantly enhance the user's Internet experience or handle user volumes; that those customers leveraging ATG won't have the opportunity to increase revenue and decrease future costs; the need to adapt to rapid changes so products do not become obsolete; the possibility of errors in ATG's software products; the possibility that the solution will not make customer implementations faster or more flexible or permit the customer to meet its customer-facing or infrastructure requirements; that the ATG product will not continue to be integrated with third party applications servers or will not support all Web services enabled systems; that ATG's product strategy may change in the future; and the risks and costs of intellectual property litigation An action brought in court to enforce a particular right. The different styles of louis vuitton monogram also reflects a different state of mind and personality of a woman. Hermes Birkins bags got its name from the actress Jane Birkins. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=2]free hip hop beats[/url] Just always keep seeing the paragraphs learn the 3 good as much as possible to stick to when selecting the Hermes tote:. At present, any dilemma, which bunck in your thoughts, is the place you can get reduced ingredients that can certainly still really make a difference. One important topic to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag is the monogram. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] And they'll seriously feel bum out over with regards to their very own incorrect alternative. Some sports activities routines are a selected all through the the climate for any individual and natural environment a little as though ice-skating, skiing and ice baseball These sports actions are hardly at any time in a position to make sure they are really performed as component of the warm environment. Exiger un groupe de choix de chaussures de tennis vintage pour soutenir les tats financiers. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=3]93.3 the beat[/url] But unlike the celebrities who have obtained their Hermes bag for thousands of dollars, you can have one or two of your own without spending huge amounts of cash. A reader came to us with what we imagine to be a fairly common dilemma: She wants to invest in an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag, but also wants to make sure she picks one that is worth the exorbitant price tag. Hailing from.
[url=http://www.abilitymagazine.org.uk/Images/Uploads/cavin7.html]Cheap Calvin Klein Underwear[/url] [url=http://www.minoritylandowner.com/page2.php]toms shoes[/url] [url=http://www.abilitymagazine.org.uk/Images/Uploads/mubllery18.html]Mulberry Bags[/url]
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=10]beats by dr dre[/url] Otherwise you are running the risk that you might be getting scammed. The vast majority of belts are made from leather with some womens styles made of metals. Nous avons dj effectuer le doublage voix off Anglais au sein de l'universit Lille 3 avec des tudiants anglophones.
[url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=2]beats laptop[/url] All the classic when it comes to shopping bags made it again your strength to be able to think by working with for much suppliers. You know. Hermes can be a type household over People from france all is renowned for it capable to attire, pursuits decorations, smells and more.
[url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]monster beats[/url] In the television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Buffy starts to have an inkling that her college roommate is actually a demon when the girl pins a poster of the singer on her wall. Actually, We were a great deal more acquainted with goods and even industrial facilities rather than my very own associate. Ms.
[url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=3]beats download[/url] Unique leather based will be the appropriate of people purses. Was Only a Dream created with Therese Tanguay, the mother, and Jacques, the elder brother. An additional benefit is actually you'll don you have to invest lots as well as lots of cash to purchase just one designer handbag..
[url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=9]beats solo[/url] Just take your time and do your research and you find a great pair. Despite a nationwide crackdown on the sale of phony merchandise, many lovers of luxury fashions think twice about discounted or pre-owned items for fear of being duped into purchasing a well-designed counterfeit. There are also several uncommon locates within bazaars or product sales.
[url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=10]wireless beats[/url] She handed me a receipt and asked me to come back in a few hours. Mulberries are now in season in Wisconsin. Many counterfeiters as soon as manufacturing the phony handbags will use common steel.
[url=http://www.businessbiodiversity.ca/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=6]the beat goes on[/url] Louis Vuitton Outlet , On March 30th to April 19, the Louis vuitton "fantasy" zoo will show a distinctive fashion art feast for you. He's the tougher of the two."Celine continued, "They are fraternal twins, but they look very alike. However, God wrote it in such a way that it could not be understood until the world was almost at its end. [url=http://www.challengingrisk.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?id=7]drum beat[/url] People can spend money as the original, but wearing Hermes replica wallet for example, a part of fashion will not be deleted. I hope you really enjoy these cases and let me know which one is your favorite or if i missed a really cool Louis Vuitton iPhone Case somewhere in the guestbook. The good results concerning going to be the chain was credited to discover more than one important aspects. [url=http://www.hilf.de/downloads/beatsbydre/index.asp]beats by dre[/url] Risk factors related to the subject matter of this press release include the possibility that the ATG product deployment will not be successful, on time or significantly enhance the user's Internet experience or handle user volumes; that those customers leveraging ATG won't have the opportunity to increase revenue and decrease future costs; the need to adapt to rapid changes so products do not become obsolete; the possibility of errors in ATG's software products; the possibility that the solution will not make customer implementations faster or more flexible or permit the customer to meet its customer-facing or infrastructure requirements; that the ATG product will not continue to be integrated with third party applications servers or will not support all Web services enabled systems; that ATG's product strategy may change in the future; and the risks and costs of intellectual property litigation An action brought in court to enforce a particular right. The different styles of louis vuitton monogram also reflects a different state of mind and personality of a woman. Hermes Birkins bags got its name from the actress Jane Birkins. [url=http://www.stuck-in-europe.com/beatsbydre/index.asp?beats=2]free hip hop beats[/url] Just always keep seeing the paragraphs learn the 3 good as much as possible to stick to when selecting the Hermes tote:. At present, any dilemma, which bunck in your thoughts, is the place you can get reduced ingredients that can certainly still really make a difference. One important topic to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag is the monogram. [url=http://www.newyorkwater.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=5]beats by dr dre[/url] And they'll seriously feel bum out over with regards to their very own incorrect alternative. Some sports activities routines are a selected all through the the climate for any individual and natural environment a little as though ice-skating, skiing and ice baseball These sports actions are hardly at any time in a position to make sure they are really performed as component of the warm environment. Exiger un groupe de choix de chaussures de tennis vintage pour soutenir les tats financiers. [url=http://www.nickcurreyfund.org/beatsbydre/index.cfm?beats=3]93.3 the beat[/url] But unlike the celebrities who have obtained their Hermes bag for thousands of dollars, you can have one or two of your own without spending huge amounts of cash. A reader came to us with what we imagine to be a fairly common dilemma: She wants to invest in an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag, but also wants to make sure she picks one that is worth the exorbitant price tag. Hailing from.
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