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Байкальский лед 2010. Бухта Заворотная. Сон во льдах.
Рассказы нашего проводника Александра Бурмейстера о строительстве хижин среди льдов будоражили воображение городских жителей, и, достигнув Заворотной, мы оставили немногочисленных женщин чистить и жарить рыбу, а мужская часть экспедиции отправилась строить ледяную пещеру. Как всегда, мальчикам перепало все самое интересное.
Андрей Леонтьев хотел снять сюжет о самой постройке, а потом поехать отдыхать в теплую избу. Я же сразу решил, что буду ночевать на льду, ведь какой смысл потеть над постройкой дома, чтобы в нем ни разу потом так и не переночевать?! К тому же, у меня и спальный мешок соответствующий припасен на такой случай!
Рецепт приготовления жилища прост. Ищется застарелая трещина с торосами, в ней нужно выбрать укромный уголок с естественной льдиной-крышей, чтобы не сильно корячиться с монтажем кровли, ведь льдины очень тяжелые. Будущее жилое пространство обкладывается по периметру льдинами, оставляя небольшой лаз для входа. Затем подбирается подходящая "дверь", и, вуаля, котедж готов!
А это — ваш непокорный слуга на утро следующего дня... Скажу честно, страшно стало как только я заглушил машину и потушил фары. Тишина и темнота сделали свое дело — захотелось удрать как можно скорее к друзьям в домик. Самое стремное — треск льдов, которые постоянно дрейфуют, сталкиваются, хрустят и скрипят. Представить это сложно. Когда нет шума двигателя, ветра, пения птиц, болтовни людей, нет ничего, лишь звон в ушах... когда можно услышать стук собственного сердца... и когда ты слышишь как лед, на котором ты стоишь, буквально дышит... ты понимаешь КАКАЯ ЭТО СТИХИЯ!!! И какая ты блоха не его теле, теле живого Байкала. Сравнениие с блохой, на мой взгляд, очень хорошее. Достаточно представить себя в роли этого миниатюрного насекомого, скажем, на колечке кольчуги Ильи Муромца, который спит богатырским сном, с соответствующими спецэффектами! Жуть. А потому, когда я забрался в спальник и перестал шуршать окончательно, быстро понял, что если тут же не засну — умру от разрыва сердца, тем более пещерка получилась теснее гроба дубового, а плита надо мной на столько тяжела, что если рухнет — уже не выбраться никогда. Здравствуй, клаустрофобия! Здравствуй, паника! Хотел острых ощущений — получите, распишитесь! К счастью, вырубился...
Утром у меня было два подъема. Один реальный, на рассвете, когда я и снял заходные кадры (красивый вид из окна, неправда ли?), которые вы видели чуть выше. И один "телевизионный", когда съемочная группа решила-таки проверить, не съели ли меня медведи... А мне было хорошо, ведь полярный спальник был расстелен на медвежьей шкуре, и грел как печка!
Мы были уверены, что эта моя ночевка и есть венец приключений, но не тут то было, иначе не была бы эта бухта Заворотной...
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Satellite eye on Earth: June 2012 ???n pictures how to purify water drinking water standards Photographer credit: WaterAid/ Andrés Hueso ,Residents of drought-stricken California town to get first hot shower in months
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Satellite eye on Earth: June 2012 ???n pictures how to purify water drinking water standards Photographer credit: WaterAid/ Andrés Hueso ,Residents of drought-stricken California town to get first hot shower in months
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It is often a women's holiday, so Nepal's government gives all women per day off work. This is not to recognise the project done by women, but to give them the time for it to perform rituals that can atone for virtually any sins they might have committed while menstruating within the previous year. (Girls who have not begun menstruating and females who have ceased to menstruate are exempt.) ,reverse osmosis system best water filter system
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Australia's largest river close to running dry whole house water filtration system water treatment We’ve seen bridges fall and levies break, he was quoted saying. So we’ve reached break that mindset. These things aren’t a coincidence. They’re the identical mindset that left Flint’s water unsafe to drink. And it’s self-destructive whenever we don’t invest in our communities. ,Yes, Ethiopia has problems ??but this drought is no 1984 rerun
It is often a women's holiday, so Nepal's government gives all women per day off work. This is not to recognise the project done by women, but to give them the time for it to perform rituals that can atone for virtually any sins they might have committed while menstruating within the previous year. (Girls who have not begun menstruating and females who have ceased to menstruate are exempt.) ,reverse osmosis system best water filter system
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California?? governor, Jerry Brown, declared an emergency in January as 2013 was the driest on record in the state, and this season is little better. The federal authorities say over half of California is enduring exceptional drought ??the highest category. The state?? main reservoirs are at a typical of only 40% of capacity. ,commercial water Purifiers pure water
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James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director, visited the area recently to lend his support on the anti-dam campaign. If this goes forward then some other hydroelectric project inside the Amazon basin receives a blank cheque, Cameron said. It's now a universal issue. The Amazon rainforest is so big and so powerful a piece with the overall climate picture that its destruction will affect everyone ,best water purifier water softener system
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Toxic 'red tide' in Chile prompts investigation of salmon farming ro water purifier purified water In mid-1973, he visited the US being a Churchill fellow, looking at citizen participation in river basin agencies. Thus, he met up with a new group of international colleagues with whom he worked for quite some time. Kinnersley's abilities didn't go unnoticed and inside the autumn of 1973 he was appointed, as leader, to set up the new North West Water Authority that she managed to the next three years. He resigned, on medical health advice, in 1976 to become senior economic adviser on the NWC. ,Critics attack new US guidelines on chemical-contaminated water
James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director, visited the area recently to lend his support on the anti-dam campaign. If this goes forward then some other hydroelectric project inside the Amazon basin receives a blank cheque, Cameron said. It's now a universal issue. The Amazon rainforest is so big and so powerful a piece with the overall climate picture that its destruction will affect everyone ,best water purifier water softener system
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Nancy began to read the literature, including news stories about the work of Dr Tyrone Hayes, who found out that frogs were being deformed by mixtures of pesticides, regardless if individual pesticides were well within legal limits. She handed me articles in regards to the transmission of prions - infectious agents connected to BSE - from funeral-home waste, contributing to outbreaks of e-coli in Californian spinach. She talked at top speed about antibiotics within the sewage, and just how only the strongest and fittest survive which if we wanted to produce superbugs, we couldn't learn better. She didn't let up for two main hours, and with the end had been running on indignation. ,whole house water filter water treatment chemicals
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Urgent action needed to prevent England's rivers drying up drinking water water softener The EEA, Europe's environmental watchdog, has compiled data on bathing water since 1990, and after this takes samples at more than 22,000 sites across the EU, as well as non-EU member European countries including Croatia and Switzerland. Levels of bacteria from sewage and livestock form the main measure. ,Records tumble as Britain is hit by months of extremes
Nancy began to read the literature, including news stories about the work of Dr Tyrone Hayes, who found out that frogs were being deformed by mixtures of pesticides, regardless if individual pesticides were well within legal limits. She handed me articles in regards to the transmission of prions - infectious agents connected to BSE - from funeral-home waste, contributing to outbreaks of e-coli in Californian spinach. She talked at top speed about antibiotics within the sewage, and just how only the strongest and fittest survive which if we wanted to produce superbugs, we couldn't learn better. She didn't let up for two main hours, and with the end had been running on indignation. ,whole house water filter water treatment chemicals
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The company which preparing for a major upgrade to its business management systems. Emory says that because volume growth has outstripped the capacity of existing internal workflows, some time is here to augment Prystup’s MIS with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) component. This is usually to be considered a combination of existing software, result-oriented modules, and pieces that may be custom-developed. If all goes as outlined by schedule, transition for the expanded system will start in mid-July. ,office products home office supplies
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by George J. Whalen There is evidence that creatives who understand ROI-based print marketing programs appear to become finding VDP highly attractive, July 26, 2004 -- Last week we began a check out how variable data printing has become gaining ground to be a profitable offering for commercial print providers with an effective tool for companies needing a much more effective method of reaching customers and prospects. This week dig a tad deeper and please take a look in the trends within the creative publishing and packaging markets, and ways in which some companies are successfully implementing VDP print strategies. VDP In The Creative Market Among creatives surveyed by TWGA, 84% cited economic conditions as being a top business challenge. Internet marketing programs could be growing, but print continues to be top sales chance for creatives, with 66% citing this being a top sales opportunity. This is and then cross-media programs (which in turn include print and direct mail projects). So the most notable three sales opportunities for creative firms are print-based. This is incredibly nice thing about it for your commercial printing industry -- especially since i thought this was not the way it is as recently as two in the past. Looking at creatives' print-based sales opportunities, however, digital and variable data printing don't rise towards the top. Only 13% of creatives declared that general digital printing was obviously a top opportunity and VDP ran dead last, with only 5% citing variable data to be a top sales opportunity. TWGA says that is a decline from 8% just few months ago.) This decline was said to own occurred in every with the creative segments tracked by TWGA, except among corporate designers. On another hand, top VDP specialists say their variable data printing business increased over a year ago, and these are getting increasing inquiries from top creatives at advertising agencies, who previously had side-stepped VDP projects. These creatives can be a relatively small selection of, reflecting a newly released TWGA Design & Production survey that showed only 5% of creative respondents calling variable data printing projects a highly regarded sales opportunity. Clearly, there exists much room for growth. When budgets are tight, those that must justify outlays still find it better to OK a software program using a provable ROI, instead of one whose ROI are not proven However, there is certainly evidence that creatives who understand ROI-based print marketing programs appear for being finding VDP highly attractive, particularly during economic downturns when budgets have been in jeopardy. This goes to your heart with the difference between traditional printing and VDP. Unlike traditional print, where ROI on any particular job just isn't an easy task to figure or prove, the details components inside a VDP project usually help it become less difficult to directly track sales resulting coming from a VDP program, so because of this to calculate its ROI. As a consequence, when budgets are tight, people that must justify outlays believe it is much easier to OK a course using a provable ROI, as an alternative to one whose ROI are not proven. Hunter Lodge One example is Hunter Lodge, a UK-based firm that began being a design, repro and marketing services business that outsourced its printing. In 2001, the organization began using the services of ThornEMI subsidiary Quadriga on developing a whole new menu card presenting the viewing program choice on Quadriga's pay-to-view film system offered to international standard hotel rooms. At some time, Quadriga was obtaining the regularly changed cards litho-printed in runs as small as 150 per hotel. Hunter Lodge realized Quadriga could have a substantial saving using digital printing, while helping the accuracy and quality from the product by combining databases efficiently. Hunter Lodge won anything to print them although it would not possess the required digital press, and quickly acquired two Xerox 6060s. Production on the card has become refined further from the introduction of any PDF system allowing hotels to switch card precisely short notice. The Quadriga operation, that involves 26 countries, numerous pricing variables, scheduling, and film rights, is on the most complex variable data production jobs within the UK. The company is rolling out its commercial digital printer business further, so it now produces 1 / 3rd of turnover. VDP In The Publishing Market Publishers can produce effective, tailored, programs for a valuation on pennies per piece, compared towards the higher costs of VDP The greatest barrier to VDP rise in publishing is foreign currency trading may be so successful for way too long, using other, currently established methods. Publishers have always been good at target-marketing as well as developing long-term relationships with their potential customers. As an end result VDP with four-color digital presses has were built with a problem taking root among book and magazine publishers. According to TWGA, a scant 2% of publishers surveyed in 2003 said they planned to obtain digital press/VDP solutions. Two reasons have already been advanced due to this reticence. First, books and magazines usually are not high-value / high-priced products. A publishing marketer would most likely stop prepared to invest $2.00 inside a VDP piece so as to solicit the sale of your $19.95 book or magazine subscription. Second, publishers have been developing sophisticated databases and approaches for segmenting and finding their market target for years. They remain quite effective at creating highly targeted direct mailing programs employing their databases and traditional printing and bindery systems. What's more, they will produce effective, tailored, programs in a valuation on pennies per piece, compared for the a lot higher costs of VDP. While VDP is just not compelling to your publishing market, digital printing is, and publishers start to determine the worth of short-run book printing for any selection of applications. Some large publishing houses have small digital print programs set up, while some ask them to in development. You may not need books which are personalized in your case, but chances are you might soon find digitally printed books taking their place on the bookshelves. VDP In The Packaging Market Part with the challenge to growth is a lot prefer that in publishing--fighting against long-established practices. There's believed to be considered a wide range of fascination with doing digital printing and personalization within the packaging market but there is not much business there. In the folding carton market, digital printing is minimal. In pharmaceutical labeling, variable data inkjet printing is increasing. Part from the challenge to growth is quite a bit prefer that in publishing--fighting against long-established practices. To some extent, digital printing offers new methods to do things the packaging industry already knows how to accomplish (some with greater sophistication at lower price) with equipment and technology it already owns. VDP presents some fresh packaging approaches. So new, the structure, organization and culture in the industry resist it. For example, most high-end/high-quality color folding cartons are printed by conventional offset in eight or even more colors, spot varnish and aqueous or UV-coated. Digital presses currently lack such capabilities in addition to their output would possibly not exactly match the original versions, therefore it is not easy for digitally printed packages to only be shorter-runs or personalized versions of traditionally printed packages. Digital printing can be used abbreviated-run simulations,samples and prototypes, doing it an under-study position in a. VDP presents some brand-new packaging approaches. So new, how the structure, organization and culture on the industry resist it. The issue whether it seems sensible to educate yourself regarding the brand new VDP options, as well as the best way to stick them into practice. These challenges demand time from those who happen to be too busy producing packaging to spare a lot of time for VDP development. Experiments with VDP promotions, for instance put your kid's face around the front in this Kraft Mac 'N Cheese package; and promoting products including gourmet coffees or cosmetics manufactured and packaged for individual consumers remain exceptions. Distribution appears for being the most significant hurdle keeping VDP from achieving stardom in packaging. Colorfully packaged goods will not be usually distributed direct to recipients via direct-mail. Most are distributed through retailers, catalogers, warehouse stores, and other mass distribution outlets. Given these channels, the personalization capabilities of VDP matter little. Unless consumer product companies are marketing instantly to users, true variable data printing is often a concept whose time hasn't yet come. Distribution appears to get the most significant hurdle keeping VDP from achieving stardom in packaging. However, TWGA believes static digital printing will be mainstream inside packaging industry as being the speeds on the machines increase. Nine percent of consumer product companies with their particular printing and packaging operations said they plan purchases of digital presses inside next calendar year. Among individuals who already own digital presses, 23% want to increase, replace or upgrade their existing capacity. While personalized or customized VDP could possibly be destined to keep in specific packaging applications, some applications, for example barcoding, are proving effective over a daily basis. And where actual packaging has been produced, the printed piece is competent to be die-cut mainly because it comes off a continuing-feed digital press. Songbird Hearing in Cranbury, New Jersey manufactures disposable assistive hearing devices featuring top quality acoustics. These have been proved being easier and affordable in comparison with traditional assistive hearing aid devices. Quality packaging is significant for Songbird, which outsources the package graphics and applies the variable data in-house, using Hewlett-Packard's (HP) thermal ink jet technology, provided by Nutec Systems of Larenceville New Jersey.. Nutec distributes the m600 printer manufactured by Wolke, Germany, and that is fast and durable enough to print on packages moving along a conveyor belt. The machine can print bar codes at 600 dpi, using water-based inks. Songbird's m600 was customized using a conveyor system to relocate the boxes throughout the process. VTT Information Technology in Finland, continues to be researching development of any comprehensive system for first time sorts of package production chains using VDP, with emphasis about the special needs of consumer packages for product information, identification, anti-counterfeiting and check. One from the projects, Active Communicative Packaging, is geared towards developing and integrating packaging by having an effective logistics system for sensitive, demanding products, using intelligent coding, radio frequency identification (RFID) and data networks. Coding systems that compress data to a denser form can raise the facts about packaging. These methods is usually optical or electronic which enables it to usually even be employed for brand protection and/or theft prevention. VDP would be the key technology for flexible packaging where there are two regions of use. The entire package might be printed digitally, making sure every printed package is 100% different. Alternatively, computer printers could add variable data onto preprinted packages. Cartes Equipment, an Italian manufacturer of finishing equipment, has collaborated with MAN Roland to formulate a skin tightening and laser die cutter, which generates variable die cutting forms at the moment coming from a digital database. This is created to operate while using MAN Roland DICOpack press, that is said being ideal abbreviated runs of color digital package printing use cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) dry toner colors, in addition to white for label printing. The facility to print from variable data supplies the ways to change text and photographs typically as required over the run. Another variation, created in cooperation with Nilpeter, Denmark, enables digitally printed labels to become ultraviolet (UV) coated, laminated, rotary die cut and rewound inline. StoraEnso is testing the same process having a Xeikon DCP500 digital press. In one more part in this series in the near future, we'll have a look at database conversion and ways in which some companies--called enablers--are seizing the ability of VDP and carving out profitably businesses. ,publish books custom gifts
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Chatbooks: Linking the Physical and Digital Worlds clear labels thermal labels Businesses have a very choice if this concerns selecting their potential customers. Not all people are a great fit to your business. Nevertheless, you really should be cautious about which you dismissed and who you keep hold of. ,Pitney Bowes Seeds the Cloud using a New Set of Commerce Enablers
by George J. Whalen There is evidence that creatives who understand ROI-based print marketing programs appear to become finding VDP highly attractive, July 26, 2004 -- Last week we began a check out how variable data printing has become gaining ground to be a profitable offering for commercial print providers with an effective tool for companies needing a much more effective method of reaching customers and prospects. This week dig a tad deeper and please take a look in the trends within the creative publishing and packaging markets, and ways in which some companies are successfully implementing VDP print strategies. VDP In The Creative Market Among creatives surveyed by TWGA, 84% cited economic conditions as being a top business challenge. Internet marketing programs could be growing, but print continues to be top sales chance for creatives, with 66% citing this being a top sales opportunity. This is and then cross-media programs (which in turn include print and direct mail projects). So the most notable three sales opportunities for creative firms are print-based. This is incredibly nice thing about it for your commercial printing industry -- especially since i thought this was not the way it is as recently as two in the past. Looking at creatives' print-based sales opportunities, however, digital and variable data printing don't rise towards the top. Only 13% of creatives declared that general digital printing was obviously a top opportunity and VDP ran dead last, with only 5% citing variable data to be a top sales opportunity. TWGA says that is a decline from 8% just few months ago.) This decline was said to own occurred in every with the creative segments tracked by TWGA, except among corporate designers. On another hand, top VDP specialists say their variable data printing business increased over a year ago, and these are getting increasing inquiries from top creatives at advertising agencies, who previously had side-stepped VDP projects. These creatives can be a relatively small selection of, reflecting a newly released TWGA Design & Production survey that showed only 5% of creative respondents calling variable data printing projects a highly regarded sales opportunity. Clearly, there exists much room for growth. When budgets are tight, those that must justify outlays still find it better to OK a software program using a provable ROI, instead of one whose ROI are not proven However, there is certainly evidence that creatives who understand ROI-based print marketing programs appear for being finding VDP highly attractive, particularly during economic downturns when budgets have been in jeopardy. This goes to your heart with the difference between traditional printing and VDP. Unlike traditional print, where ROI on any particular job just isn't an easy task to figure or prove, the details components inside a VDP project usually help it become less difficult to directly track sales resulting coming from a VDP program, so because of this to calculate its ROI. As a consequence, when budgets are tight, people that must justify outlays believe it is much easier to OK a course using a provable ROI, as an alternative to one whose ROI are not proven. Hunter Lodge One example is Hunter Lodge, a UK-based firm that began being a design, repro and marketing services business that outsourced its printing. In 2001, the organization began using the services of ThornEMI subsidiary Quadriga on developing a whole new menu card presenting the viewing program choice on Quadriga's pay-to-view film system offered to international standard hotel rooms. At some time, Quadriga was obtaining the regularly changed cards litho-printed in runs as small as 150 per hotel. Hunter Lodge realized Quadriga could have a substantial saving using digital printing, while helping the accuracy and quality from the product by combining databases efficiently. Hunter Lodge won anything to print them although it would not possess the required digital press, and quickly acquired two Xerox 6060s. Production on the card has become refined further from the introduction of any PDF system allowing hotels to switch card precisely short notice. The Quadriga operation, that involves 26 countries, numerous pricing variables, scheduling, and film rights, is on the most complex variable data production jobs within the UK. The company is rolling out its commercial digital printer business further, so it now produces 1 / 3rd of turnover. VDP In The Publishing Market Publishers can produce effective, tailored, programs for a valuation on pennies per piece, compared towards the higher costs of VDP The greatest barrier to VDP rise in publishing is foreign currency trading may be so successful for way too long, using other, currently established methods. Publishers have always been good at target-marketing as well as developing long-term relationships with their potential customers. As an end result VDP with four-color digital presses has were built with a problem taking root among book and magazine publishers. According to TWGA, a scant 2% of publishers surveyed in 2003 said they planned to obtain digital press/VDP solutions. Two reasons have already been advanced due to this reticence. First, books and magazines usually are not high-value / high-priced products. A publishing marketer would most likely stop prepared to invest $2.00 inside a VDP piece so as to solicit the sale of your $19.95 book or magazine subscription. Second, publishers have been developing sophisticated databases and approaches for segmenting and finding their market target for years. They remain quite effective at creating highly targeted direct mailing programs employing their databases and traditional printing and bindery systems. What's more, they will produce effective, tailored, programs in a valuation on pennies per piece, compared for the a lot higher costs of VDP. While VDP is just not compelling to your publishing market, digital printing is, and publishers start to determine the worth of short-run book printing for any selection of applications. Some large publishing houses have small digital print programs set up, while some ask them to in development. You may not need books which are personalized in your case, but chances are you might soon find digitally printed books taking their place on the bookshelves. VDP In The Packaging Market Part with the challenge to growth is a lot prefer that in publishing--fighting against long-established practices. There's believed to be considered a wide range of fascination with doing digital printing and personalization within the packaging market but there is not much business there. In the folding carton market, digital printing is minimal. In pharmaceutical labeling, variable data inkjet printing is increasing. Part from the challenge to growth is quite a bit prefer that in publishing--fighting against long-established practices. To some extent, digital printing offers new methods to do things the packaging industry already knows how to accomplish (some with greater sophistication at lower price) with equipment and technology it already owns. VDP presents some fresh packaging approaches. So new, the structure, organization and culture in the industry resist it. For example, most high-end/high-quality color folding cartons are printed by conventional offset in eight or even more colors, spot varnish and aqueous or UV-coated. Digital presses currently lack such capabilities in addition to their output would possibly not exactly match the original versions, therefore it is not easy for digitally printed packages to only be shorter-runs or personalized versions of traditionally printed packages. Digital printing can be used abbreviated-run simulations,samples and prototypes, doing it an under-study position in a. VDP presents some brand-new packaging approaches. So new, how the structure, organization and culture on the industry resist it. The issue whether it seems sensible to educate yourself regarding the brand new VDP options, as well as the best way to stick them into practice. These challenges demand time from those who happen to be too busy producing packaging to spare a lot of time for VDP development. Experiments with VDP promotions, for instance put your kid's face around the front in this Kraft Mac 'N Cheese package; and promoting products including gourmet coffees or cosmetics manufactured and packaged for individual consumers remain exceptions. Distribution appears for being the most significant hurdle keeping VDP from achieving stardom in packaging. Colorfully packaged goods will not be usually distributed direct to recipients via direct-mail. Most are distributed through retailers, catalogers, warehouse stores, and other mass distribution outlets. Given these channels, the personalization capabilities of VDP matter little. Unless consumer product companies are marketing instantly to users, true variable data printing is often a concept whose time hasn't yet come. Distribution appears to get the most significant hurdle keeping VDP from achieving stardom in packaging. However, TWGA believes static digital printing will be mainstream inside packaging industry as being the speeds on the machines increase. Nine percent of consumer product companies with their particular printing and packaging operations said they plan purchases of digital presses inside next calendar year. Among individuals who already own digital presses, 23% want to increase, replace or upgrade their existing capacity. While personalized or customized VDP could possibly be destined to keep in specific packaging applications, some applications, for example barcoding, are proving effective over a daily basis. And where actual packaging has been produced, the printed piece is competent to be die-cut mainly because it comes off a continuing-feed digital press. Songbird Hearing in Cranbury, New Jersey manufactures disposable assistive hearing devices featuring top quality acoustics. These have been proved being easier and affordable in comparison with traditional assistive hearing aid devices. Quality packaging is significant for Songbird, which outsources the package graphics and applies the variable data in-house, using Hewlett-Packard's (HP) thermal ink jet technology, provided by Nutec Systems of Larenceville New Jersey.. Nutec distributes the m600 printer manufactured by Wolke, Germany, and that is fast and durable enough to print on packages moving along a conveyor belt. The machine can print bar codes at 600 dpi, using water-based inks. Songbird's m600 was customized using a conveyor system to relocate the boxes throughout the process. VTT Information Technology in Finland, continues to be researching development of any comprehensive system for first time sorts of package production chains using VDP, with emphasis about the special needs of consumer packages for product information, identification, anti-counterfeiting and check. One from the projects, Active Communicative Packaging, is geared towards developing and integrating packaging by having an effective logistics system for sensitive, demanding products, using intelligent coding, radio frequency identification (RFID) and data networks. Coding systems that compress data to a denser form can raise the facts about packaging. These methods is usually optical or electronic which enables it to usually even be employed for brand protection and/or theft prevention. VDP would be the key technology for flexible packaging where there are two regions of use. The entire package might be printed digitally, making sure every printed package is 100% different. Alternatively, computer printers could add variable data onto preprinted packages. Cartes Equipment, an Italian manufacturer of finishing equipment, has collaborated with MAN Roland to formulate a skin tightening and laser die cutter, which generates variable die cutting forms at the moment coming from a digital database. This is created to operate while using MAN Roland DICOpack press, that is said being ideal abbreviated runs of color digital package printing use cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) dry toner colors, in addition to white for label printing. The facility to print from variable data supplies the ways to change text and photographs typically as required over the run. Another variation, created in cooperation with Nilpeter, Denmark, enables digitally printed labels to become ultraviolet (UV) coated, laminated, rotary die cut and rewound inline. StoraEnso is testing the same process having a Xeikon DCP500 digital press. In one more part in this series in the near future, we'll have a look at database conversion and ways in which some companies--called enablers--are seizing the ability of VDP and carving out profitably businesses. ,publish books custom gifts
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By WhatTheyThink Staff Published: April 14, 2004 ,paper box custom packaging boxes
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This system, that was introduced nearly annually ago inside the Asia-Pacific market and what food was in full operation in a big printer in Australia, is new on the U.S. market. Some installs are usually in process now among others are scheduled for early 2009, explained Scott Wagner, Worldwide Product Marketing Manager for Continuous Feed at Xerox. Market interest is undoubtedly there. Several transactional and direct mail print providers I know happen to be asking me about it box and at the least several have already been testing jobs since they begin working out the way could fit to their operations. It's going to get interesting to discover how this machine competes using the various inkjet entries on the marketplace --and many which will start rolling out last year. ,label stickers wholesale stationery
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http://www.mumbaitheatreguide.com/dramas/Discuss/board.asp?type_of_feed=feed&comment_id=-10125277&yourname=Larryses&email=adasdfsp3i.r@gmail.com&subject=Trade%20Shows%20??20What%20Goes%20on%20Behind%20the%20Scenes?%20Part%20One%20&comment=Bowne%20Implements%20Cost%20Cutting%20Plan%20to%20Return%20to%20Profitability:%20Summary%20of%20Q3%20Earnings%20Call%20large%20roll%20wrapping%20paper%20custom%20shipping%20boxes%20Click%20image%20to%20open%20PDF%20,TransPromo??20It's%20for%20Real!%20-%20Two%20Success%20Scenarios%20%20%0D%0AHistorically%20a%20magazine%20printer%20for%20associations%20as%20well%20as%20other%20not-for-profit%20customers,%20AGS%20now%20also%20produces%20catalogs,%20coupons,%20directories,%20and,%20as%20Kriemelmeyer%20puts%20it,%20“something%20that’s%20data%20to%20pages.”%20Work%20to%20all%20of%20the%20categories%20has%20been%20shifted%20business%20platforms%20for%20the%20Prosper%205000XLi%20web%20press,%20which%20feeds%20near-line%20systems%20for%20plow%20folding,%20signature%20cutting,%20saddle-stitching,%20and%20also%20other%20finishing%20operations.%20,office%20accesories%20office%20supply%20%20%0D%0Aprinting-in-china.com%20The%20sessions%20were%20recordedand%20are%20for%20sale%20for%20on-demand%20playback.%20,package%20printing%20small%20packaging%20boxes%20%20%0D%0A&is_wrong=1&id_feedback=#a1 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Location-Intelligent TransPromo??An Idea Whose Time Has Come! custom boxes color print Triumph was showing its 5550-EP and 5551-EP folders for your offset and digital markets. What’s unusual about they is they're hydraulic cutters, and that is rare inside $14,000 cost range. The hydraulic operation allows printers to regulate the clamp pressure for your sort of stock, which can be ideal for delicate stocks like NCR. ,Soft M&A Market Slows Bowne: Summary of Q1 Earnings Call
This system, that was introduced nearly annually ago inside the Asia-Pacific market and what food was in full operation in a big printer in Australia, is new on the U.S. market. Some installs are usually in process now among others are scheduled for early 2009, explained Scott Wagner, Worldwide Product Marketing Manager for Continuous Feed at Xerox. Market interest is undoubtedly there. Several transactional and direct mail print providers I know happen to be asking me about it box and at the least several have already been testing jobs since they begin working out the way could fit to their operations. It's going to get interesting to discover how this machine competes using the various inkjet entries on the marketplace --and many which will start rolling out last year. ,label stickers wholesale stationery
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http://www.mumbaitheatreguide.com/dramas/Discuss/board.asp?type_of_feed=feed&comment_id=-10125277&yourname=Larryses&email=adasdfsp3i.r@gmail.com&subject=Trade%20Shows%20??20What%20Goes%20on%20Behind%20the%20Scenes?%20Part%20One%20&comment=Bowne%20Implements%20Cost%20Cutting%20Plan%20to%20Return%20to%20Profitability:%20Summary%20of%20Q3%20Earnings%20Call%20large%20roll%20wrapping%20paper%20custom%20shipping%20boxes%20Click%20image%20to%20open%20PDF%20,TransPromo??20It's%20for%20Real!%20-%20Two%20Success%20Scenarios%20%20%0D%0AHistorically%20a%20magazine%20printer%20for%20associations%20as%20well%20as%20other%20not-for-profit%20customers,%20AGS%20now%20also%20produces%20catalogs,%20coupons,%20directories,%20and,%20as%20Kriemelmeyer%20puts%20it,%20“something%20that’s%20data%20to%20pages.”%20Work%20to%20all%20of%20the%20categories%20has%20been%20shifted%20business%20platforms%20for%20the%20Prosper%205000XLi%20web%20press,%20which%20feeds%20near-line%20systems%20for%20plow%20folding,%20signature%20cutting,%20saddle-stitching,%20and%20also%20other%20finishing%20operations.%20,office%20accesories%20office%20supply%20%20%0D%0Aprinting-in-china.com%20The%20sessions%20were%20recordedand%20are%20for%20sale%20for%20on-demand%20playback.%20,package%20printing%20small%20packaging%20boxes%20%20%0D%0A&is_wrong=1&id_feedback=#a1 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PrintChina Trade Show Scheduled for April 9-13, 2011 in DongGuan City home office supplies shipping boxes If you recall from your previous articles on HP, Kodak, and Xerox, when you use aqueous based ink you ought to pre-treat the paper that has a hydrophobic coating as a way to maintain the ink for the surface. However, the Océ dye inks are optimized to lessen penetration and bleed-through with the help of quick drying components to your formulation. In this case, the ink dries quickly, forming a show within the surface prior to a solvent can permeate the substrate. Océ won't present you with a substrate pretreating option. Indicating that field experience finds which it isn’t necessary or economical, due on the increased use of inkjet compatible papers in the mills. ,The North American Digital Fine Art Market Opportunity
Heidelberg, due to the part, touts the productivity notion within a number of ways. GRAPH EXPO will begin to see the U.S. debut in the Speedmaster XL 105-P perfecting press. “With margins pressurized in today’s market, the XL 105-P would be the logical option for printers trying to improve margins through one-pass productivity and high-quality output,” explains Clarence Penge, vice chairman of sheetfed product management for Heidelberg. ,paper box print labels
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PrintChina Trade Show Scheduled for April 9-13, 2011 in DongGuan City home office supplies shipping boxes If you recall from your previous articles on HP, Kodak, and Xerox, when you use aqueous based ink you ought to pre-treat the paper that has a hydrophobic coating as a way to maintain the ink for the surface. However, the Océ dye inks are optimized to lessen penetration and bleed-through with the help of quick drying components to your formulation. In this case, the ink dries quickly, forming a show within the surface prior to a solvent can permeate the substrate. Océ won't present you with a substrate pretreating option. Indicating that field experience finds which it isn’t necessary or economical, due on the increased use of inkjet compatible papers in the mills. ,The North American Digital Fine Art Market Opportunity
Heidelberg, due to the part, touts the productivity notion within a number of ways. GRAPH EXPO will begin to see the U.S. debut in the Speedmaster XL 105-P perfecting press. “With margins pressurized in today’s market, the XL 105-P would be the logical option for printers trying to improve margins through one-pass productivity and high-quality output,” explains Clarence Penge, vice chairman of sheetfed product management for Heidelberg. ,paper box print labels
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The Proof Is In: TransPromo Works! shipping boxes christmas gift bags For a couple of a greater portion of-the-cuff stats, in the six front-row booths, which arguably would be the prime property, four are digital companies (Canon, EFI, Kodak and Océ) plus they consumed 74% on the front-row space. That being said, Heidelberg still had the most important booth, at 20,700 sq . ft .. But HP, a couple of rows back, was close at 17,600 feet square. Those were the 2 largest booths within the floor. A quick, non-scientific analysis reveals, the truth is, that conventional offset press manufacturers took about 63,500 square centimeter of space, while digital press manufacturers occupied 77,200 square centimeter (55%) of space. It can be interesting to come back historically to get out if the tipping point actually occurred, where digital press manufacturers first took more space than offset press manufacturers. Perhaps 2008 was the entire year. ,Production: A Common Sense Approach
Work with equipment manufacturers and materials suppliers. “A customer can take advantage of working which has a supplier who's got application expertise in base materials, laminates as well as the converting process,” says Sawyer. “These suppliers represent consultants in support within your business and inside long run become trusted business partners.” ,office supply storage office accesories
printing-in-china.com Another common threat that employees feel is the fact the work costing tools that include Print MIS systems are typically about “Big Brother is watching us.” Of course, you might wish to monitor productivity over the system. But there's a great deal more for this data than that. Tell the employees that you happen to be while using information to seem at all facets of the business enterprise like pricing, equipment performance, and product-specific time requirements. You will be capable to monitor downtime on equipment, labor load in all of the areas, usage of equipment etc. This may be very advantageous for employees – they knew you was required to replace outdated equipment long when you did, but so you hold the facts to back this. I also love while using system to inject a great time via employee rewards. With your new system, you is going to be capable of set measurable goals on your team. You can perform such things as, “If inside month of June our on-time percentage hits 98%, I’m buying pizza for anyone.” Making the numbers fun and rewarding gets everyone up to speed. ,how to publish a book office suplies
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The way ahead for offset lithography children's book publishers stationery supplier QUESTION: Paul, in April Punch International acquired Xeikon NV, through extension, Xeikon America. Bring us approximately date for the details with the acquisition. Paul Peyrebrune: On April 12, Punch International signed the last agreement to take over the digital color printing assets of Xeikon NV, such as the activities of Xeikon America. These assets add the name Xeikon, the toner factory in Heultje, the fabrication facility in Mortsel and Intellectual Property Rights and also other intangible assets. In Belgium, Xeikon International NV restarted the activities about 220 employees from the old Xeikon. In the US, Xeikon America has continued to use normally over earlier times months and that we will continue to take action. QUESTION: Tell us more to do with the parent company, Punch International. Paul Peyrebrune: Punch is an international corporation headquartered in Belgium and founded in 1982. Punch International can be a public company, listed on Euronext. They specialize within the production and assembly of hi-tech electronic components and systems. Their client base includes Philips, Sony, Panasonic and Agfa-Gevaert. The Professional Electronics Division of Punch primarily concentrates on graphical solutions and includes Strobbe Graphics, the globe leader in Computer to Plate systems to the newspaper market. Xeikon will probably be part in the Professional Electronics Division and will consolidate into a graphic business unit with Strobbe Graphics. ,FREE: 500 Print and Publishing Executives Salute Time Warner?? Don Logan Upon His Receipt of the 2004 Prism Award from New York University
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The way ahead for offset lithography children's book publishers stationery supplier QUESTION: Paul, in April Punch International acquired Xeikon NV, through extension, Xeikon America. Bring us approximately date for the details with the acquisition. Paul Peyrebrune: On April 12, Punch International signed the last agreement to take over the digital color printing assets of Xeikon NV, such as the activities of Xeikon America. These assets add the name Xeikon, the toner factory in Heultje, the fabrication facility in Mortsel and Intellectual Property Rights and also other intangible assets. In Belgium, Xeikon International NV restarted the activities about 220 employees from the old Xeikon. In the US, Xeikon America has continued to use normally over earlier times months and that we will continue to take action. QUESTION: Tell us more to do with the parent company, Punch International. Paul Peyrebrune: Punch is an international corporation headquartered in Belgium and founded in 1982. Punch International can be a public company, listed on Euronext. They specialize within the production and assembly of hi-tech electronic components and systems. Their client base includes Philips, Sony, Panasonic and Agfa-Gevaert. The Professional Electronics Division of Punch primarily concentrates on graphical solutions and includes Strobbe Graphics, the globe leader in Computer to Plate systems to the newspaper market. Xeikon will probably be part in the Professional Electronics Division and will consolidate into a graphic business unit with Strobbe Graphics. ,FREE: 500 Print and Publishing Executives Salute Time Warner?? Don Logan Upon His Receipt of the 2004 Prism Award from New York University
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