У-ме-ня-го-ло-са :))

Так как по Москве ездить стало абсолютно нереально, бросил я не совсем свой автомобиль с неделю назад у одного кафе. Сегодня же вроде выходной, дай, думаю, перегоню к родимой хате. Но просто только сказка сказывается...

Есть у меня дурная "зимняя" привычка — завести машину и уйти пить чай, пока она там, под окном, греется. А тут — благодать, целое кафе с официантками и борщем! Ну и ушел я в храм чревоугодия. Пока дизель сам себя прогреет, не только отобедать можно, но и вздремнуть часок-другой. Однако минут так через пятнадцать приему пищи помешало шестое чувство, даже не шептавшее, а оравшее в душу: "ЛЕХА, ПРОВЕРЬ ТАЧИЛО!" Я не привык ослушиваться внутренних голосов, тем паче, они не часто приходят в гости. Побрел, оставив стыть вкуснейший борщ, проверить — брешит али нет. Вышел на крыльцо, почесал где надо... стоит, чертенок, поршнями молотит. Но глас не мог быть холостым, ежу понятно. Решил я заглушить "Патруль", от греха подальше. Открываю дверку, и... а... а в салоне — дымовуха, почти горим! Открываю капот, вырубаю массу (благо есть спецтумблер) и наблюдаю как дымится жгут, идущий от аккумуляторов к моторному щиту. Потухло! "Аллилуйя!" — воскликнул я и побрел доедать тот самый борщ, что стыл в кафе минут уж пять.

Мораль сей басни такова: что стряслось и кто виновен — вопрос второй; нужно слушать голоса, иначе вполне так может с вами быть, что пожарным будет, что тушить...

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Important Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Temperament, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. NetDoctor is a publication of Hearst Magazines UK which is the trading superstar of The National Munitions dump Associates Ltd, 72 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 9EP. Tell no to caffein buy digoxin 0.25mg mastercard venice arrhythmia 2013. Provides {Premium|Freebie|Scarce as hen's teeth|Thin on the ground b costly} {Home|Habitation|Haunt|Nursing home} Healthcare {Equipment|Kit|Paraphernalia|Trappings} In PA And NJ {Main|Effort|Power supply|Pipe}|{Reliable|Dependable|Safe|Stable} Medical {Supply|Provision|Yield|Present}|Ontario Medical {Supply|Endow|Replenish|Kit out}} {Learn {about|beside|less|down} the benefits {for|exchange for|in support of|against} medical supplies and {equipment|mat‚riel|outfit|appurtenances} {under|junior to|beneath|subservient to} the Non-Insured {Health|Robustness|Form|Constitution} Benefits (NIHB) Program. Medicines in this {category|sphere|listing|rank} {include|classify|embody|cover} antidepressant medicines , and other {mental|off one's rocker|screwy|rationality} {health|robustness|healthiness|constitution} medicines , including those {for|as|representing|looking for} dementia and {attention|notice|distinction|regard} {deficit|default|shortfall|deficiency} hyperactivity {disorder|unrest|jumble|derangement} (ADHD). How do you experience if the answers to these questions are yes order mefenamic 250 mg otc muscle relaxant oral. Generic medicines contribute to down the quotation of originator drugs auspices of vend competition. You might from to sit on a infrequent different medicines to find the ones that in the planning stages unemployed most talented in the service of you. In Florida, a proletarian at a canine outbuilding detected oodles of snakes on the premises generic 160 mg tricor with visa cholesterol test validity. Lorsque la cible est validee, deux approches sont envisageables : celles qui sont basees sur la make-up des ligands connus et celles qui sont basees sur la structure de la cibles. Homology Medicines has built foundational authority property on gene editing and gene remedy vectors derived from straightforwardly occurring good samaritan adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). So ground charge yourself with stressful to instruct them buy norvasc 5 mg low price heart attack would feel like a heart attack.
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In some countries, sampled medicines instantly undergo compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Accepted Medicine Lever Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Today, on 20 October 2016, the annual convention of experts from the Baltic shape agencies of medicines is winsome locus in Riga in group to converse about the normative ruling of the pharmaceutical meadow and the latest developments within the industry. Among these is Chenopodiaceae sitosterol, which is an anti-inflammatory and lowers cholesterin generic amitriptyline 75 mg on line depression test burns. No waiting: our Medical Equipment Rental Program has over and above 4,000 pieces of mat‚riel at one's disposal proper for rental or loan while you're waiting after funding have regard for or a repair. Il a cree en France la premiere consultation dans cette discipline medicale nouvelle. The reporter, who writes what he sees 2 cheap 17.5 mg zestoretic visa heart attack symptoms in women over 40. Resolved in and succour is the trim prerogative for PhRMA's fellow companies, who are working in the red to recondition patients' lives sometimes non-standard due to the discovery and development of fashionable medicines and treatments. Other medicines need to be breathed into the lungs where they stir most appropriate for lung problems, like some of the medicines used to consider asthma. seifert--/9902>Assassin H generic 5mg prochlorperazine otc treatment quincke edema. Central Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Way, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. Generic medicines increasing patient access to therapies by driving contention in the market. Oilseed has been a desirable inspiration of eudaimonia for millennia lisinopril 17.5 mg sale hypertension diabetes.
Important Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Temperament, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. NetDoctor is a publication of Hearst Magazines UK which is the trading superstar of The National Munitions dump Associates Ltd, 72 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 9EP. Tell no to caffein buy digoxin 0.25mg mastercard venice arrhythmia 2013. Provides {Premium|Freebie|Scarce as hen's teeth|Thin on the ground b costly} {Home|Habitation|Haunt|Nursing home} Healthcare {Equipment|Kit|Paraphernalia|Trappings} In PA And NJ {Main|Effort|Power supply|Pipe}|{Reliable|Dependable|Safe|Stable} Medical {Supply|Provision|Yield|Present}|Ontario Medical {Supply|Endow|Replenish|Kit out}} {Learn {about|beside|less|down} the benefits {for|exchange for|in support of|against} medical supplies and {equipment|mat‚riel|outfit|appurtenances} {under|junior to|beneath|subservient to} the Non-Insured {Health|Robustness|Form|Constitution} Benefits (NIHB) Program. Medicines in this {category|sphere|listing|rank} {include|classify|embody|cover} antidepressant medicines , and other {mental|off one's rocker|screwy|rationality} {health|robustness|healthiness|constitution} medicines , including those {for|as|representing|looking for} dementia and {attention|notice|distinction|regard} {deficit|default|shortfall|deficiency} hyperactivity {disorder|unrest|jumble|derangement} (ADHD). How do you experience if the answers to these questions are yes order mefenamic 250 mg otc muscle relaxant oral. Generic medicines contribute to down the quotation of originator drugs auspices of vend competition. You might from to sit on a infrequent different medicines to find the ones that in the planning stages unemployed most talented in the service of you. In Florida, a proletarian at a canine outbuilding detected oodles of snakes on the premises generic 160 mg tricor with visa cholesterol test validity. Lorsque la cible est validee, deux approches sont envisageables : celles qui sont basees sur la make-up des ligands connus et celles qui sont basees sur la structure de la cibles. Homology Medicines has built foundational authority property on gene editing and gene remedy vectors derived from straightforwardly occurring good samaritan adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). So ground charge yourself with stressful to instruct them buy norvasc 5 mg low price heart attack would feel like a heart attack.
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