Байкальский лед 2010. Бухта Заворотная. Сон во льдах.

Рассказы нашего проводника Александра Бурмейстера о строительстве хижин среди льдов будоражили воображение городских жителей, и, достигнув Заворотной, мы оставили немногочисленных женщин чистить и жарить рыбу, а мужская часть экспедиции отправилась строить ледяную пещеру. Как всегда, мальчикам перепало все самое интересное.

Андрей Леонтьев хотел снять сюжет о самой постройке, а потом поехать отдыхать в теплую избу. Я же сразу решил, что буду ночевать на льду, ведь какой смысл потеть над постройкой дома, чтобы в нем ни разу потом так и не переночевать?! К тому же, у меня и спальный мешок соответствующий припасен на такой случай!

Рецепт приготовления жилища прост. Ищется застарелая трещина с торосами, в ней нужно выбрать укромный уголок с естественной льдиной-крышей, чтобы не сильно корячиться с монтажем кровли, ведь льдины очень тяжелые. Будущее жилое пространство обкладывается по периметру льдинами, оставляя небольшой лаз для входа. Затем подбирается подходящая "дверь", и, вуаля, котедж готов!


А это — ваш непокорный слуга на утро следующего дня... Скажу честно, страшно стало как только я заглушил машину и потушил фары. Тишина и темнота сделали свое дело — захотелось удрать как можно скорее к друзьям в домик. Самое стремное — треск льдов, которые постоянно дрейфуют, сталкиваются, хрустят и скрипят. Представить это сложно. Когда нет шума двигателя, ветра, пения птиц, болтовни людей, нет ничего, лишь звон в ушах... когда можно услышать стук собственного сердца... и когда ты слышишь как лед, на котором ты стоишь, буквально дышит... ты понимаешь КАКАЯ ЭТО СТИХИЯ!!! И какая ты блоха не его теле, теле живого Байкала. Сравнениие с блохой, на мой взгляд, очень хорошее. Достаточно представить себя в роли этого миниатюрного насекомого, скажем, на колечке кольчуги Ильи Муромца, который спит богатырским сном, с соответствующими спецэффектами! Жуть. А потому, когда я забрался в спальник и перестал шуршать окончательно, быстро понял, что если тут же не засну — умру от разрыва сердца, тем более пещерка получилась теснее гроба дубового, а плита надо мной на столько тяжела, что если рухнет — уже не выбраться никогда. Здравствуй, клаустрофобия! Здравствуй, паника! Хотел острых ощущений — получите, распишитесь! К счастью, вырубился...

Утром у меня было два подъема. Один реальный, на рассвете, когда я и снял заходные кадры (красивый вид из окна, неправда ли?), которые вы видели чуть выше. И один "телевизионный", когда съемочная группа решила-таки проверить, не съели ли меня медведи... А мне было хорошо, ведь полярный спальник был расстелен на медвежьей шкуре, и грел как печка!

Мы были уверены, что эта моя ночевка и есть венец приключений, но не тут то было, иначе не была бы эта бухта Заворотной...


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An enhanced version on the uProduce Marketing Console, meant to enable users to provide tracking and analysis of campaign results on their marketing customers in real-time. ,shipping boxes office supplies
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The ??nner Workings??of InnerWorkings (INWK) carton box manufacturer package printing Presstek, ,Sept 4th Key Recovery Indicators
By Patrick Henry Published: February 16, 2011 ,small packaging boxes how to self publish a book
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BR Printers Colors the World of Black & White publish a book personalized stickers Certainly, each from the two inkjet technologies does have it's strengths. Our waterless inks provide vivid color and excellent image quality on low-cost plain papers. And our aqueous ink prints well on practically any surface—delivering high density color using a selection of substrates even beyond paper. ,Print Buyers Survey on Variable Data Printing
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ISA’s partnership with Graph Expo continues, along with the Las Vegas show will add the second year of the partners’ cosponsorship in the Print Application Center, that may incorporate live demos, hands-on workshops using unique applications, along with other education sessions. (The Print Application Center also appears at Graph Expo in the fall.) ,print business cards cheap stationery
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The Enduring Value of Print corrugated box office stationery HP is usually inside Managed Print Services business, taking that burden away from the shoulders of administrative or IT personnel from the enterprise. ,drupa 2016: About Adding Value to Print!
ISA’s partnership with Graph Expo continues, along with the Las Vegas show will add the second year of the partners’ cosponsorship in the Print Application Center, that may incorporate live demos, hands-on workshops using unique applications, along with other education sessions. (The Print Application Center also appears at Graph Expo in the fall.) ,print business cards cheap stationery
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By accident, I came across one exhibit that's essentially the most emotionally stirring for the show (not too platesetters and software aren’t without their appeals for the soul): the Pictures with the Year International (POYi) photojournalism award winners. POYi, to use 65th year, is really a program in the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute for the Missouri School of Journalism. Entries were judged inside a assortment of categories, from newspaper news, newspaper features, sports photography, science and nature photography, and more. The gallery at NEXPO featured a handful in the winners, which ranged in the heartbreaking, on the funny, to your poignant, to your delightful. The old cliché says a picture will probably be worth lots of words, each of such photographs were equivalent towards the most poetic thousand words inside English language. A good photograph can supply a window in to the soul of that subject, and another doesn’t come away from an exhibit like POYi’s without having to be changed in a way. This is really what graphic communication is information about. I suggest see the winners gallery online at www.poyi.org. ,gift boxes custom labels
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By accident, I came across one exhibit that's essentially the most emotionally stirring for the show (not too platesetters and software aren’t without their appeals for the soul): the Pictures with the Year International (POYi) photojournalism award winners. POYi, to use 65th year, is really a program in the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute for the Missouri School of Journalism. Entries were judged inside a assortment of categories, from newspaper news, newspaper features, sports photography, science and nature photography, and more. The gallery at NEXPO featured a handful in the winners, which ranged in the heartbreaking, on the funny, to your poignant, to your delightful. The old cliché says a picture will probably be worth lots of words, each of such photographs were equivalent towards the most poetic thousand words inside English language. A good photograph can supply a window in to the soul of that subject, and another doesn’t come away from an exhibit like POYi’s without having to be changed in a way. This is really what graphic communication is information about. I suggest see the winners gallery online at www.poyi.org. ,gift boxes custom labels
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There was not just a tremendous quantity of cool product announcements, although Print 13 marked the U.S. debut of new devices. Canon Solutions America’s Océ ColorWave 900, although demonstrated to get a handful of years as “Project Velocity,” made its official launch last June at FESPA London, and created its North American debut at Print, where it won a Must See ’Em inside the “Pressroom: Wide-Format” category. It has a print resolution of 1600 dpi along with a delivery of 3.4 billion (that has a b) 1.2-picoliter (pl) ink droplets per second, for just a quoted maximum output speed of a single,100 m2/hr. Canon were also showing their new S-Series printers that have been announced a couple weeks ago, the 44-inch imagePROGRAF 8400S and 24-inch imagePROGRAF 6400S printers, which provide enhanced print management and color control capabilities. Canon also had readily available their new Arizona 600 group of UV flatbed printers, comprising the 640 and 660, a four-color and six-color machine, respectively. The Arizona 660 XT also garnered a Must See ’Em inside “Pressroom: Wide-Format” category. ,product packaging boxes product labels
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The show?? the thing box packaging custom printed shipping boxes NPOA’s 2015-2016 quick printing industry pricing study covers pricing trends throughout the board, including charges for design and prepress and also offset and digital printing. Not surprisingly, various benchmarking data collected by NPOA indicate that shops using the highest sales per employee (SPE) also earn probably the most profits, with many enjoying margins of twenty percent or even more. ,Turf Wars: Developing Multi-Media Communications Strategies that Reach Customers
There was not just a tremendous quantity of cool product announcements, although Print 13 marked the U.S. debut of new devices. Canon Solutions America’s Océ ColorWave 900, although demonstrated to get a handful of years as “Project Velocity,” made its official launch last June at FESPA London, and created its North American debut at Print, where it won a Must See ’Em inside the “Pressroom: Wide-Format” category. It has a print resolution of 1600 dpi along with a delivery of 3.4 billion (that has a b) 1.2-picoliter (pl) ink droplets per second, for just a quoted maximum output speed of a single,100 m2/hr. Canon were also showing their new S-Series printers that have been announced a couple weeks ago, the 44-inch imagePROGRAF 8400S and 24-inch imagePROGRAF 6400S printers, which provide enhanced print management and color control capabilities. Canon also had readily available their new Arizona 600 group of UV flatbed printers, comprising the 640 and 660, a four-color and six-color machine, respectively. The Arizona 660 XT also garnered a Must See ’Em inside “Pressroom: Wide-Format” category. ,product packaging boxes product labels
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In-Store Expo – The Point of Purchase Advantage By Jim Raffel I recently attended In-Store Expo to understand more about how Point of Purchase (POP) display manufacturers can leverage their product offerings to aid brand owners in managing brand color fidelity. I started by reviewing current strategies this market is pursuing related for the fidelity of name colors along the various mediums and substrates employed in today's POP displays. A large section on the show floor was dedicated with a gallery featuring many unique POP displays entered from the “Design from the Times” competition. Reviewing these displays I found the one that uncovered the down sides with brand color management across multiple substrates utilised in POP displays. The display you want was made of corrugated printed together with the brand color. Stacked within the corrugated display were folding carton boxes also printed while using brand color. Finally, the folding carton box was die-cut so a flexo package printed together with the brand color within the carton may be seen. With my human eye alone I was competent to quickly determine the reproduction from the brand color about the three substrates was well beyond the tolerance this brand owner should tolerate. Keep at heart this display ended up entered within a competition. I thought it was interesting that within sight in this color nightmare became a POP display for paint chips like one might discover in typical hardware store. The paint chip display was essentially a graphic arts light booth converted right into a paint chip holder. So, we'd a paint manufacturer concerned enough with proper color evaluation to make a presentation containing correct lighting within sight of an packaging company that has been happy to display their inability to accurately reproduce an important brand color across three substrates. It is just not too tricky to envision a POP display constructed of an free-standing corrugated unit holding die-cut folding cartons containing flexo printed bags, by using an accurately reproduced brand color. Add to this particular the complexity of an wide-format pop-up sign printed by an additional technology on an additional substrate. Finally, add an interactive video display that will accurately display the emblem color. In a down retail economy POP displays will end up a growing number of elaborate as brand owners fit everything in they could to easily maintain share of the market. Maintaining color fidelity in a very cross-media campaign can be considered a challenge. Fortunately, in modern times color management tools like ProfileMaker from X-Rite are becoming on the market to simplify this process. A sound color management system gets underway with profiling and verification in the monitors used to see color in applications like photoshop. Next, an account needs being established for every production output device (e.g.-printing presses, ink jet devices, etc.) unless a typical profile like SWOP or GRACoL will be for being utilized. Finally, proofing systems needs for being profiled so that you can simulate each with the output devices. There are hundreds in any other case a huge number of color management pros who can help in establishing the many various reproduction processes calibrated to reproduce along with accurately. The trick should be to then verify that every device is constantly on the reproduce colour accurately so all the ingredients of each one display match and all of the displays over the country and about the world match. This final and many critical step is termed color verification and process control. Graphic arts companies start to understand vehicles color fidelity advantage traditional printing has over other advertising mediums. For example, the SCHAWK facility in Stamford, CT runs on the mixture of color management, color verification and color process control to deal with a considerable library of brand name colors because of their clients. The solution begins that has a color management technique to profile production equipment inside the shop. Once ICC profiles have already been created to the production equipment color fidelity is maintained through the use of a color process control system. Press fingerprints and live production product from printers also needs for being monitored and evaluated with process control tools. The complete end-to-end color solution allows this SCHAWK facility to provide brand color owner delta E values of 3 and much less when needed. This 's all done while reducing consumable waste as a result of the strong color process controls put set up. ,stationery wholesalers printed cardboard boxes
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In-Store Expo – The Point of Purchase Advantage By Jim Raffel I recently attended In-Store Expo to understand more about how Point of Purchase (POP) display manufacturers can leverage their product offerings to aid brand owners in managing brand color fidelity. I started by reviewing current strategies this market is pursuing related for the fidelity of name colors along the various mediums and substrates employed in today's POP displays. A large section on the show floor was dedicated with a gallery featuring many unique POP displays entered from the “Design from the Times” competition. Reviewing these displays I found the one that uncovered the down sides with brand color management across multiple substrates utilised in POP displays. The display you want was made of corrugated printed together with the brand color. Stacked within the corrugated display were folding carton boxes also printed while using brand color. Finally, the folding carton box was die-cut so a flexo package printed together with the brand color within the carton may be seen. With my human eye alone I was competent to quickly determine the reproduction from the brand color about the three substrates was well beyond the tolerance this brand owner should tolerate. Keep at heart this display ended up entered within a competition. I thought it was interesting that within sight in this color nightmare became a POP display for paint chips like one might discover in typical hardware store. The paint chip display was essentially a graphic arts light booth converted right into a paint chip holder. So, we'd a paint manufacturer concerned enough with proper color evaluation to make a presentation containing correct lighting within sight of an packaging company that has been happy to display their inability to accurately reproduce an important brand color across three substrates. It is just not too tricky to envision a POP display constructed of an free-standing corrugated unit holding die-cut folding cartons containing flexo printed bags, by using an accurately reproduced brand color. Add to this particular the complexity of an wide-format pop-up sign printed by an additional technology on an additional substrate. Finally, add an interactive video display that will accurately display the emblem color. In a down retail economy POP displays will end up a growing number of elaborate as brand owners fit everything in they could to easily maintain share of the market. Maintaining color fidelity in a very cross-media campaign can be considered a challenge. Fortunately, in modern times color management tools like ProfileMaker from X-Rite are becoming on the market to simplify this process. A sound color management system gets underway with profiling and verification in the monitors used to see color in applications like photoshop. Next, an account needs being established for every production output device (e.g.-printing presses, ink jet devices, etc.) unless a typical profile like SWOP or GRACoL will be for being utilized. Finally, proofing systems needs for being profiled so that you can simulate each with the output devices. There are hundreds in any other case a huge number of color management pros who can help in establishing the many various reproduction processes calibrated to reproduce along with accurately. The trick should be to then verify that every device is constantly on the reproduce colour accurately so all the ingredients of each one display match and all of the displays over the country and about the world match. This final and many critical step is termed color verification and process control. Graphic arts companies start to understand vehicles color fidelity advantage traditional printing has over other advertising mediums. For example, the SCHAWK facility in Stamford, CT runs on the mixture of color management, color verification and color process control to deal with a considerable library of brand name colors because of their clients. The solution begins that has a color management technique to profile production equipment inside the shop. Once ICC profiles have already been created to the production equipment color fidelity is maintained through the use of a color process control system. Press fingerprints and live production product from printers also needs for being monitored and evaluated with process control tools. The complete end-to-end color solution allows this SCHAWK facility to provide brand color owner delta E values of 3 and much less when needed. This 's all done while reducing consumable waste as a result of the strong color process controls put set up. ,stationery wholesalers printed cardboard boxes
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IWCO Direct: Being Direct Works! box packaging corrugated box manufacturers Insertion of slipsheets and stacking complete the dish production sequence. The back of the plate is stamped having its date and duration of manufacture in addition to an arrow denoting its direction of travel from the plate line—analogous with an indication of grain direction in sheets of paper. ,Quebecor World: Overcapacity is constantly on the affect performance
All of Excell’s jobs appear in by reviewing the clients “old skool,” probably through sales representatives or its FTP site. Excell currently finds no client or internal should implement an online-to-print storefront solution, but will continue to evaluate. Once a career comes into your plant, the procedure depends on Business Manager, where a quotation is prepared. Once it can be changed into a purchase from your estimate, a JDF file is produced to display instructions along with the production planning templates found in creating the estimate. This JDF is distributed for the Prinect system for processing whether it truly is going on the Heidelberg equipment or any in the other print production equipment about the floor. This means that every in the jobs get color managed, normalized and imposed, as appropriate, ahead of sending the crooks to input queues with the other non-Heidelberg devices. Excell uses the Prinect color management software to characterize all of their devices to be able to possess a superb color representation over the devices. ,paper box round stickers
printing-in-china.com A digital connection on your customer is established by leveraging print software to create it more convenient for customers to use you, extend your value proposition away from printed products, and embed yourself deeper to your customer’s business process. Digital connections are strategic. Don’t assume everyone inside your company will understand their long-term importance. Your job like a leader should be to conserve the two primary functional areas within your print organization; sales and production understand the need for building digital connections. ,cheap stickers packaging boxes
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Kyrie Irving certainly showed he was cold as ice on Christmas Day and now Kyrie 2 his icy new signature shoe has launched online.To see some of the storytelling Easter eggs and tech specs, check out the image below. For the full press release, Lebron 13 check out this article.You can pick up the Nike Kyrie 3 in Black/Ice for $120 at the retailers below:
The Under Armour Curry 3 Low dropped in three Kobe 11 colorways today and we have a detailed look and review on the ‘Full Circle’ edition.While I wasn’t a fan of this colorway as it was shown online, in Kd 8 person they are quite nice and give off a ‘chaos’ vibe.This will be my first time I’ll be using Under Armour’s translucent rubber since testing the Micro G Kyrie Shoes Charged BB — a shoe that I despised. Hopefully the rubber is as good as the solid rubber option had been on the mid top Curry 3. Other Lebron Soldier 9 than the rubber, the tongue area is the only real change between the low and mid models. It’s hard to explain in writing, but I show in the Kobe AD Shoes video how it’s different. It’s almost like an internal bootie construction — but not quite.Enjoy the detailed look and review, and if you were interested in grabbing any Lebron 12 of the colorways that released then you can get them now at UnderArmour.com for $120.
It’s not like the Kobe A.D. pair but the Nike KD 10 is James Harden Adidas Shoes getting an Igloo theme as well for summer 2017. Instead of featuring a greenish upper, the basketball sneaker’s flyknit makeup is colored in cool grey while mint green Lebron 11 accents are found on the Swooshes across the heel and Zoom air sole to complete the two-tone look altogether.Retailing for a price tag of $150, look for the LeBron Soldier 10 Nike KD 10 Igloo at select Nike stores and online on July 14. Also, be sure to visit our Air Jordan 6 Low GS Mint Foam hub page Lebron 14 Elite now for the shoe’s latest release info and up-to-the-minute updates and images. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in sneaker news.
If you’re like Lebron 14 most people, Supreme handed you a big L this morning when it came to trying to pick up any pair from the Supreme x Nike Air More Uptempo Kobe A.D. Collection. All is not bad though since it looks like there be a small glimmer of hope when it comes to picking up a pair from this hyped Kyrie 3 Samurai collab.What you see above all official images of the three different colorways from the Supreme x Nike Air More Uptempo Collection, which leads up to believe that all Lebron James Shoes three pairs may soon be releasing through Nike online.There hasn’t been any type of confirmation regarding this Nike online drop, but being that you can now find the Adidas Crazylight Boost 2.5 official images of the collection on Nike’s site, it appears as if a future release is imminent. If Nike dropped the Supreme x Air Jordan 5 collab online, Kobe 4 I don’t see why they couldn’t do the same for the Supreme x Nike Air More Uptempo Collection, right? Stay tuned as more info on this potential “restock” Kyrie 1 begins to surface.
The Nike Kyrie 3 will be dropping earlier than expected.Champs Sports’ release calendar has the Nike Kyrie 3 dropping one day after Christmas, December 26, KD 9 in a Black-Total Crimson-Dark Grey-White colorway. This is earlier than the January 14 release date we were expecting, but we’re not quite sure that this release marks the James Harden Shoes official “launch” of the Kyrie 3.It’s possible that Kyrie will debut his third signature model during his Christmas day game against the Golden State Warriors and that this Kyrie 3 Shoes December 26 release date will be a soft launch for fans of Kyriewho may want to cop a pair for themselves a little earlier than expected.We still can’t LeBron Ambassador 9 confirm a price for the Kyrie 3 but if you keep it locked right here to WearTesters.com, we’ll let you know as soon anything comes up. Until then, KD 9 Shoes let us know whether or not you’re excited for the Kyrie 3. Are you planning on pickup up a pair? Sound off in the comments section below or Kobe Shoes on social media with the #WearTesters.
The triple white version is releasing tomorrow but the Nike Air More Uptempo is previewed in a new Wheat theme that will Kd 6 take part of Nike’s “Flax” Collection later this Fall 2017. The sneaker features a full Flax upper that is made of nubuck, while a gum outsole completes the Kobe A.D. NXT makeup. Other details include perforations for ventilation, mesh tongues and lighter tones of Flax throughout.Retailing for a price tag of $185, look for the Nike Air More Uptempo KD Shoes Wheat at select Nike stores and online on October 2017. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for more updates and current sneaker news.

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