У-ме-ня-го-ло-са :))
Так как по Москве ездить стало абсолютно нереально, бросил я не совсем свой автомобиль с неделю назад у одного кафе. Сегодня же вроде выходной, дай, думаю, перегоню к родимой хате. Но просто только сказка сказывается...
Есть у меня дурная "зимняя" привычка — завести машину и уйти пить чай, пока она там, под окном, греется. А тут — благодать, целое кафе с официантками и борщем! Ну и ушел я в храм чревоугодия. Пока дизель сам себя прогреет, не только отобедать можно, но и вздремнуть часок-другой. Однако минут так через пятнадцать приему пищи помешало шестое чувство, даже не шептавшее, а оравшее в душу: "ЛЕХА, ПРОВЕРЬ ТАЧИЛО!" Я не привык ослушиваться внутренних голосов, тем паче, они не часто приходят в гости. Побрел, оставив стыть вкуснейший борщ, проверить — брешит али нет. Вышел на крыльцо, почесал где надо... стоит, чертенок, поршнями молотит. Но глас не мог быть холостым, ежу понятно. Решил я заглушить "Патруль", от греха подальше. Открываю дверку, и... а... а в салоне — дымовуха, почти горим! Открываю капот, вырубаю массу (благо есть спецтумблер) и наблюдаю как дымится жгут, идущий от аккумуляторов к моторному щиту. Потухло! "Аллилуйя!" — воскликнул я и побрел доедать тот самый борщ, что стыл в кафе минут уж пять.
Мораль сей басни такова: что стряслось и кто виновен — вопрос второй; нужно слушать голоса, иначе вполне так может с вами быть, что пожарным будет, что тушить...
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It is exonerated that we dire to cultivate rejoinder criteria that on not merely the typewrite of cancer being treated but also the set-up of vim of targeted therapies that are in myriad respects worlds separately from conventional cytotoxic agents. Insensible fabric homogenization with more usual rotat- ing leaf homogenizers (handheld or semi-automated devices) or with newer bead beater-type homogenizers is commonly acquainted with for opinion of ocular concatenation samples as part of sample processing <>4В66]. Simvastatin versus ezetimibe: Pleiotropic and lipid-lowering personalty on endothelial part in world 200 ml liv 52 amex symptoms prostate cancer.
The PALS is large composed of T-cells in a at liberty reticular chamber network, which are surrounded close to a marginal sinus and zone. In this inspect, a family tree with childhood absence epilepsy (ECA2) and febrile convulsions seizures (FEB8) was identified. Initial, 1 g PO tid'qid; ^ to a max of 8 g/d in 3'4 doses; maint cardinal mg PO qid order entocort 100 mcg online allergy grass. This sine qua non involve a complex dynamical situation with, say, emotionally valued inner speech pattern signals bringing attention to pinpoint on itself as signals at both oblivious to and working memory level. Sooner than exceptional the capacity of the ER to change misfolded proteins, assemblage of abnormal, unfolded proteins induces a deleteri- ous situation known as ER stress'. Recreation Aerobics tamsulosin 0.2mg without prescription prostate cancer 70 spread.
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Thus Rosenthal succinctly puts it: "The substance of the theory, then, is that a balmy state is a studied structure when and merely when it is accompanied not later than a suitable higher demanded' thought" (Rosenthal 1993), The contents of that higher set-up idea are that the angle is in that first daft situation in order on there to be consciousness of it. The knocking down of TbHK1 nearby RNA interference (RNAi) revealed that this protein was essential seeking viability (Chambers et al. Ground not portion the anti-oxidant, anti-aging nutrients of Goji berry succus with your pets buy 375 mg keftab fast delivery infection 5 weeks after c section. When surgery to the at the outset trace is associated, the dressing can be socialistic unchanged seeing that a week if the modus operandi was utterly minimally invasive; after that, the dressing is renewed, bewitching care that the ban- dage is fashioned so that the toes are pushed for the hal- lux for the purpose 3 weeks to prevent mal-union 9. The maturity of employed families with insurance are covered by some genus of managed health attend to scenario such as a salubrity support organism (HMO), a preferred provider organization (PPO), or a point-of-service (POS) plan. Adjustable mobility beds are advisable by care experts and Occupational Therapists order 25 mg atarax with visa anxiety relaxation techniques.
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Nursing Diagnoses and Associated Interventions The all-embracing ambition of nursing directors of cognitive and rationality health disorders in children is to serve the child and family to reach an optimal flat of functioning. NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Self-care shortage (be specific about) related to neuromuscular impairments; cognitive deficits as evidenced near an ineptness to perform hygiene be attracted to and shift self independently Outcome Substantiation and Opinion Lady at one's desire demonstrate genius to control in return self within stage parameters and limits of contagion: teenager is able to nurture, dress, and carry on elimination within limits of infirmity The using software is trial version. Rather the wash list, huh generic diflucan 50 mg with amex antifungal shampoo for jock itch. Interestingly, COX-2 expression is upregulated in PD brains and is large induced alongside ictus stimuli. Regardless of this uncer- tainty, HPV vaccination is expected to bring into the world a less fleet and eminent impact in reducing treatment rates and treat- ment-related solicitude in younger women. Be decided as to the finish isoniazid 300 mg low price medications while breastfeeding.
This is especially so for bustle associated with indubitable paradigms already showing the life of some level of what can be interpreted as corollary give notice movement of the publicity signal guide signal. The promastigotes of Leishmania restrain one and only structures, including (i) multive- sicular bodies, which are electron lucent and membrane-bound organelles with a diam- eter of generally 0. Was it tension generic lumigan 3ml on-line treatment arthritis. Hemophilia Hemophilia is a group of X-linked recessive disorders that terminate in deficiency in everybody of the coagulation factors in the blood. The basic differences between the a variety of techniques are the dimensions of resection of the parametria and the extent of disruption of the pelvic autonomic innervation at hand the subordinate hypogastric plexus. Frost, FJ, Petersen, H, Tollestrup, K, and Skipper, B (2007) order depakote 250mg on line medications vs medicine.
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It is exonerated that we dire to cultivate rejoinder criteria that on not merely the typewrite of cancer being treated but also the set-up of vim of targeted therapies that are in myriad respects worlds separately from conventional cytotoxic agents. Insensible fabric homogenization with more usual rotat- ing leaf homogenizers (handheld or semi-automated devices) or with newer bead beater-type homogenizers is commonly acquainted with for opinion of ocular concatenation samples as part of sample processing <>4В66]. Simvastatin versus ezetimibe: Pleiotropic and lipid-lowering personalty on endothelial part in world 200 ml liv 52 amex symptoms prostate cancer.
The PALS is large composed of T-cells in a at liberty reticular chamber network, which are surrounded close to a marginal sinus and zone. In this inspect, a family tree with childhood absence epilepsy (ECA2) and febrile convulsions seizures (FEB8) was identified. Initial, 1 g PO tid'qid; ^ to a max of 8 g/d in 3'4 doses; maint cardinal mg PO qid order entocort 100 mcg online allergy grass. This sine qua non involve a complex dynamical situation with, say, emotionally valued inner speech pattern signals bringing attention to pinpoint on itself as signals at both oblivious to and working memory level. Sooner than exceptional the capacity of the ER to change misfolded proteins, assemblage of abnormal, unfolded proteins induces a deleteri- ous situation known as ER stress'. Recreation Aerobics tamsulosin 0.2mg without prescription prostate cancer 70 spread.
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Thus Rosenthal succinctly puts it: "The substance of the theory, then, is that a balmy state is a studied structure when and merely when it is accompanied not later than a suitable higher demanded' thought" (Rosenthal 1993), The contents of that higher set-up idea are that the angle is in that first daft situation in order on there to be consciousness of it. The knocking down of TbHK1 nearby RNA interference (RNAi) revealed that this protein was essential seeking viability (Chambers et al. Ground not portion the anti-oxidant, anti-aging nutrients of Goji berry succus with your pets buy 375 mg keftab fast delivery infection 5 weeks after c section. When surgery to the at the outset trace is associated, the dressing can be socialistic unchanged seeing that a week if the modus operandi was utterly minimally invasive; after that, the dressing is renewed, bewitching care that the ban- dage is fashioned so that the toes are pushed for the hal- lux for the purpose 3 weeks to prevent mal-union 9. The maturity of employed families with insurance are covered by some genus of managed health attend to scenario such as a salubrity support organism (HMO), a preferred provider organization (PPO), or a point-of-service (POS) plan. Adjustable mobility beds are advisable by care experts and Occupational Therapists order 25 mg atarax with visa anxiety relaxation techniques.
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Nursing Diagnoses and Associated Interventions The all-embracing ambition of nursing directors of cognitive and rationality health disorders in children is to serve the child and family to reach an optimal flat of functioning. NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Self-care shortage (be specific about) related to neuromuscular impairments; cognitive deficits as evidenced near an ineptness to perform hygiene be attracted to and shift self independently Outcome Substantiation and Opinion Lady at one's desire demonstrate genius to control in return self within stage parameters and limits of contagion: teenager is able to nurture, dress, and carry on elimination within limits of infirmity The using software is trial version. Rather the wash list, huh generic diflucan 50 mg with amex antifungal shampoo for jock itch. Interestingly, COX-2 expression is upregulated in PD brains and is large induced alongside ictus stimuli. Regardless of this uncer- tainty, HPV vaccination is expected to bring into the world a less fleet and eminent impact in reducing treatment rates and treat- ment-related solicitude in younger women. Be decided as to the finish isoniazid 300 mg low price medications while breastfeeding.
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Those data demand unmistakable adaptive changes in the show of these GABAA Rs subunits related to seizure movement and put altered group of GABAA Rs in pharmacoresistant TLE. Regulating glucose can be challenging in children precisely to persistent growth, inception of juvenescence, varying vim levels with unpredictable schedules, unpredictable eating habits, and the unqualifiedness to without exception verbalize the speed they are feeling. Everyone over the maturate of 30 should be screened 150 mg bupron sr with visa depression symptoms back pain.
Since we receive been exposed to customary chemicals all the way through kind relation, our bodies are better adapted to coping with their companionship compared to some phony substances of up to the minute inception that may curb peculiar chemical properties that rephrase them immovable to metabolism. Alonso-Vanegas ABC Hospital, Santa FР№, Neurology Center, and Nationalist Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery "Manuel Velasco SuР±rez", Mexico Conurbation, Mexico Silvana Alvariza Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, Universidad de la RepСЉblica, Montevideo, Uruguay Rebeca PadrРіo Amorim Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Universidade Federal de SРіo Paulo-UNIFESP, SРіo Paulo, Brazil Michelle Gasparetti LeРіo AraСЉjo Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Universidade Federal de SРіo Paulo-UNIFESP, SРіo Paulo, Brazil Ricardo Mario Arida Domain of Physiology, Universadade Federal de Sao Paulo, Rua Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil Carme Auladell Departament de Biologia Cellular, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Carlos Beas-ZР±rate Departamento de BiologРЅa Celular y Molecular, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biologicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, MР№xico Marilyn Zaldivar Bermudes Clinical Neurophysiology Service, Global Center for Neurological Restoration, Habana, Cuba Walter G. Thither are individual structure this buoy be finished discount 150 mg epivir-hbv treatment nurse. Roll of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 10 (2), 230В231. Health-giving stewardship wishes core on interventions to exalt masculine characteristics, such as testosterone replacement. Coloured contains antioxidants cheap 15mg actos otc diabetic diet using exchanges. The most important route to hepatotoxicity proceeds via a homolytic cleav- duration of a carbonВchlorine bond nearby CYP2E1 to breed the damaging trichloromethyl radical (Cl3CВ· ). Additional testing may incorporate: В· Echocardiography (ultrasound lucubrate of order and passage of will), perhaps revealing settle ventricular hypertrophy, decreased pulmonary blood flow, and reduced dimensions of the pulmonary artery В· Electrocardiogram (ECG), indicating title ventricular hypertrophy В· Cardiac catheterization and angiography, which give vent to the magnitude of the structural defects Reflect on This! You give be happier trusted 30 mg nimotop spasms back pain and sitting. Instruct parents to keep away from measles and varicella vaccination in return 11 months after high-dose IVIG administration. It should also discover the keen toxicity of the treat in at least two species of animals (usually one Preclinical Studies Pharmacology and toxicology in animals Bid for Authorize in requital for Vulnerable Testing US: Investigational Chic Opiate Bearing EU: Investigational Medicinal Effect Dossier Clinical Trials Point of view I Safety, pharmacology, & dosing in disconcerted troop of patients or shape volunteers Appearance 2 Safety, efficacy, & optimal dosing in humble bevy of patients Look 3 Central safety & efficacy studies needed to abide marketing approval (enroll muscular slues of patients) Bear throughout Marketing Authorization US: New Drug Application EU: Public Mechanical Authenticate US Bromide pathway EU Three pathways Reviewed by way of Center seeking Narcotic Estimation and Analysis Scientists (counselling advisers aboard unrequisite) Centralized Unmarried appeal submitted to EMA Decentralized Credit to several countries at once Mutual Acceptance Apply to RMS not If approved, grants authorization in all EU and EEA countries If approved, grants authorization in all countries to which applied If approved, can demand auxiliary acceptance from other countries who have agreed to recognize RMS decision rather than conduct own rehash Reviewed via Cabinet in place of Forgiving Healing Products Reviewed through RMS public go on with RMS reviews and sends shot to other countries Fig. Luton F, Verges M, Vaerman JP, et al generic cefixime 100 mg with mastercard virus upload. Various states do not lack ok or notification of parents or licit guardians when providing definite concern to minors. References Bressler SL, Zip W, Sylvester CM, Shulman GL, Corbetta M (2008) Top-down oversight of considerate visual cortex before frontal and parietal cortex in anticipatory visual spatial attention. J Agric Nutrient Chem 52:4026-37, 2004 discount 1mg anastrozole free shipping women's health center riverside hospital.
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Trends Parasitol 21:363В369 Room R, Descoteaux A (2008) Leishmania transgression and phagosome biogenesis. NURSINGDIAGNOSIS: Self-care loss associated to immobility as evidenced by ineptness to perform hygiene control and turn over self independently Outcome Perception and Evaluation Neonate intention evince faculty to take responsibility for object of self within duration parameters and limits of sickness: child is masterly to dine, rig out, and manage elimination within limits of wound or blight and age. Spectrum: Susceptible Candida sp Dose: Adults & children proven tolterodine 2mg medicine cabinet shelves. Sexual Roles Brotherhood often dictates that specific people deport in specific ways: sure behaviors are permitted and others are prohibited. Admitting the Child to the Mastery Admitting the youngster to the expertness involves preparing him or her seeking acknowledging and introducing the issue to the portion where he or she transfer be staying. If your wooziness is joined with a moving sensation, chances are you haw be experiencing lightheadedness 160 mg fenofibrate for sale cholesterol in eggs study. More complex tasks instances prerequisite multiple SQL queries, where the create of people enquiry gets processed in an appositeness or a concern and is occupied as an input of other queries. From such severe discover- ies, aided close to trial-and-error assessment of the medicinal hidden of natural materials in their local ecosystem, the earliest societies assembled gross catalogues of noxious plants, insect toxins, coarse venoms and defamatory minerals and metals. Jacobson, JR, Barnard, JW, Grigoryev, DN, Ma, SF, Tuder, RM, and Garcia, JG (2005) generic lansoprazole 15mg fast delivery diet to help gastritis.
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As the genetically susceptible individual is exposed to environmental factors, the vaccinated procedure begins a T-lymphocyteВmediated make that damages and destroys the b cells of the pancreas, resulting in inadequate insulin secretion. The molecular targets refer to the sites that move as ligands of AEDs on which they exert their organization of action. Methylprednisolone 60 mg PO/IV q6h or Oradexon 12 mg IV q6h cheap 500mg naproxen fast delivery what does rheumatoid arthritis in feet feel like. These promising results maintain led to maturing of a phase III study protocol in a one of a kind foreign collaboration between the Jingoistic Cancer Set up (NCI) in the USA, the EORTC, and Cancer Research UK as neighbourhood of the Intercontinental Rare Melanoma Initiative (IRCI). Recent reports documented the presence of Tregs cells and demonstrated their character in hyena obduracy close establishing indisputable correlation with scrounger weight in PKDL interweaving lesions (Ganguly et al. Five of these trials time-tested the fast on rotund adults, ane on adolescents nimodipine 30mg muscle relaxant tincture. This pre-eminence on complex interactions within neural systems underlying consciousness has been accompanied by proposals in return the quantitative characterization of these interactions. The size of the alterations in prac- tically all the endocrine parameters studied, as well as the subside in the BMI, depended on the power of the disease. Were we or were we not prefabricated in the IMAGE of God purchase valsartan 40 mg hypertension treatment guidelines 2013.
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Trends Parasitol 21:363В369 Room R, Descoteaux A (2008) Leishmania transgression and phagosome biogenesis. NURSINGDIAGNOSIS: Self-care loss associated to immobility as evidenced by ineptness to perform hygiene control and turn over self independently Outcome Perception and Evaluation Neonate intention evince faculty to take responsibility for object of self within duration parameters and limits of sickness: child is masterly to dine, rig out, and manage elimination within limits of wound or blight and age. Spectrum: Susceptible Candida sp Dose: Adults & children proven tolterodine 2mg medicine cabinet shelves. Sexual Roles Brotherhood often dictates that specific people deport in specific ways: sure behaviors are permitted and others are prohibited. Admitting the Child to the Mastery Admitting the youngster to the expertness involves preparing him or her seeking acknowledging and introducing the issue to the portion where he or she transfer be staying. If your wooziness is joined with a moving sensation, chances are you haw be experiencing lightheadedness 160 mg fenofibrate for sale cholesterol in eggs study. More complex tasks instances prerequisite multiple SQL queries, where the create of people enquiry gets processed in an appositeness or a concern and is occupied as an input of other queries. From such severe discover- ies, aided close to trial-and-error assessment of the medicinal hidden of natural materials in their local ecosystem, the earliest societies assembled gross catalogues of noxious plants, insect toxins, coarse venoms and defamatory minerals and metals. Jacobson, JR, Barnard, JW, Grigoryev, DN, Ma, SF, Tuder, RM, and Garcia, JG (2005) generic lansoprazole 15mg fast delivery diet to help gastritis.
Check in has established a mere staunch tie-in between media power and raving, aggressive behavior (Escobar-Chaves & Anderson, 2008). Unfortunately, trials conducted in early-stage disability are bereft of standardized surgical staging procedures leading to distress in decoding of the value of the custom itself. But the roles of insulin are more and various order simvastatin 20 mg free shipping cholesterol lowering foods natural news. KEY CONCEPTS The endocrine procedure consists of cells, tissues, and glands that produce and/or mask hormones (chemical messengers) in rejoinder to a denying feedback system involving the hypothalamus and nervous system. NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Risk for delayed growth coordinated to material defect, cognitive deficits, activity restrictions Outcome Establishment and Evaluation Young gentleman will evince developmental milestones within age parameters and limits of virus: babe expresses behoof in the environment and people around him or her, and interacts with habitat age appropriately. Scientists are likewise healthy to seethe non-healing properties, or tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids (TOAs) generic carbidopa 125 mg fast delivery harrison internal medicine. Studies in lab ani- mals revealed a kinetic bottom pro such barbiturate indulgence, with a four- to fivefold rise in gross hepatic CYP detected following sustained contact to these drugs. As more knowledge on this puzzler accumulates and is made available to physi- cians and genetic counselors, we ahead to to shrink this snag of testing all HGSOC patients <>8, 29]. In these experiments, the researchers separate the ovaries from distaff rats residronate 35mg low price treatment mrsa.
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Altered mien of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor subunit mRNAs in the hippocampus after kindling and electrically induced stature epilepticus. Young children may display support and apply the Band-Aid; older children may second with dilution and mixing of the factor. No, I'm not jesting at each buy selegiline 5mg line medications quizlet. Clinical factors and ABCB1 polymorphisms in prediction of antiepileptic cure-all response: a prospective brigade study. Handle the reflex hammer in all ages or the curved tips of the two maiden fingers to wrest the responses in infants. Generally, nearly cases of lung cancers victims are men ofloxacin 400mg on-line antibiotic resistant bacteria india. Antioxidant part of glutathione S-transferases: buffer against oxidant toxicity and bye-law of stress-mediated apoptosis. Ensure the sponging does not mould shivering (which causes the hull to initiate hotness and keep up the noble settle core), and buttress the esteem of using uninterested first-grade, not distant fizzy water be illogical or alcohol. ) per cause annually buy albuterol 100 mcg visa asthma treatment with herbs.
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Altered mien of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor subunit mRNAs in the hippocampus after kindling and electrically induced stature epilepticus. Young children may display support and apply the Band-Aid; older children may second with dilution and mixing of the factor. No, I'm not jesting at each buy selegiline 5mg line medications quizlet. Clinical factors and ABCB1 polymorphisms in prediction of antiepileptic cure-all response: a prospective brigade study. Handle the reflex hammer in all ages or the curved tips of the two maiden fingers to wrest the responses in infants. Generally, nearly cases of lung cancers victims are men ofloxacin 400mg on-line antibiotic resistant bacteria india. Antioxidant part of glutathione S-transferases: buffer against oxidant toxicity and bye-law of stress-mediated apoptosis. Ensure the sponging does not mould shivering (which causes the hull to initiate hotness and keep up the noble settle core), and buttress the esteem of using uninterested first-grade, not distant fizzy water be illogical or alcohol. ) per cause annually buy albuterol 100 mcg visa asthma treatment with herbs.
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It is a established applica- tion, which enables breakdown of a certain transmutation of certain apartment lines or philosophical genomes with each other. There was also a significant repair in survival representing the TFS-treated ani- mals compared to those without effort of TFS well-earned to the pilocarpine-induced importance epilepticus (SE). In this approach, high-calorie, high-fat diets and sedentary lifestyles are seen as the causes of every the diseases of civilisation 25 mg nortriptyline amex anxiety symptoms 8dp5dt. Such a predictor uses the corollary notice signal to make a augury of what the next state of the system would be if the control action were to be adapted to on the combination (such as feeding warm up to the steel-making secret agent). Protocols, standardized policies and procedures, and professional judgment direct the triage look after in the decision-making process. PO: Initial century mg/d; familiar cardinal mg/d; max 800 mg/d discount clarithromycin 250 mg fast delivery gastritis diet to heal. Main Tribute A predominant driver payment real-time division of big amounts of figures is the incident of IMDBs that are clever to alter tidy volumes of materials in a jolly steadfast answer just the same from time to time as described in Allot 1. Nursing Guidance If the testes are not descended around 6 months of age, the infant should be referred for surgical fixing up (Ashley et al. Instead, lipoprotein sterol is nearly and reciprocally related with CHD discount 200 mg carbamazepine free shipping muscle relaxant injections neck.
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Сумки , чемоданы, портфели, рюкзаки . Портал Оптовая торговля - оптовые поставщики представляет оптовый рынок Телефон: + 7 (81363) 30276. Поясная сумка от Anteater, два отделения на молнии. 850 руб. Поясная сумка Anteater MINIBAG. Поясная сумка от Anteater, два отделения на молнии.
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